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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. They're both garbage tbh.
  2. tbh 49739[/snapback] That wink is blatantly fruity. Not the sort of thing I'd want to direct at another bloke tbh.
  3. Jesus wept (and I mean that). 49628[/snapback] JJ's second favourite advert, after the Sean Bean Sky one. I've heard the reason he hasn't been around is cos he's working on an article with a Christmas release date.
  4. I'm third and yet only classed as "On the bench". If I don't get a game soon I'll have to consider my future on the board.
  5. Is that someone's house?
  6. Agreed. Not entirely sure why it isn't either. I don't bother with it as much as I used to though....
  7. As I was reading through this thread that's exactly what's been running through my head. Except mine was more "I cannot believe anyone still watches this stuff." TV for morons. FACT.
  8. I've served Donna Air an Archer's and Lemonade. The silly bitch had sunglasses on in a nightclub.
  9. Like totally zany tbh.
  10. self righteous enough to insinute the same towards those who say it's complete crap though. Incidentally, do you still think Souness will be "successful" [ie top 4] now that we have the moral booster of making hard work of beating a team certain to be relegated 48906[/snapback] 49053[/snapback] Well ? 49059[/snapback] Boring. 49060[/snapback] you'll do anything but admit you are wrong won't you ? 49063[/snapback] Becareful LM he will offer to paint you something just because you disagree with him and therefore you don't understand/can't read/are having a bad day. 49065[/snapback] Ooo ganging up on me.
  11. self righteous enough to insinute the same towards those who say it's complete crap though. Incidentally, do you still think Souness will be "successful" [ie top 4] now that we have the moral booster of making hard work of beating a team certain to be relegated 48906[/snapback] 49053[/snapback] Well ? 49059[/snapback] Boring. 49060[/snapback] you'll do anything but admit you are wrong won't you ? 49063[/snapback] As I've said to you on umpteen occasions - how am I wrong? What was the cutoff point whereby saying the manager needed time was proved wrong? Have we not established that we'll wait til the end of the season to make that judgement? Or can you not stop yourself making the same boring digs and asking the same pointless questions every week?
  12. self righteous enough to insinute the same towards those who say it's complete crap though. Incidentally, do you still think Souness will be "successful" [ie top 4] now that we have the moral booster of making hard work of beating a team certain to be relegated 48906[/snapback] 49053[/snapback] Well ? 49059[/snapback] Boring.
  13. In fairness, I've noticed Sammy has that effect on people. 48701[/snapback] Love you too DotBum. I'm not being argumentative for the fun of it, Gemmill made a throw away line statement and told the world it was FACT. Well as I've always known FACT means: Now we know the meaning of fact, lets look lets look at the FACTS. Dyer would bring something to the team if he was available but he isn't. Bellamy would bring something to the team if he was available but he isn't. Ambrose would bring something to the team if he was available but he isn't. Hughes would bring something to the team if he was available but he isn't. Robert would bring something to the team if he was available but he isn't. Jenas would bring something to the team if he was available but he isn't. Out of all of the above players, 3 players scored goals, one hit the post with a screamer, another scored an own goal (although there were two opposition players there to put it in the net anyway) but then went on to stop a sure goal to keep his team in the match and one was injured, having played only 2 games this season just before securing an 80k/week contract. FACT. The other thing to look at is if he was available, who would you have dropped to the bench to accommodate him in the starting 11? Do you really think he is going to be content to come off the bench? Jesus wept, I didn't think so. 49015[/snapback] Boring tbh. And I have absolutely no idea what point you were trying to make with your bizarre comparison to players that don't play for us. Cheers for the dictionary definition of fact though. I take it I am going to have to put something together on Paint?
  14. self righteous enough to insinute the same towards those who say it's complete crap though. Incidentally, do you still think Souness will be "successful" [ie top 4] now that we have the moral booster of making hard work of beating a team certain to be relegated 48906[/snapback]
  15. Pot stirring? We know NEwcastle has racism problems. There are literally hundreds of incidents every season. listen at the ground, in the pubs, on forums. Alex Williams is the most obvious - hoying bananas at him. Its not shit-stirring. Its simply pointing out that we havent got rid of the problems. On KROF day it needs reaffirming. Tyneside isnt very tolerant. Its fickle alright but is there more? Probably yes. A lot more in my view. We, as fans need to be active. Not sticking head in sand like Peasepud has doen and throw arms in air. ITs not all or nothing. If some are - and there are plenty of them - it doesnt follow the peasepud path of sgetting stroppy and suggesting I said ALL are. Nor does it mean NONE are. However, there are plenty. Sadly. At matches some jeer poor players. Others? Well, its hardly coincidental is it? 48682[/snapback] There is a very very small minority of arseholes that will shout out something racist on very rare occasions. That's inexcusable, but I don't think it can accurately be referred to as a "racism problem" - that to me sounds like something deep-seated and widespread and I don't know whereabouts you sit in the ground, but that isn't my experience where I sit. And before anyone starts, I'm not excusing anything or trying to brush the racist comments that are sometimes (and I'm talking VERY rarely, in my experience) made under the carpet. To me, a club with "racism problems" would be one where a black player suffers monkey-chanting etc. I've heard one racist comment this season where I sit and probably two last season, both at away games - sorry, but that's an ignorant arsehole problem, not an entrenched racism problem. The argument that black players are receiving stick because they're black is ridiculous by the way. The ones that you've listed have got stick because they've been playing completely shite - playing the race card on their behalf is pathetic. 48696[/snapback] Personally i have no wish to re-open this can of worms. I said my piece before and i thought a very good debate followed. I also have no wish to create any divisions on here because i like all the regulars i 'know'. However Gemmil, if the last paragraph above is your view with regards to the attitude of all football fans in general, then i think it is a little blinkered. 48705[/snapback] It's my attitude with regards to the lads I know that go to watch Newcastle - I can only speak from my own experiences. Not many like Jenas (because he was shit), not many think much of Shola (because he's invariably disappointing), and they're beginning to have a problem with Boumsong (because he doesn't look like much of a defender at the moment). There isn't one of them that has a problem with these players because of the colour of their skin, or at least none that have made that public. 48709[/snapback] Fair enough. However, the point remains: Lee Bowyer is shit and has been for 3 years. Does he get the abuse Jenas did? In the same quantity? Once Boumsong has been targeted - and he will be- will it be as easy for him rather than Stephen Taylor (who has dropped 3 major clangers this season but got away with 2 of them - 1st half vs Man Utd (trying to be clever and thy missed a sitter), Blackburn (diving in/pulling shirts constantly =10men) to avoid the abuse? Most rational people accept that players are players. However, we have seen 101 posters/people in pubs using the words 'bling bastards' with regard to many of our players. Does that have any race connotation or is it something to do with football? Some things are explicit (Alex williams amd bananas thrown from the leazes). It doesnt happen anymore. Does that mean its all gone? Racism is tacit thoughout. And it does exist. The worry from my perspective is that we will NEVER have a decent side until we lose the fickle CM nonsense and we discard this unequal playing field. Do you see what I mean regarding Babayaro/Carr? One has actually played well this season. I have seen the words 'bling' and 'bastard' used to describe him frequently. Why? We seem to have accepted this. Is it racism? Is it a fan who does it? 'waste of spunk' was the descriptor of a player who didnt play yesterday. It wasnt the one who was injured and didnt sue the Mirror. 48711[/snapback] I don't think your comparisons work mate - Bowyer gets less stick because his commitment is unquestionable and people put a lot of stock in that. I've watched Jenas hide in big games and that to me is inexcusable. Bowyer's problem was poor form, and people will excuse that more than they will a lack of heart. As for Taylor and Boumsong - Taylor is a local lad and definitely gets too much worship based on his performances. However, I really don't believe that that's down to his skin colour - I think it's because he's a young local lad who gives 100% and who is finding his way in the game. Boumsong is an established international who cost 8m quid and people expect a lot more from him than he's currently delivering. Babayaro/Carr - I think we want rid of both tbh.
  16. Pot stirring? We know NEwcastle has racism problems. There are literally hundreds of incidents every season. listen at the ground, in the pubs, on forums. Alex Williams is the most obvious - hoying bananas at him. Its not shit-stirring. Its simply pointing out that we havent got rid of the problems. On KROF day it needs reaffirming. Tyneside isnt very tolerant. Its fickle alright but is there more? Probably yes. A lot more in my view. We, as fans need to be active. Not sticking head in sand like Peasepud has doen and throw arms in air. ITs not all or nothing. If some are - and there are plenty of them - it doesnt follow the peasepud path of sgetting stroppy and suggesting I said ALL are. Nor does it mean NONE are. However, there are plenty. Sadly. At matches some jeer poor players. Others? Well, its hardly coincidental is it? 48682[/snapback] There is a very very small minority of arseholes that will shout out something racist on very rare occasions. That's inexcusable, but I don't think it can accurately be referred to as a "racism problem" - that to me sounds like something deep-seated and widespread and I don't know whereabouts you sit in the ground, but that isn't my experience where I sit. And before anyone starts, I'm not excusing anything or trying to brush the racist comments that are sometimes (and I'm talking VERY rarely, in my experience) made under the carpet. To me, a club with "racism problems" would be one where a black player suffers monkey-chanting etc. I've heard one racist comment this season where I sit and probably two last season, both at away games - sorry, but that's an ignorant arsehole problem, not an entrenched racism problem. The argument that black players are receiving stick because they're black is ridiculous by the way. The ones that you've listed have got stick because they've been playing completely shite - playing the race card on their behalf is pathetic. 48696[/snapback] Personally i have no wish to re-open this can of worms. I said my piece before and i thought a very good debate followed. I also have no wish to create any divisions on here because i like all the regulars i 'know'. However Gemmil, if the last paragraph above is your view with regards to the attitude of all football fans in general, then i think it is a little blinkered. 48705[/snapback] Its a can of worms. Answer this Gemmill. Do Black players get an even playing field regarding abuse - even how 'shite' they are? We win yesterday and out comes the bile towards players who werent even playing? Is that just shit fans? Dont know do we? Babayaro has actually played well this season. He has to do twice what Stephen Carr does to avoid abuse. titus always has got more abuse than AOB. - even though both played poorly. In 2005 Gemmill you have heard racist abuse. In itself, even if its 'just' a slip of the tongue, its ridiculous. The undercurrent is still there in more than the morons though. Black people tend to have to work harder in life to prove themselves. there is documented evidence of that. I suspect that NUFCs black players fall into the same category. They have to do more to avoid the abuse. Nobody is doubting the players have had moments when they have been poor. However, they are one slip up away from more abuse. Others, like Milner, Carr, Ambrose, AOB (for a long long time), Griffin, ALL played badly but didnt get the same level of abuse. Why? Its not a race card Gemmill. Its a very important topic that doesnt need knee jerk replies. 48707[/snapback] I'm not suggesting that racism doesn't exist but I'm not prepared to make assumptions that a player is receiving stick because of the colour of their skin, when that player is consistently underperforming. I've heard plenty of moans and groans at mistakes made by white players too - Nicky Butt got it in the neck plenty, as did O'Brien. As I've said I'm not naively suggesting that there aren't some who think the way you've said, but I know personally that my problems with particular players stem from their performances, whatever their skin colour may be.
  17. Pot stirring? We know NEwcastle has racism problems. There are literally hundreds of incidents every season. listen at the ground, in the pubs, on forums. Alex Williams is the most obvious - hoying bananas at him. Its not shit-stirring. Its simply pointing out that we havent got rid of the problems. On KROF day it needs reaffirming. Tyneside isnt very tolerant. Its fickle alright but is there more? Probably yes. A lot more in my view. We, as fans need to be active. Not sticking head in sand like Peasepud has doen and throw arms in air. ITs not all or nothing. If some are - and there are plenty of them - it doesnt follow the peasepud path of sgetting stroppy and suggesting I said ALL are. Nor does it mean NONE are. However, there are plenty. Sadly. At matches some jeer poor players. Others? Well, its hardly coincidental is it? 48682[/snapback] There is a very very small minority of arseholes that will shout out something racist on very rare occasions. That's inexcusable, but I don't think it can accurately be referred to as a "racism problem" - that to me sounds like something deep-seated and widespread and I don't know whereabouts you sit in the ground, but that isn't my experience where I sit. And before anyone starts, I'm not excusing anything or trying to brush the racist comments that are sometimes (and I'm talking VERY rarely, in my experience) made under the carpet. To me, a club with "racism problems" would be one where a black player suffers monkey-chanting etc. I've heard one racist comment this season where I sit and probably two last season, both at away games - sorry, but that's an ignorant arsehole problem, not an entrenched racism problem. The argument that black players are receiving stick because they're black is ridiculous by the way. The ones that you've listed have got stick because they've been playing completely shite - playing the race card on their behalf is pathetic. 48696[/snapback] Personally i have no wish to re-open this can of worms. I said my piece before and i thought a very good debate followed. I also have no wish to create any divisions on here because i like all the regulars i 'know'. However Gemmil, if the last paragraph above is your view with regards to the attitude of all football fans in general, then i think it is a little blinkered. 48705[/snapback] It's my attitude with regards to the lads I know that go to watch Newcastle - I can only speak from my own experiences. Not many like Jenas (because he was shit), not many think much of Shola (because he's invariably disappointing), and they're beginning to have a problem with Boumsong (because he doesn't look like much of a defender at the moment). There isn't one of them that has a problem with these players because of the colour of their skin, or at least none that have made that public.
  18. Jeepers you're in a patronising mood today! 48699[/snapback] Sir, he started it sir!
  19. Pot stirring? We know NEwcastle has racism problems. There are literally hundreds of incidents every season. listen at the ground, in the pubs, on forums. Alex Williams is the most obvious - hoying bananas at him. Its not shit-stirring. Its simply pointing out that we havent got rid of the problems. On KROF day it needs reaffirming. Tyneside isnt very tolerant. Its fickle alright but is there more? Probably yes. A lot more in my view. We, as fans need to be active. Not sticking head in sand like Peasepud has doen and throw arms in air. ITs not all or nothing. If some are - and there are plenty of them - it doesnt follow the peasepud path of sgetting stroppy and suggesting I said ALL are. Nor does it mean NONE are. However, there are plenty. Sadly. At matches some jeer poor players. Others? Well, its hardly coincidental is it? 48682[/snapback] There is a very very small minority of arseholes that will shout out something racist on very rare occasions. That's inexcusable, but I don't think it can accurately be referred to as a "racism problem" - that to me sounds like something deep-seated and widespread and I don't know whereabouts you sit in the ground, but that isn't my experience where I sit. And before anyone starts, I'm not excusing anything or trying to brush the racist comments that are sometimes (and I'm talking VERY rarely, in my experience) made under the carpet. To me, a club with "racism problems" would be one where a black player suffers monkey-chanting etc. I've heard one racist comment this season where I sit and probably two last season, both at away games - sorry, but that's an ignorant arsehole problem, not an entrenched racism problem. The argument that black players are receiving stick because they're black is ridiculous by the way. The ones that you've listed have got stick because they've been playing completely shite - playing the race card on their behalf is pathetic.
  20. The crowd is getting worse at SJP. Its like listening to bairns playing Championship Manager. Walk up to the ground and you here SKYSPORTS soundbites. "This one is WORLD CLASS - CNZ" (and he was poor today- one or two touches and people start rolling over themselves to honour him-in two months they will have him as scapegoat) Sheep? Unfortunately that is too true. I still go to other grounds when i cant get to away games. Places like Norwich, Ipswich, Sheffield Wed, Crewe, Luton etc have a core of proper fans who have been there for years. They understand the club AND its history (before the bairns start - 4 of those have won trophies more recently than us). Better astmosphere. Less spoilt. Ours is getting an embarrassment. Perhaps we grew to quickly and left a generation who didnt get in acting like automatons. Perhaps its tellys overkill. whatever it is. I have never seen a crowd at SJP more fickle and less aware than it is recently (last 5 years or so) 48622[/snapback] Jesus wept. The fact that the whole "Easy" thing never gets done at SJP apart from yesterday and on very rare occasions at cup games proves to me that it was used yesterday for no other reason than to wind the mackems up. Talk of "40,000 wankaz" and condemnation of the majority of the crowd is a slight overreaction to people taking the piss out of some plebs in the away end, don't you think?? Incidentally I wasn't involved in the chant, and think it's a bit crap, but I'm not quite self-righteous enough to pass judgement on those that were. 48634[/snapback] The chant isnt the point Gemmill. The atmosphere and fickle nature of our crowd is. People seem incapable of thinking without something they heard some fat bloke on SKY say popping into the conversation/argument. Sheep.Easy Easy is simply another example. An embarrassing and cheesy one. 48684[/snapback] Well yesterday we actually had an atmosphere and yet you've decided you didn't like the chants that were a part of it. Now who's fickle?
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