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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Bring on Chelsea! 53342[/snapback] Following Mourinho's quote that if he lost 3 games in a row he'd expect to be sacked, I expect he'll be spending most of the next couple of weeks on the bog.
  2. There are probably at least 5 billion people in the world I feel more sorry for than Kieron Dyer. I'm sure the 80K a week he fleeces from us will be of some comfort to him. Then, of course, there is the fact that even when he has been fit to play in the past he has refused on the grounds that "it isn't his best position". Being made the captain? The club is not worthy of him apparently. Nobody has a clue what is wrong with him and personally I think it is pointless speculating. But no way am I going to give him any sympathy when there is real suffering in this world 53307[/snapback] Fair enough. I feel sorry for him because I think he'd like to be playing but for some reason or other he can't. The fact that he's earning 80k a week is irrelevant. I feel sorry for Woodgate with his latest setback too, and I imagine he's earning more in a week than I do in a year. Oh and out of interest, there are people in the world that I have more sympathy for than Dyer, you numb-nuts I didn't say he was number one. 53310[/snapback] Numb-nuts! For some reason, I do feel sorry for Woodgate, but not Dyer. I guess I am just sick of my perceived poor attitude he has. And the fact he didn't give me his autograph (). And the fact he drives like a complete dick. Obviously I don't wish the lad any ill, and if he does have something seriously wrong with him, my attitude might soften. Still wish we'd sold him years ago though. 53320[/snapback] He probably thought you were the Grim Reaper.
  3. Aye, Bramble's long balls were ridiculous. Alex has an interesting theory about this. 53325[/snapback] What's Alex's theory on Bramble's balls then or have I been whooshed? 53328[/snapback] He reckons Bramble just likes the look of the ball as it flies through the air. So even if there's no one there to receive a pass he just enjoys wellying it as hard as he can and then standing in awe admiring the arc and trajectory of the ball in a Forest Gump stylee. EDIT Bit racist if you ask me. 53329[/snapback] Eh? Forest Gump's white. 53333[/snapback] Aye, but Bubba's not.
  4. Aye, Bramble's long balls were ridiculous. Alex has an interesting theory about this. 53325[/snapback] What's Alex's theory on Bramble's balls then or have I been whooshed? 53328[/snapback] He reckons Bramble just likes the look of the ball as it flies through the air. So even if there's no one there to receive a pass he just enjoys wellying it as hard as he can and then standing in awe admiring the arc and trajectory of the ball in a Forest Gump stylee. EDIT Bit racist if you ask me.
  5. I read in The Sunday Times that Jenas is in 'the form of his life'. Hasn't he had two or three decent games in a row or something? 53301[/snapback] Must be some kind of record for him. 53302[/snapback] Form of his life man 53304[/snapback] Jenas will become a great player under a decent manager. That's a nailed on guarantee. 53326[/snapback] Until he sorts out the fact that he's a twiglet I don't think he'll ever be "great". He also needs to work on the fact that he's currently shit.
  6. Aye, Bramble's long balls were ridiculous. Alex has an interesting theory about this.
  7. There are probably at least 5 billion people in the world I feel more sorry for than Kieron Dyer. I'm sure the 80K a week he fleeces from us will be of some comfort to him. Then, of course, there is the fact that even when he has been fit to play in the past he has refused on the grounds that "it isn't his best position". Being made the captain? The club is not worthy of him apparently. Nobody has a clue what is wrong with him and personally I think it is pointless speculating. But no way am I going to give him any sympathy when there is real suffering in this world 53307[/snapback] Fair enough. I feel sorry for him because I think he'd like to be playing but for some reason or other he can't. The fact that he's earning 80k a week is irrelevant. I feel sorry for Woodgate with his latest setback too, and I imagine he's earning more in a week than I do in a year. Oh and out of interest, there are people in the world that I have more sympathy for than Dyer, you numb-nuts I didn't say he was number one. :D
  8. The fact that he continually picks Jenas without fail and irrespective of form (or ability) just beggars belief.
  9. All of which makes the fact that he screamed at Yvette calling her a bitch even funnier.
  10. I see sheep again. Can't see the big picture, can you, Gemmill? Neither can your 'friend' by the sound of it. 53222[/snapback] Obviously you're right and I can't see the big picture. But then I'm not seeing sheep either.
  11. If he stopped posting that would be one less person for you to follow, wouldn't it. He's been a twat the last few days, posting sarcasm after most of my posts, but now and again he does put a decent post up that looks like a brain is behind it. I'm surprised you haven't learned from him, since you appear to bow and scrape after him most of the time. Then again, I'm not surprised iibafhwya 53226[/snapback] Nice one Gripper.
  12. Fuck me with a lamp pole and I was pretty sure I had seen the mackems score twice... 53196[/snapback] Lamp pole.
  13. renewed optimism last heard when winning 8 games or whatever against pub teams last season. Not too far away from the mentioned 4 wins, against poor teams, all of whom had grounds for feeling they at least matched us, or looking at it the other way round, we were as bad as them. And unfortunately, we still aren't in the top 4/5 position we were in before Souness arrived. The post from isegrim is good reading. 53191[/snapback] 3 points off 4th tbh.
  14. Me, Alex, Cath, Steve, Lou, Matt, Neil post match. Think that was it off here.
  15. Not fashionable to say it on here like, but I feel sorry for the lad. Regardless of how much he's getting paid a week for being injured, I'm pretty fucking sure he'd rather be playing.
  16. Has anyone seen alex? I'm worried about him.
  17. Good luck to the lad, although I think he could probably do without the extra games this early in his comeback.
  18. Could have sworn we won yesterday like. We didn't blow them away but they came for a nil-nil and they nearly got it......nearly, but not quite. Shit game, not a great performance, but 3 points on the board. Still, if you're happier twisting after 4 wins on the bounce...... Oh and nice comment from the Doc.
  19. A few things. 1. I don't get pissed. 2. Nice to see there is a flock of sheep around here. 3. I'm not wound up Alex, I just think you're a cowardly fucker who is brave across the internet. I don't have to in any way wound up to think about confirming that. BTW I was never in the Army. 52753[/snapback] Scout leader? 52755[/snapback] Sheep tbh 52758[/snapback] Baa.
  20. A few things. 1. I don't get pissed. 2. Nice to see there is a flock of sheep around here. 3. I'm not wound up Alex, I just think you're a cowardly fucker who is brave across the internet. I don't have to in any way wound up to think about confirming that. BTW I was never in the Army. 52753[/snapback] Scout leader?
  21. We'll miss him now that he's injured again. FACT!
  22. If HTL wins does Alex have to put "Luque is Robert's replacement" in his sig? Is that his punishment? What is the fucking point in offering someone out over a clash on an internet forum? Pathetic.
  23. The Grudge was the least scary horror film ever. It was laughably bad.
  24. Apparently this is going to be broadcast tonight after they pulled it last night. He names 5 players, among them John O'Shea and Kieran Richardson and a few of the other younger lads and goes through everything he thinks is wrong with them. Surely this sort of thing is best done behind closed doors. Strikes me that this is a bit of a "I know we're not doing very well, but it's not my fault, it's theirs" message to the fans.
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