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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. The top one is the fucking double of alex.
  2. So there we have Alex, Gemmill and Manc-Mac. But there is neither a fat ginger nor a bald chimp. 53975[/snapback] Cheeky fucking kraut.
  3. Exactly how I've always pictured Renton as well.
  4. If only for how hard security'll have to work to keep me away.... *sigh* 53899[/snapback] I think you need help tbh. I would imagine he is repulsive to 99% of women! 53924[/snapback] Yes, but this Lou isn't a woman, it is a lunatic. 53942[/snapback] "It".
  5. So are we all agreed that Lou looks like Button off Neighbours though?
  6. Look Renton, here's a newsflash for you: THIS IS NOT MY OR ANYBODY ELSE'S STEROTYPE. IT IS WHAT LAURENT ROBERT IS REALLY LIKE. How many times does he have to go to the press with this sort of shit before you get that? The "La la I'm not listening" approach can only be taken so long. Sooner or later you'll come to your senses. :D
  7. Because the Sun would never do that. Once again, if Robert is a total wanker, what does that make certain other individuals still at the club? He has a tendency to shoot his mouth off true. But does Souness himself not do this? I expect you'll conveniently forget his frequent outbursts, at every club he has been with. 53912[/snapback] 53913[/snapback] Aye, why not produce a picture of a fisherman or something? Or you could always answer the points I made, of course. 53917[/snapback] What points man? How can you defend the bloke? I really don't understand why you don't give up. Whether Souness is prone to outbursts or not doesn't take away from the fact that Robert is a penis does it?
  8. Because the Sun would never do that. Once again, if Robert is a total wanker, what does that make certain other individuals still at the club? He has a tendency to shoot his mouth off true. But does Souness himself not do this? I expect you'll conveniently forget his frequent outbursts, at every club he has been with. 53912[/snapback]
  9. I think they've concluded that as the chairman makes all decisions on player purchases and sales, that a coach is all that's needed.
  10. He'll be in the paper tomorrow claiming he's been misinterpreted. The bloke is a total wanker.
  11. Thats the best news I've heard all day. There's this young bird I'm working with at the minute who thinks she's all high & mighty because she's been an 18-30 club rep in for the last six months. Anyway this is our last week of training before we go into the job and she's now giving it the big one because she's got a job at the Rock to start Monday and how she was only doing the training to tide her over money wise, Aye right Oh! I swear for a 20 year old lass I've never met anyone with such a bad attitude, especially towards other lasses. Of course i told her how my thoughts about her, hoping to see a few tears but she just smiled this sick little smile and said "I know", Bitch! I quite liked that Still fuck her though if she asked nicely 53852[/snapback] 20 though....you're nearly twice her age. Sick as Shearergol and his missus tbh. 53854[/snapback] As me Fatha always says "you're as old as the woman you feel" 53856[/snapback] How were his 11th birthday celebrations by the way? 53858[/snapback] Sick bastard.
  12. Who are the decent ones? I haven't been on there in ages.
  13. Not at all. Romario was a much bigger pain in the arse for Robson than Robert, he makes a direct comparison with them in his book. And Gemmill - both are flair franch players, who are tempermental and talk bollocks off the pitch. Class comparison tbh! 53806[/snapback] Lazy tbh.
  14. Oh and Renton, your attempts to compare Robert to Owen and Cantona were as bad as Craig's Chelsea effort yesterday. :D
  15. I think the brief window where Matt had any chance of getting sensible advice in this thread has now closed.
  16. Very little baggage compared to Dyer imo. It'll be interesting to see if we improve without him though. 53748[/snapback] You may or may not be right but it's a separate issue as far as I'm concerned. The problems Robert is having at Pompey highlight what Robson, Souness and Robert's team mates at Newcastle have had to put up with in my opinion. 53762[/snapback] Well you're right, but that's where good management comes into it. Remember Cantona and Ferguson? Not that I'm comparing Cantona to Robert in terms of ability, but you get the point without me going further, I'm sure. 53766[/snapback] Haway man Renton, how many managers have to try and fail with Robert before it becomes Robert's responsibility? There are individuals in life who are just unmanageable. 53770[/snapback] Obese tbh 53774[/snapback] Tit.
  17. Very little baggage compared to Dyer imo. It'll be interesting to see if we improve without him though. 53748[/snapback] You may or may not be right but it's a separate issue as far as I'm concerned. The problems Robert is having at Pompey highlight what Robson, Souness and Robert's team mates at Newcastle have had to put up with in my opinion. 53762[/snapback] Well you're right, but that's where good management comes into it. Remember Cantona and Ferguson? Not that I'm comparing Cantona to Robert in terms of ability, but you get the point without me going further, I'm sure. 53766[/snapback] Haway man Renton, how many managers have to try and fail with Robert before it becomes Robert's responsibility? There are individuals in life who are just unmanageable.
  18. I once did a week's work experience at Northern Rock. My duties? Licking stamps.
  19. Agreed, that's why I'm so annoyed. If he'd even put in half the effort most players do, he would now be the best winger in the Premiership by a country mile. Now he's just unwanted at Pompey. Well done Laurent. I remember reading how he excelled at karate. horse-riding and football as a boy but decided the team sport would be the most challenging. Just no-one told him football was the team sport, apparently. Fuck, I sound as bitter as an Alan Oliver piece. 53750[/snapback] Aye, that's what really pissed me off about Robert. All the ability in the world, but no interest in applying himself unless he felt like it. That coupled with the silly interviews etc. meant the bad eventually outweighed the good. 53755[/snapback] Fucking hell man, stop talking in cliches. It's lazy. 53758[/snapback] It's only a cliche because it's all true. Renton is seething. 53760[/snapback] Well that's your opinion. Personally I don't buy it. All players have off days. When it happens to Owen, will it be because he can't be arsed or because he's just not playing well in that match? Your just shoe-horning Robert into your preconceived stereotype - you know, exactly the type of thing you criticise Oliver for doing. Lazy. 53763[/snapback] I think you'll find that Robert is doing a pretty good job of living up to the "preconceived stereotype". No shoe-horn required. I am lazy though, so you're right there.
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