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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Benny's a boiler on this PC. For some reason, I have been seeing different avatars depending on which PC I'm using (including my own avatar). Anybody know why? 54704[/snapback] You need to clear your cache more regularly.... 54718[/snapback] I thought only perverts with wives needed to do that? Shit, that's me! 54754[/snapback] Press CTRL+F5. If this works I'm a computer genius.
  2. If anyone had any sense, that would be the only copy they shifted. They're fucking shite.
  3. Scott! You were nearby and didn't visit? I'm offended. 54561[/snapback] You're defos looking a bit ginga following your haircut mind Stephen.
  4. Frottage. EDIT! Note that it's the word and not the act that I'm talking about.
  5. Dean Saunders. Fucking loser. 54534[/snapback] Him or me?? 54535[/snapback] Most difficult question yet, mate. 54536[/snapback]
  6. http://www.landoverbaptist.org/sissyreader.html Nancy Boy Chrissy, the bed wetting sissy. Do you know someone whose child seems a bit effeminate? Does he dress a little too neatly? Take too much time with his schoolwork? Is he suspiciously polite to grown-ups? Well, "Nancy Boy Chrissy, the Bed Wetting Sissy" is just the holiday gift to provide the tools his parents will need to embarrass and taunt him back to masculinity. This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of Christopher Pansy, a 12-year old boy who is gayer than a May Pole. He is a constant humiliation to his normal, Christian parents.....
  7. Have posted this one before, but it's canny funny so here you go again....a lot of the links on the site are live as well. http://www.landoverbaptist.org/talkingsnake.html
  8. I know, we don't usally get that on a Wednesday. He also did the 'Quick...can't...hold...the...doors...much...longer...' 54466[/snapback] Five minutes ago I had you down as the hero of this story. Now it transpires that that was your boss and you were just the silly fucker that needed saving.
  9. The idea that a sentient being created the big bang is probably a lot easier to grasp than the singularity, which is for me, mind-blowing! But them creationists is probably right, the world is, what is it, 10,000 years old? 54452[/snapback] 6000 and a bit I think. It's been calculated from the old testament very accurately indeed. Oh, and we are all results of incest, and black people are black because they fell in a barrel of red wine iirc. 54458[/snapback] I thought it was 12,000. Calculated by adding up the ages of everyone descended from Adam and Eve, if you please. 54460[/snapback] 6000. I'm willing to go to war over this, you heretical bastard! 54464[/snapback] Trust me I'm an accountant. Numbers are my friend.
  10. I've got a vision of you doing a lumbering version of the Indiana Jones roll between the doors. Sticking your hand back through as the doors slammed to grab your files. 54448[/snapback] The files are still trapped I'm afraid. I did want to grab them but my boss went a bit Hollywood on me 'Quick! Quick! Run man run!' Yes, I was keyed in. 54459[/snapback] Shaved your pubes off? Seems like a bit of an extreme reaction. 54461[/snapback] An impromptu waxing as the doors slammed shut?
  11. The idea that a sentient being created the big bang is probably a lot easier to grasp than the singularity, which is for me, mind-blowing! But them creationists is probably right, the world is, what is it, 10,000 years old? 54452[/snapback] 6000 and a bit I think. It's been calculated from the old testament very accurately indeed. Oh, and we are all results of incest, and black people are black because they fell in a barrel of red wine iirc. 54458[/snapback] I thought it was 12,000. Calculated by adding up the ages of everyone descended from Adam and Eve, if you please.
  12. Is he for real? He's fucking modelled himself on him! 54432[/snapback] How did you nick that photo? The site said no to me basically. 54444[/snapback] Use a proper web-browser then! Image protection bollocks only seems to work through IE (I say 'seems' as I've never tried it through Firefox but I know for certain that Opera gets around it. 54451[/snapback] Don't go turning this into one of your IT nerd threads.
  13. I've got a vision of you doing a lumbering version of the Indiana Jones roll between the doors. Sticking your hand back through as the doors slammed to grab your files.
  14. Aye but the worst of it was she was stuck in there with you.
  15. Nice pseudonym there. How much did you get for your story? 54430[/snapback] As soon as I saw you replying I fucking knew. Mon. 54433[/snapback] Fish in a barrell, 'Stephen', fish in a barrell 54435[/snapback] WTF is a 'barrell' 54437[/snapback] Jamaican slang probably.
  16. Nice pseudonym there. How much did you get for your story? 54430[/snapback] As soon as I saw you replying I fucking knew. Mon.
  17. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005520104,,00.html
  18. oh no it isnt,it's a whole science of evolutionary biology,which accounts for whole molecular evolutionary systems,not just humans,it even gives michael behe's irreducible complexity idea a good kicking.not new either as h.j muller was writing about it betwen the wars.i'll see if i cant find a handy synopsis of it. 54407[/snapback] Apologies, i'm refering to the evolution from apes to humans. Also i'd like to point out that i am not a biologist nor have i studied, just read the occasional book and article. On this basis alone i am sure that the idea that humans came from apes is not a 100% certainty blah, blah, blah as per my earlier post. I'm not oblivious to the similarities but, though it may seem tongue in cheek, my every day observations would lead me to think apes descended from man. I see men/women behaving like monkeys all the time, and though i don't visiti the zoo often, i've yet to see a monkey act like me. Try and restrain yourselves chaps before you respond to that last bit 54411[/snapback] I haven't got a clue what you are whittering on about here, but you've just admitted you are essentially ignorant about the topic, so its probably no loss. I doubt there are any biologists of any worth who doubt evolution is the mechanism that has created the biodiversity we see on the Earth, including ourselves. Their is still some argument over the the exact details of the mechanism of course. And I would agree that the evolution of a common ancestor of chimpanzees and man is one of the least understood areas. I think this is due to practical problems resulting from an incomplete fossil record (only a tiny proportion of skeletons fossilize) rather than those damn perverted aliens though. 54422[/snapback] Unevolved tbh.
  19. you been looking through my porn collection ! 54404[/snapback] I would that i had the time and the diligence 54416[/snapback] to be finished looking through his collection by the time your 90,you'd need to have started 8 years ago. 54418[/snapback] What do you think Jimbo will evolve into? 54419[/snapback] A pneumatic hand.
  20. Not making excuses, quite the opposite actually. We have so many advantages to make it this time it's not even funny. Whether we take advantage of these advantages is debatable. I doubt it but I've been burnt by the socceroos plenty of times before, so I could be cynical. But I'm sure Steve believes we'll win, and in Steve I trust 54394[/snapback] What will be funny is when you still fail to make it.
  21. Is this the Aussie excuse downpayment thread?
  22. Ever noticed that people who believe in Creationism look really unevolved? - Bill Hicks
  23. There's a thread on "Girls you liked when you were a kid" on the SMB and she makes an appearance. Yesterday I'd never heard of the lass and now I've seen her name mentioned twice in 24 hours.
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