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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Gemmill


    Nice one Happy Face. Just had a look through the less than a fiver section and you're right there's some good stuff in there. Note for Alex: Erasure "Hits" is in there for 3.99.
  2. Most of the Harry Ramps I see are white like! 56582[/snapback] Harry Ramps. Becketts an'all.
  3. You have been to Buffalo Joe's though, so you can take those shades off 56589[/snapback] I've never been to Buffalo Joe's in my life! 56590[/snapback] One word: Features. Step away from the shades. 56591[/snapback] Aye, but you took me in there on a Sunday night and there were literally 3 people in the place! You used to go there on a Friday to pick up 80's dance moves from the local Chicago John Travolta's 56593[/snapback] Je ne dance pas.
  4. You have been to Buffalo Joe's though, so you can take those shades off 56589[/snapback] I've never been to Buffalo Joe's in my life! 56590[/snapback] One word: Features. Step away from the shades.
  5. No sound on work computer. I'm gonna need a synopsis.
  6. Kicks Hobbes's ass on googlefight. Phillistines. 56458[/snapback] How 80's is Garfield man? 56546[/snapback] Very. Remember those Garfield dolls people would stick to their car rear windows? As 80s as Bros. Best left there. 56563[/snapback] As 80's as Gemmill tbh 56569[/snapback] Gemmill is pure mega and wicked tbh.
  7. Until I went to to University I'd never even heard it referred to as Newcky Brown. The first time I herad it I said: "What the fuck is Newquay Brown?" It's a bottle of Broon or a bottle of Dog ffs. Or, as my mate calls it, a bottle of shit. 56565[/snapback] The first time I heard it was when David Baddiel said it. Probably where the students picked it up from tbh.
  8. I remember on student night in Bliss you would get posho Tarquin in asking for a bottle of "Newcky broon". Cringeworthy doesn't even begin to describe it. You need to be having words with that bloke Lou.
  9. Was he dressed as Batman like? Anyway, the Castle Keep is next to the High Level Bridge. It's the castle you can see when you inside the Central Station. It's open all week. You can go up to the top and peer out from one of the turrets. If you like that sort of thing, like me. 56543[/snapback] Do you get dressed up in a suit of armour an'all like, Lancelot?
  10. No man should be seen on any dancefloor, revolving or otherwise. FACT. 56530[/snapback] Especially men who are patently insecure about their sexuality. FACT! 56535[/snapback] Oooo I'm a stripey cat! Watch me chase my tail in time to this music.
  11. We're gonna get humped like.
  12. No man should be seen on any dancefloor, revolving or otherwise. FACT.
  13. How is your lass anyway? JOKE!!!! 56515[/snapback] It was my mam actually.
  14. I once saw two women come into the blokes toilets on the boat....on discovering that all the cubicles were full, they clambered up onto the sinks, dropped their kegs, squatted and pissed into the sinks in front of a toilet full of blokes. That's how bad it is.
  15. I fucking hate these glory hunters tbh 56476[/snapback]
  16. My response was a lot more informative tbh.
  17. Apparently it looks a lot more hopeful. They were saying on telly earlier that he had a session in the nets and was moving very freely and turning and swivelling on the dodgy knee with no reaction.
  18. That is the most ridiculous thing anyone has posted anywhere, ever. I like Garfield but come on! 56446[/snapback] It was a joke y'knaa 56448[/snapback] Another argument opportunity foiled! He'll be tearing his hair out!
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