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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Oh and by the way Zathras, it's forecast to be 22 and sunny in San Francisco today. Tell me again about how Minnesota is a nicer place to live than the Bay Area.
  2. Zathras, you're so hard 57156[/snapback] It was -25 when I was in Chicago last year and I didn't even bother with a coat, man. Nails. -17 is for homs.
  3. Gemmill


    Big Turkish population in Germany, isn't there? Could be fun times ahead for the Swiss fans....
  4. The bastard beat my "unbeatable" golf score aswell. Twat 57038[/snapback] Strange for a gay to be so good at computer games? 57060[/snapback] Spongebobs a fruit? 57063[/snapback] He is from Brighton. 57068[/snapback] Case closed. Case locked. Key thrown away. 57070[/snapback] Alex's favourite holiday spot. Where he visits his "female" friends. I've tried telling him that just because he gives and they take, it doesn't make them female but he'll not have it. 57074[/snapback] I know he likes to get down there for the annual Richard Fairbrass parade like. 57075[/snapback] I'm too sexy for my hair.
  5. The bastard beat my "unbeatable" golf score aswell. Twat 57038[/snapback] Strange for a gay to be so good at computer games? 57060[/snapback] Spongebobs a fruit? 57063[/snapback] He is from Brighton. 57068[/snapback] Case closed. Case locked. Key thrown away. 57070[/snapback] Alex's favourite holiday spot. Where he visits his "female" friends. I've tried telling him that just because he gives and they take, it doesn't make them female but he'll not have it.
  6. I don't know much about Bahrain, but I don't doubt that Trinidad and Tobago could give either of those teams a run for their money. The thing about TnT is that they have a lot of hot and cold days--they can be brilliant or they can be dreadful; it's all about concentration. They've got great individual skills, but their focus is dreadful. Their new coach, Beenhacker has got them a little more organized and if he can instill that spirit in them, they'll be great. 57043[/snapback] Beanflicker. They've just qualified an'all. I don't know about anyone else, but THIS is the big football story of the day for me. Australia is neither here nor there. 57064[/snapback] Beancounter tbh 57065[/snapback] Tit!
  7. Soft shite! You wanna qualify nearly every time like us mate - you'll soon discover that there's no need for crying.
  8. I don't know much about Bahrain, but I don't doubt that Trinidad and Tobago could give either of those teams a run for their money. The thing about TnT is that they have a lot of hot and cold days--they can be brilliant or they can be dreadful; it's all about concentration. They've got great individual skills, but their focus is dreadful. Their new coach, Beenhacker has got them a little more organized and if he can instill that spirit in them, they'll be great. 57043[/snapback] Beanflicker. ;) They've just qualified an'all. I don't know about anyone else, but THIS is the big football story of the day for me. Australia is neither here nor there.
  9. Gemmill

    Jesus Wept

    The F word in question is "food", goth boy. 57031[/snapback] I never thought of that. Guess I just associate him more with the word fuck than food. 57036[/snapback] I would have expected the programme content to be a bit different if the show was basically called "Fuck" tbh.
  10. Gemmill

    Jesus Wept

    The F word in question is "food", goth boy.
  11. Gemmill

    Jesus Wept

    I actually think Ramsay's alright, but that sounds like one of the worst concepts for a DVD ever. I know he used to play football, but fucking hell!
  12. I don't play the arcade games ever since Meenzer beat my cricket record. It hurts too much.
  13. Oh i dont mind but when i was on the thunderbox at a mates house tonight watching the game. I noticed how many maps of the world he has in there, quite a sight to be honest. But i noticed how big both Bahrain and Trindad are, they are about as big as Alice Springs combined! 57000[/snapback] Thunderbox=toilet Tonight=today What the fuck is going on in that country?! 57010[/snapback] Night time kick-off in Oz though wasn't it? 57011[/snapback] He can't even cope with the concept of crossing a body of water to get to Gateshead man. I wouldn't even try talking different timezones with him.
  14. Thunderbox. Fuckin aussies man.
  15. Literary discussions are gayer than dancing men tbh.
  16. Honestly, I had no idea that saying dancing was for puffs would be so offensive to anyone. Are you Billy Elliot? 56943[/snapback] You're only a puff if you dance well. I've never seen Billy Elliot. Are there Fanny shots? 56959[/snapback] Sadly not. Unless you count the ones of blokes actually dancing!
  17. Honestly, I had no idea that saying dancing was for puffs would be so offensive to anyone. Are you Billy Elliot? 56943[/snapback] Billy Elliot was gay though main evidence he could dance and when offered he didnt want to see that girls fanny 56944[/snapback] Watching Billy Elliot is gay as well you know. 56949[/snapback] If you say his name 3 times you actually turn gay. 56951[/snapback] On the positive side, your dress sense would improve no end. 56954[/snapback] Dunno like, that Meenzer's a right clip. 56960[/snapback] Surely the first time The Trent's had a bloke in wearing a feather boa though. Mancy never met him though (apart from when he was introduced to him, the mong)
  18. Honestly, I had no idea that saying dancing was for puffs would be so offensive to anyone. Are you Billy Elliot? 56943[/snapback] Billy Elliot was gay though main evidence he could dance and when offered he didnt want to see that girls fanny 56944[/snapback] Watching Billy Elliot is gay as well you know. 56949[/snapback] If you say his name 3 times you actually turn gay.
  19. It's your mackem roots making you suspicious about him. If not for them you'd have given over to the lad's blatant genius.
  20. Honestly, I had no idea that saying dancing was for puffs would be so offensive to anyone. Are you Billy Elliot?
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