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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Seriously though, actually sex-ing a man is straighter than discussing literature.
  2. My heart bleeds. When you read the figures on debts and the related interest charges, it's hard to see how this is going to have a happy ending though.
  3. Gemmill


    And you know this how ???? Ignorant twat 57182[/snapback] The smell, mate. 57183[/snapback] What about Turkish Baths though? 57190[/snapback] A smokescreen. Or is it steam? 57191[/snapback] A proper Turkish Bath is the best most envigorating clean you'll EVER have, followed by a proper shave - sheer bliss Pampering for blokes 57214[/snapback] It's always struck me as a bit gay so I'm sure Gemmill would love it. 57234[/snapback] I don't know how you dare!
  4. Aye, you're right there like. My mam's got Blueyonder and it pisses all over the shitty BT broadband that I've got. I need to get that sorted out actually but I've been saying that forever.
  5. Yup. Because he is. The rest of them seemed alright tbh, but he was his usual self-obsessed self. I wish he'd gone to the reunion at the end so they could all have kicked the shite out of him.
  6. Sod off, its more expensive! Also having cable means you don't need an unsightly dish like the rest of the plebs. Btw, I find tyne-side-jack's (since when was Tyneside hyphenated?) story a bit hard to believe. You need Telewest to connect you up for one thing. 57228[/snapback] Telewest is shit man. FACT. Until they come out with something to genuinely rival Sky + (and I know they do have plans for this), they'll always be second choice. Sky's the daddy. Btw, "unsightly dish". So gay-sounding.
  7. Did anyone watch The Somme the other night by the way? Thought it was canny good.
  8. Grand Designs was on you liar. 57218[/snapback] I did used to like that, but there's only so many grand designs you can take. Anyway, this documentary thing was actually decent enough, so there. Mind they had some grown women on and one of them started crying when she was talking about Take That splitting up - 10 years later! What a tit. 57219[/snapback] Rome was also on. I never knew Julius caesar had epilepsy.... Anyway, we all know that 9 pm is your bed time, so you stayed up late especially, you big puff! 57223[/snapback] I'd already fallen asleep at about 8:15 actually. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep when I saw Jason Orange with his top off.
  9. Grand Designs was on you liar. 57218[/snapback] I did used to like that, but there's only so many grand designs you can take. Anyway, this documentary thing was actually decent enough, so there. Mind they had some grown women on and one of them started crying when she was talking about Take That splitting up - 10 years later! What a tit.
  10. Well done. You've finally confirmed your not-so-in-the-closet-gayness, you big hom! 57213[/snapback] I knew there'd be a revenge attack from the gay goth when I started this thread! I didn't say I liked their music, Erasure bandit boy!
  11. Trescothick might miss the second test. His father-in-law has fallen off a ladder and he might have to fly home to be with his family. Sounds fucking ridiculous like, but presumably he's been badly injured.
  12. Haway then, who watched it? Confirmed my belief that Robbie Williams is a total arsehole like. PS. There was nothing else on.
  13. I reckon you're just looking for an argument about it tbh. 57186[/snapback] Oh no I'm not. No, Paris OK, I'm just not as enamoured by it as some people are, but its well worth a long visit. I'll tell you where I really like which is generally disregarded by people - Brussels. The beer alone makes it worthwhile - truely amazing. 57196[/snapback] Brussels is alreet but nowt special. Expensive as well. I was there with work earlier this year. 57198[/snapback] Twice as cheap as gay Paris - FACT. 57201[/snapback] Never been to Paris so I wouldn't know. FACT.
  14. I'm an accountant, what's to show off about.
  15. I reckon you're just looking for an argument about it tbh. 57186[/snapback] Oh no I'm not. No, Paris OK, I'm just not as enamoured by it as some people are, but its well worth a long visit. I'll tell you where I really like which is generally disregarded by people - Brussels. The beer alone makes it worthwhile - truely amazing. 57196[/snapback] Brussels is alreet but nowt special. Expensive as well. I was there with work earlier this year.
  16. Gemmill


    And you know this how ???? Ignorant twat 57182[/snapback] The smell, mate. 57183[/snapback] What about Turkish Baths though? 57190[/snapback] A smokescreen. Or is it steam?
  17. I thought you were Kyzer Sozer. 57160[/snapback] He was, although I bet he tries to claim Newcastle-Online is not 'this company'.... 57180[/snapback] Even though people on here post on there 57188[/snapback] Well if he does try to claim that now, I'd say we've got him bang to rights. If he sees this in advance he surely won't even dare try and claim it!
  18. Gemmill


    And you know this how ???? Ignorant twat 57182[/snapback] The smell, mate.
  19. Preliminary results are here mate: http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/staticFile...278~3997,00.doc I'm not daft enough to have any shares in the club though so can't help you on when they'll be sending out the glossies.
  20. Gemmill


    I would imagine any ban would only apply to international games. 57171[/snapback] If you can guarantee that then I'm happy for disciplinary procedures to commence.
  21. Gemmill


    I'd really rather nothing was done if it might involve any sort of ban being given to Emre tbh.
  22. Just because it's right up your street 57161[/snapback] *absentmindedly sings* Come to me, cover me, hold me, together we'll break these chains of loooove..... 57163[/snapback] You know the words then? 57166[/snapback] I had to look them up on Google. FACT!
  23. Just because it's right up your street 57161[/snapback] *absentmindedly sings* Come to me, cover me, hold me, together we'll break these chains of loooove.....
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