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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I agree. See his thread re Souness's days off. Unbelievably shit comment based on nothing but his imagination.
  2. Bastard freezing today.
  3. The difference being that football, athletics, rugby etc. are sports.
  4. Gemmill

    Flat Tyre

    Positively green with envy tbh.
  5. Gemmill

    Flat Tyre

    Bitter and jealous that I've got the day off tbh.
  6. Gemmill

    Flat Tyre

    Left the house today to discover I have a flat tyre. Thought about changing it then decided that a better idea would be to ring my boss and tell him my car wouldn't start so I couldn't make it in today, as public transport to get to Teesside isn't worth the effort. So I've got the day off.
  7. That's a really catchy saying you've got there Wellsy 57599[/snapback] Do they actually have 37 story buildings in Perth? 57601[/snapback] Are you suggesting he's lying?
  8. That's a really catchy saying you've got there Wellsy 57599[/snapback] I've bet his colleagues have got a saying in response to it as well: "Fuck off twatboy"
  9. It's not. 57590[/snapback] Shut up then! 57593[/snapback] Looking for an arguement tbh. 57596[/snapback] Looking for you to shut up tbf.
  10. It's not. 57590[/snapback] Shut up then!
  11. Bastards, I've kept meaning to watch this 30 days thing and kept forgetting. Has it been any good? 57541[/snapback] Naah, not really. The first one, where Spurlock and his fiance had to live on minimum wage, was brilliant - more revealing than Super Size Me I thought. I was under the false impression that he would be doing all of them , but he hasn't. As a result its really no better than wife swap. You missed a lot of scenes of San Francisco yesterday though. Did you ever go to a bar called Daddy's? 57548[/snapback] I've never even heard of a bar called Daddy's. Do they play Erasure there?
  12. It was me that mentioned Makosi/Babayaro. Someone shouted "Haway Makosi" when Babayaro had the ball. Not sure how it's racist like.
  13. Bastards, I've kept meaning to watch this 30 days thing and kept forgetting. Has it been any good?
  14. Fuck off! 57442[/snapback] Mincey mincey mincer. So during your time in the gay area, er i mean bay area, did you have a dabble with the brown paint? 57455[/snapback] No I fucking didn't.
  15. If your mate had any sense, the first time the bloke put the stick in the way of his shins, he should have got off the bar, taken it off him, and chased him round the gym braying the shite out of him. I've been to a Cirque du Soleil show though and they are fucking impressive. 57496[/snapback] Thats what i thought, if some nip done that to me i would have left him with his arms and legs looking like barbecued spare ribs and his cock like a spring roll, hong kong style 57497[/snapback]
  16. If your mate had any sense, the first time the bloke put the stick in the way of his shins, he should have got off the bar, taken it off him, and chased him round the gym braying the shite out of him. I've been to a Cirque du Soleil show though and they are fucking impressive.
  17. Gemmill


    I'd be ashamed if I got chinned off an accountant. 57486[/snapback] Best watch your cheek then.
  18. Nah, I used to. Came back in January 2004 though. Fair do's Zath, that's what you get for living in Oakland though tbh. I'd be more concerned about the bullets than the smog though. It was probably the fucking joss sticks that did for you in Berkeley.
  19. There was a lad at university who went to school with Gary Barlow. He said nobody took the piss out of him, even after he won the Beeb's 'A song for Xmas' contest as he was nails. I'm guessing after the bitching he's done Robbie's too shit scared to meet up. 57418[/snapback] You can't imagine Gary Barlow being a hard man like! But the fact is Robbie Williams would have nothign, no career and all the money without Gary Barlow, something he will singularly fail to acknolwedge instead favouring bitching about Barlow all the time. 57428[/snapback] Aye, Williams seems to be too lost in Planet Celebrity to think of it that way. 57434[/snapback] The twat was going on last night about the bloke that assembled Take That saying "Well if Nigel hadn't discovered me, someone else would because I'm good." So yes, it seems that he does think that his talent would have shone through regardless, and fails to see the enormous slice of luck he was dealt by getting selected for Take That.
  20. I'd pay to see a tear-up between Papa Laz and Gary Barlow like.
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