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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Jesus wept. I've never found the bloke funny. Is that ok with you?
  2. Trescothick's oot. And Pakistan are cheating! Earlier, there was a disgraceful display from Afridi who, at the change of ends, loiters a couple of yards from the stumps before doing a disco inferno 360 turn.
  3. Any comedian who consistently has the term "rubber-faced/limbed" preceding his name is not going to be funny. I don't find people pulling funny faces or bending their legs in a strange fashion funny, as a rule. Oh and Lee, talk in your proper fucking voice instead of that breathless squeaky whine, you cocknose.
  4. I just report it as I see it. I leave it to my audience to draw their own conclusions.
  5. Gemmill

    Bad Santa

    Anyone seen it? Class film - perfect for the run-up to Christmas.
  6. Lee Evans is like Phil Cool's less funny little brother. If it's possible to be less funny than Phil Cool that is.
  7. Third update from roving reporter Gemmill: There's been a loud, unidentified bang somewhere in the ground - and guards, holding machine guns, are on the pitch. There's talk of explosions, and players are understandably worried, but then police identify that it came from a gas bottle.
  8. A loud explosion at the stadium takes the players off the field. ....according to the BBC. Hope it's nowt serious.
  9. From the Guardian OBO coverage: There's been a loud noise in the ground - guards are charging onto the pitch.
  10. Dunno, is it? 58375[/snapback]
  11. Jason Orange is as camp as Christmas in all this Take That reunion business. He makes Larry Grayson sound like Barry White.
  12. I thought it was very hit and miss. Some episodes barely raised a smile tbh.
  13. She's canny funny on the red carpet show for the emmys and the Oscars and that. But only cos she's a total c-word about what the celebrities are wearing, and rips them to shreds!
  14. Shame about the rest of her.
  15. Yes thanks. And no mention of the "B"-word. It's a start.
  16. I can assure you I'm not losing my rag. A serious question: are you EVER going to recover from the fact that Bellamy doesn't play for us anymore? I don't mean to sound flippant or like I'm taking the piss as that's not what I'm trying to do. But seriously, he is gone and he's never coming back. And I know you think we were better off with him and feel duty-bound to point this out constantly, but do you not get bored of going on about him? You may well be right about Solano and Bellamy, but now we've only got one of them then surely it's up to Solano to find passes for the players that DO play for us - I accept that there is also a duty on those players to make themselves available.
  17. Well, we all have our point of view. As everyone was swooning over Solano, surely you aren't discarding him already ? Same as Boumsong when he came, see another thread. There is a bigger picture as well, which is quite simply that there was a time we wouldn't even have considered a question like this, but that was under a different manager who got better results. I am pleased that you, an accountant, can sniff at 50m quid and a worse performance for the money, so easily. 58184[/snapback] No I'm not discarding Solano, but I do feel he needs to start looking the part a bit more - neat little passes in the middle of the park are all well and good, but we bought him to deliver quality into the box. He needs to start doing that. I'm not sure what your point about the bigger picture is tbh - are you saying that in the past Dyer was a guaranteed first choice and so the question didn't need to be asked? Or are you making some other point? As for the question of the 50m quid - I'm not sniffing at it, just pointing out that it had fuck all to do with the topic at hand.
  18. I posted as much about Taylor elsewhere. I don't think we can go on too much about how much we missed him yesterday, given his tendency to make mistakes/lose concentration too. As for how many first-teamers we've got out - hard to say really as until we've got them all fit and all to pick from, it's difficult to know what the first team really is. It would just be nice to have that luxury.
  19. LM, it isn't relevant at all. The question was do you think Dyer can be considered a regular starter? Your answer to this question was "he's not a bigger asset than Craig Bellamy". Not an answer to the question and therefore not relevant. It was followed by an equally irrelevant rant about money spent.
  20. So would I. In the absence of any decent crosses from Solano, Dyer offers us more down the right....assuming he can put together any semblance of a run of games that is.
  21. He's right like LM. Respond to what's been posted mate - we all know you don't like Souness and you love Bellamy. There's no need to remind us in every post you make.
  22. I've said this for years - comediennes just aren't amusing. Jo Brand is the worst of the lot.
  23. I'd rather they were showing us scoring a goal and winning a match against a good team, tbh. 58092[/snapback] So would I. But that didn't happen. So they can't.
  24. Is that the Robocop bloke? Has Sutherland had enough like, or is he still gonna be in it as well?
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