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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I've never subscribed to the "I'm a Geordie, I don't feel the cold" bollocks personally. If it's cold, it's cold, and I'm not stupid enough to just wear a T-shirt to demonstrate my nailsness.
  2. Pakistan 104-2. Lead of 120.
  3. See you've now seen it, haven't you? Yes Nobby lost the ball, no disbutes there but he was looking for someone and as was the team for most of the game, no-one made themselves available. Now what happens in the box just before the goal? Watch the reverse angle replay, it is obvious. 59279[/snapback] nail on the head mate. No movement, no desire, no one making or trying to make anything happen. The player that did that the best was deemed not good enough. Still, we've got a nice happy dressing room. Where is that exactly when the chips are down ? 59321[/snapback] He's never coming back you know.
  4. Maybe, he was out of work at the time etc. The bit in bold says it all though for me. 58540[/snapback] You never know if that cute lass, standing all alone at the bar for the last half hour or so, is single and gagging for it. She may have caught your eye and smiled at you but until you walk up and talk to her how do you know she's not interested? Sound familiar? 59239[/snapback] I'm guessing she thinks you're too short tbh.
  5. -2.5 according to the thermometer on the car on the way in to work.
  6. Why do you constantly try and make this point about people somehow being duped into thinking Boumsong was the answer because he was an expensive foreigner? I don't personally know anyone who decided that Boumsong was a great player on this or any other basis - most were hopeful that the fact that he was a French international was a positive sign, and were then just prepared to wait and see how he played for us. You seem hell-bent on trying to paint people as dribbling idiots who decided he was amazing before seeing him play, with you as the careful thinker that knew all along that he wouldn't be up to the job. It seems to be a recurring theme - you as the know-it-all who could have told us all months ago that x, y or z would happen.
  7. 58623[/snapback] Man, you've gotten soft in your old age. I was waiting for a funny reply but it never came. 59160[/snapback] Was just seeing if I could guilt trip you.
  8. Is it not the Neil that HTL and LM used to war with on N-O that they're talking about? The one who got banned then came back as someone else? If not I reckon HTL's called Neil. Although I always had him down as a Percy tbh.
  9. Gemmill


    It was a pet name I heard Gemmill's mum use the other day. 59080[/snapback] She can get cream for that you know... 59082[/snapback] I meant its what she was affectionately calling her son. 59084[/snapback] Oiiiiiiii!
  10. The Coral? thats soooooooooo 2002. 59110[/snapback] I'm surprised someone of your age has even heard of them tbh. 59113[/snapback] the young hip kids at work used to listen to them...then they grew bored after 3 tracks of the same stuff. 59123[/snapback] WooooOOoooo!! Don't talk to me about samey - you like Athlete.
  11. Yup. She's got a decision to make. Either: a) She accepts the fact that in order to live a moviestar lifestyle she's going to have to turn a blind eye to the fact that her bloke will be getting it on a plate from all and sundry every time he leaves the house without her.....and by the looks of things he's not going to be turning too much of it down. or She decides that she's going to live a normal lifestyle and have a normal bloke who she has more chance won't cheat on her. But no millionaire lifestyle. And before any birds start on with "Why should she have to make that decision? He shouldn't be doing that wah blah blah wah", I'm not saying it's right, but that's the decision she's faced with IMO. I'm betting she goes for a).
  12. The Coral? thats soooooooooo 2002. 59110[/snapback] I'm surprised someone of your age has even heard of them tbh.
  13. one word wacky..... COIN 59064[/snapback] Not wrong like. Didn't he buy her a Ferrari to help ease the knickers off? 59096[/snapback] Did he attach them and pull away in it like?
  14. Supposed to be seeing the Coral there next week. It's already been postponed once.
  15. I saw a picture of Rooney today with a "Prepared to Wait" T-shirt on. Isn't that what those freaks that won't have sex til they get married use as their slogan? Maybe that was how he got out of it with his mentally challenged bird - "Can't have been me Colleen. Look-a-me t-shehhhht. Am shochhchchched yer even thought it could have been me la."
  16. If you increase your posting on here, we might let you be in the clique. 59047[/snapback] I very much doubt you have any clout with clique applications. I've always viewed you as a ginger figure head, with no real executive powers. 59050[/snapback] As a known mackem with blonde highlights, your very existence in the clique is something of a sympathy vote matey! 59054[/snapback] I resigned the day Wacky Jnr's application was accepted tbh. 59056[/snapback] Every clique needs at least one dwarf.
  17. If you increase your posting on here, we might let you be in the clique. 59047[/snapback] I very much doubt you have any clout with clique applications. I've always viewed you as a ginger figure head, with no real executive powers. 59050[/snapback] As a known mackem with blonde highlights, your very existence in the clique is something of a sympathy vote matey!
  18. If you increase your posting on here, we might let you be in the clique.
  19. Reincarnation! I buried you in my back garden when you failed to come out of hibernation a couple of years ago. 58670[/snapback] Is this Sammy in question a tortoise. We had a tortoise but when we had an extension done on the house he went missing. My sister always maintained that the fucking builder stole him. My mam and dad got divorced about 8 years later and my mam remarried a while after that.......and you'll never guess what. She only married the fucking tortoise thief! That didn't come out til after the wedding like. 58675[/snapback] When I was a kid, I had a hamster called sammy. He died. I then got another one called Sammy, and he got out of his cage and was killed by the dog. I think talking about how crap Souness is, and the financial situation his ego is going to leave this football club in, which I can see and I'm not an accountant, is far preferable to this shit. 58803[/snapback] You've obviously never been the victim of tortoise theft then.
  20. I'm off to bed kids. Westside. Peace out.
  21. Don't think you'll get many arguments from Gol, graphics is what he did - coding's my area.... Hang on a minute.... 58755[/snapback] You're shit! And you know you are. 58756[/snapback] Yep, difference is I really don't give a shit tbh! 58767[/snapback] Methinks the coder doth protest too much.
  22. Don't think you'll get many arguments from Gol, graphics is what he did - coding's my area.... Hang on a minute.... 58755[/snapback] You're shit! And you know you are.
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