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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Ally writes them man, the clueless twat. I can seeeee yooooo lurking Ally. 60024[/snapback] Oi! Never written a review in my life This thread is shite btw. 60033[/snapback] You should feel right at home then.
  2. Ally writes them man, the clueless twat. I can seeeee yooooo lurking Ally. 60024[/snapback] What happened to JJ? Now he could write an article! 60028[/snapback] Last I heard Sean Bean had taken out a restraining order against him.
  3. I think they'll take the light if they are offered it. 60022[/snapback] Aye they will, but they've still generally been playing til about 11:35 or so before getting offered the light.
  4. I only said it was a daft idea to coax sammynb into one of his hissy fits tbh. Didn't work. No way would Keane come and expose himself to being a central defender at NUFC though - would you want that to be the end to your career?
  5. Ally writes them man, the clueless twat. I can seeeee yooooo lurking Ally.
  6. 138-6. Flintoff oot, and about 40 minutes of play left in the day.
  7. That NEVER happens though. 60009[/snapback] I'm absolutely certain that if I posted that on the SMB I'd be told that I'm a dirty liar and just making it up. 60010[/snapback] The bloke I used to work with (Liverpool fan) took his bairn a couple of seasons ago under the same circumstances. Which is strange because I've been assured that it NEVER, EVER takes place. 60012[/snapback] Apparently (this bloke at work reckons) the deal is that the school gets a certain percentage of whatever tickets they sell. So the sad bastards are actually paying the school to whore their seats for them.
  8. That NEVER happens though. 60009[/snapback] I'm absolutely certain that if I posted that on the SMB I'd be told that I'm a dirty liar and just making it up.
  9. Bloke at work has just told me he's going to see the mackems at the weekend. His son goes to Newlands School in Newcastle, and the dirty mackems have actually had the cheek (and the appropriate level of desperation to fill their stadium) to send a load of dirt cheap tickets out to a school in Newcastle. Pathetic tbh.
  10. So some people jumped to an incorrect conclusion. So what? Why do you then bring things like this up whenever you have a disagreement with someone on a totally unrelated matter? You didn't think that Boumsong was the greatest player on earth and surprisingly you've been proved right - funnily enough you're not alone. See response above. Congratulations on being right that Shola was never going to be Shearer's replacement though. It's pretty much common knowledge to anyone with any sense like. So basically you've selected 3 examples: Boumsong not the next Bobby Moore, Shola not the next Shearer, and Kluivert not going to score lots of goals for Newcastle as examples in which you're going to be right. If I tell you now that I don't think Peter Ramage will ever be a top player or that Charles N'Zogbia won't be as good as Thierry Henry, do I have permission to repeatedly bring it up whenever you tell me I'm wrong about something? I've already responded to this in a post above. I'd love for you to point out where I said that Souness would get us into the Champions League like. Who is that someone else? Do you want to direct your comments towards them? I said that he deserved the time to prove one way or the other whether he could be a success. If he proves to be a total failure then I would still stand by my comment at the time that he deserved the chance to prove that that was all he was capable of. Remember that there were no top coaches putting their hands up, and the two first choices that we had (Bruce and Allardyce) had both knocked us back. Maybe his time is coming to an end, so I'm not necessarily advocating more time. I think if things continue as they are currently that he should go at the end of the season actually. No doubt you'll see this as a victory for yourself when in fact all I ever said was that he needed time to either succeed or fail. Seriously mate, I'm sick of talking about Craig Bellamy. You aren't, and you never ever will be, but I'm not getting into all this shite about Bellamy again. What are the financial risks? I'm waiting for you to tell me. You seem so adamant that we've taken them so I'm looking forward to hearing what they are. My opinion is that we've definitely stretched ourselves with the spending that we've made. And yes, it's a bit of a gamble whenever you make big signings, but I don't think that we've overstretched ourselves with our spending. Shepherd isn't stupid (well he is, but not as a businessman). I'm not losing it. Try doing what I've said. Try arguing the topic at hand and not mentioning Bellamy or making childish digs at Souness. And try not attributing opinions to people that they've never had. It would be easy for me to argue with you if I picked the stupidest thing that I've ever read on N-O and convinced myself that it was you that said it, and then proceeded to call you stupid on that basis. That's what you do - try stopping yourself.
  11. You see this is exactly what I'm talking about. Do I care to change my mind on WHAT? When have I said that Graeme Souness WILL get us into the Champions League? You attribute this to me and then tell me I'm wrong and you're right. I don't have time to respond to the rest of your post now as I'm leaving for work, but needless to say it's the usual "I said back at so and so a time that x,y and z would happen. It has and by definition that makes me right, and anyone else that I argue with wrong, regardless of their opinion then or now." I'll respond later.
  12. 1. I don't know anyone on this forum that thought that Boumsong was the best thing since sliced bread. 2. I don't know anyone on this forum that said that Ameobi was Shearer's replacement. 3. There may have been one or two saying that Kluivert would be a success, but I wasn't one of them. If you want to tell yourself what you have in your paragraph above because you feel it strengthens your position to broadbrush everyone with stupid opinions, then that's up to you. But the fact is that you're talking shit in coming out with these sweeping statements about "the vast majority" and then attributing those opinions to whoever you're arguing with. I know that that's your way though as it then allows you to make your stock arguments rather than actually replying to what someone's said to you. If you can find something in the statement "I think he deserves the time to prove one way or the other whether he'll be a success" that can be translated into "Graeme Souness is going to be a top manager", then I'll concede this one to you. If you can't, then I'd have to say that once again you've made something up and attributed it to the person you're arguing with because that makes your job a bit easier. We miss Craig Bellamy on the pitch. Of course we do. I have always said that we would miss his performances on the pitch, but I supported the reasons for getting rid of him. Once again, you have made something up and attributed it to me. Getting to be a bit of a habit isn't it? Can you please point out where I have failed to grasp the financial IMPACT (not risk, impact) of backing the manager with cash? With the exception of Boumsong, Souness's signings are all very saleable assets and could all be sold on for decent money should this be required. Do you feel that the future of the club has been put at risk by this spending? I'd like you to tell me exactly what danger the club is now in due to this spending, seen as you're so adamant that we are in a perilous situation. If you can show me the actual financial risks, then we can discuss this. Responding with "It's 50 million pound we didn't need to spend in order to feed Souness's ego" is NOT pointing out a financial risk by the way. I'd like to hear the actual risks backed up with financial data that will prove how we have been put in a perilous situation. Do me a favour and try replying to the post and the poster from now on. Don't apply broadbrush statements to everyone you have a discussion with - it makes it impossible to have a discussion if you attribute opinions to someone that they don't actually hold, and then deconstruct them when they have fuck all to do with the discussion at hand. I think you'll find it a lot harder to constantly be right (as you take great pleasure in telling us all that you are), if you have to stop wrongly attributing "wrong" opinions to whoever you have an argument with.
  13. No thanks. For starters I don't think he'd be interested (and if he was he'd want big money), and secondly, he's too old and too slow. Bit of a daft idea IMO.
  14. Saw a car with a sticker in the back window that read "Never underestimate a mackem". Impossible surely.
  15. Sloppy journalism tbh. 59739[/snapback] Headline nicked by Teletext TBH 59741[/snapback] 59745[/snapback] Sky Sports News are using it now.
  16. Bender tbh. 59684[/snapback] That is one of the gayest admissions I've ever heard like.
  17. Did you not notice when there were no urinals. It's always the giveaway for me like.
  18. What's this programme like? I've never heard of it.
  19. They'll probably end up with some American company as their sponsors now. I'd like to suggest Otis Spunkmeyer.
  20. Renton is the new medina tbh.
  21. I know a lass who used to go out with him. Anyone got any other fascinating anecdotes to add? 59542[/snapback] This would be a good time to tell my "Tino playing the bongos in a pair of white Y-Fronts story"......but I've told it before.
  22. To be exact.... 59531[/snapback] I blame "The Notorious HTT" myself.
  23. The way relations are at the minute between the two boards, one misplaced comment like that could see someone busting a cap in your ass. Another innocent victim of message board gang culture.
  24. Are you sure it wasn't because you were about to pay for your kebab by cheque?
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