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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Anyone think Shola can play up front in a sort of "the next Shearer" role?
  2. I think he's a bit shite too, but he's here all season so I'm hoping he wins something rather than rubbing my hands in anticipation of his next loss. Glad Bellamy is out of the club too, but I wish we had someone of his quality on the pitch at the moment. Glad Robert has gone too, but I wish things hadn't gone wrong and he was still the player he was 2 years ago, and still in our team. Summary ok? 60634[/snapback] I think this is pretty much the way most of us feel - I know I agree with it. I'm afraid it won't compute with Leazes though.
  3. Gemmill

    George Best

    Many years ago he was on a Metro. He's a total cock head. Mind you, even he is surpassed by Mike Dicken, who has fortunately now been relegated to three in the morning or something. I really can't think why I listen to this shit, it's just a bunch of angry middle aged male wankers. Trouble is I like conversation on the radio (can't find a decent music channel), but 5 live is so unbelievably middle class it's, well, unbelievable. Not much choice really. 60630[/snapback] I remember James Whale on Metro many moons ago. Anyway, I flick between FiveLive and Talksport as I like talk radio better than Radio1 et al. I quite like a bit of Radio 4 too. 60643[/snapback] Exactly the same as me, no need to be ashamed! Radio 4 is quite high brow but then again I think it's a really good source of information that you can absorb which you wouldn't otherwise get. If I'm going to listen to music then usually I want it to be my choice, but unfortunately my car doesn't have an mp3 dock or CD player. 60649[/snapback] You need one of these: http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5342488.htm I use one with my ipod and it's pretty good. I do 5 Live and Talksport like but Radio 4 is a bit too far. Maybe when I'm over 30.
  4. Have you heard 'Days of Speed'? The acoustic live set he did a few years ago. He did solo stuff and material by The Jam. It's quality like. 60616[/snapback] No I haven't. Is it available in the shops or is it a bootleggy type thing? Sounds good. I went to an acoustic set that he did when I was living in San Francisco - it was just him and the geordie guitarist bloke out of Oasis. Might be a similar thing to that. He did "That's Entertainment" the other night too as well, which was quality. 60619[/snapback] Are they the only Jam covers he did? I don't much like his solo stuff really. I saw Terry Hall play at the Riverside a few years back (obviously), and I remember this bloke constantly shouting out "Terry, your a Special". He didn't give in and play any old stuff though, in fact he played nothing but new material which was a bit disappointing, as it takes me a few listens to really understand most music. 60635[/snapback] He did In the Crowd as well, but I think that might have been it for Jam songs. Did a couple of Style Council songs an'all. But apart from that it was solo stuff - mostly the older solo stuff, which is preferable to the latest stuff.
  5. Gemmill

    George Best

    Many years ago he was on a Metro. He's a total cock head. Mind you, even he is surpassed by Mike Dicken, who has fortunately now been relegated to three in the morning or something. I really can't think why I listen to this shit, it's just a bunch of angry middle aged male wankers. Trouble is I like conversation on the radio (can't find a decent music channel), but 5 live is so unbelievably middle class it's, well, unbelievable. Not much choice really. 60630[/snapback] Aye, when I can't stand the stupidity anymore I'll turn over and listen to 5Live. Usually when Rodney Marsh and Paul Breen Turner are doing their odd couple act.
  6. Gemmill

    George Best

    James Whale is a total penis like. He just thinks of the most controversial position he can take on something, comes out with it, and then waits for the morons that can't spot a wind-up to come flooding in on the phones. He does a show on a Sunday daytime too I think.
  7. Nice one cheers. I'll be getting it.
  8. No: 1) I get frightened by threatening pms. 2) I don't know if the board can run without admin. 60615[/snapback] Message received loud and clear.
  9. Gemmill

    George Best

    Aye, hadn't thought of that like. In general I actually think Brazil's pretty good craic - he's clearly just a bloke living the life of Riley, freeloading at sports and social events, and he's fairly entertaining with it, but he's not much cop in sensitive situations. When Wayne Rooney scored that hat trick on his European debut, the morning after there was a news report on their breakfast show about a suicide bombing. Anyway, the report finishes and Brazil comes in with "Yep, and now the sport, where Wayne Rooney let off 3 bombs of his own last night". Pure Partridge.
  10. Have you heard 'Days of Speed'? The acoustic live set he did a few years ago. He did solo stuff and material by The Jam. It's quality like. 60616[/snapback] No I haven't. Is it available in the shops or is it a bootleggy type thing? Sounds good. I went to an acoustic set that he did when I was living in San Francisco - it was just him and the geordie guitarist bloke out of Oasis. Might be a similar thing to that. He did "That's Entertainment" the other night too as well, which was quality.
  11. Gemmill

    George Best

    I'm no expert but I think the years he spent drinking put him in his current position. Do you think I could get a job on Talksport? 60614[/snapback] It's like Alan Partridge on there man. When Parry was finished with his gibberish, Alan Brazil pipes up with "Yep, still fighting. Fantaaaaastic". Fucking hell, Brazil, have you listened to a word his doctor's been saying??
  12. Went to see Paul Weller last weekend. Did a nice version of "A Town Called Malice" as the final encore.
  13. Keeping this place from dying tbh 60605[/snapback] Yeah well, can we get back to slagging off N-O instead of infighting? Anyway, I want nominations on who we should approach to "invite" ()over here. I'd quite like to see: Calimag Mick Bluestar (who doesn't post here nearly enough) That's for starters. Oh, and we can exchange some of our undesirables (but please not me ). 60607[/snapback] You want rid of me, don't you? 60608[/snapback] This place would probably die without you tbh, and I'm not joking. I realise that makes me sound completely bumgay so I won't repeat it again. 60610[/snapback] SHAMONE BUMFUCKER!!!
  14. Name and shame the undesirables, Renty baby!
  15. Gemmill

    George Best

    Listening to Talksport on the way in and that idiot Mike Parry was going on about how the endurance and the stamina that Best built up as a top sportsman was what was helping him to stay alive at the minute.
  16. I honestly have no idea. Someone called him Sam, so far as I know, and someone else wondered who Sam was. BTW, you are swearing a lot. As I said, it's the mark of someone who is losing it ......... 60591[/snapback] Pychoanalysis from a true obsessive mentalist. Thanks for the diagnosis. 60593[/snapback] In the usual state of self denial I see 60595[/snapback] That's right, Sigmund. 60598[/snapback] Can we get back to you admitting that Souness isn't good enough for Newcastle and you have no real reason for wanting him to stay on ? Other than the fact that you are hoping against hope he pulls a rabbit out of the hat to get you off admitting you have zero judgement ? 60600[/snapback] Why, are you uncomfortable talking about your girl's night in last night? Did you watch Dirty Dancing?
  17. I honestly have no idea. Someone called him Sam, so far as I know, and someone else wondered who Sam was. BTW, you are swearing a lot. As I said, it's the mark of someone who is losing it ......... 60591[/snapback] Pychoanalysis from a true obsessive mentalist. Thanks for the diagnosis. 60593[/snapback] In the usual state of self denial I see 60595[/snapback] That's right, Sigmund.
  18. I think 'lime' (as in the chemical rather than the fruit ) was used in lights years ago. I think it was particularly used in theatre lights, hence being in the lime light is being in the public eye. I read it in that 'Red Herrings and White Elephants' book which is about the origin of common phrases. And before you say it, yes I know I am a NERD! 60592[/snapback] That was quite nerdy like, but better to just know the answers to these things than have to ask really, I suppose.
  19. I honestly have no idea. Someone called him Sam, so far as I know, and someone else wondered who Sam was. BTW, you are swearing a lot. As I said, it's the mark of someone who is losing it ......... 60591[/snapback] Pychoanalysis from a true obsessive mentalist. Thanks for the diagnosis.
  20. What actually is limelight? I know the phrase, but what is "limelight"?
  21. only 2. how many do you need ... chayton, craig, admin, john ....... I can keep a secret !!! 60497[/snapback] Odd that... Seeing as as LeazesMag, Westendland and NE5 all posted from the same IP address in quick succession and an address that has never been used by any other user... BTW, "John" isn't me and neither is "admin". "chayton" is but i think you'll find i've never posted from it and therefore never had a conversation with myself! 60515[/snapback] Myself and westendlad are the same, however you don't know who NE5 is, as I said about confidentiality....canny like.Well done for ruining a good gag. Actually, as you well know, I know myself from the howaythetoon board, which is yes dying a death, that there are numerous examples of people sharing IP addresses who aren't the same person ....... But again, as a mod/admin, you shouldn't really comment on them should you ! 60530[/snapback] So are you, westendlad and NE5 having a slumber party at yours and taking it in turns to post on here? When does the pillow fight start? 60573[/snapback] nice attempt at sidetracking from the Souness is crap topic in an attempt to put one over me...truth is I admit I was westendlad, I changed from that to LeazesMag a while ago and told everyone. No big deal. By registering as westendlad on here, I just kept the name. Chayton told me to do it himself when the site started. But, what REALLY matters, is Souness is shit, and yourself and the others who can't bring yourselves to admit you are wrong.....now thats what I call childish Chayton knows very well, that people in the same office etc, or household, can use the same computer. As do you. It's integrity thats called into question by releasing such information. You either have it or you don't, and in my eyes, and many others I suspect, you're a better man for having it ! 60583[/snapback] LM, I was messing on. Chill out man. And this thread has fuck all to do with Souness, so if you don't mind, I'll not mention him for a couple of posts. Although you are protesting a bit too much about the slumber party. Were you all wearing little skimpy nighties?
  22. What's a good gag about it? BTW: And as a forum admin, I have the right to post the information shown simply as it is information that is freely available on the web. Your e-mail addresses have been removed to maintain confidentiality. 60578[/snapback] N. E. R. D.
  23. By the way, what is a grown man, presumably in at least his 40s, doing calling a lad whose name is Sam, Samantha? And this is the same bloke that regularly accuses people of being childish. I mean fucking hell!
  24. I find it a bit sad that Robson's been reduced to this actually. Every time a job at any club becomes available he's there going "I'll do it ".
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