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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Gemmill

    George Best

    Aye, heard that on the radio about Leeds. Scum.
  2. Hard to accept that as an excuse really, when you consider that the 19 year old and the 21 year old have looked much more accomplished as defenders. If anything it's a testament to them that their performances have held up alongside Boumsong. Class. He's been proper shit recently though Graeme. 61179[/snapback] You aren't convincing anybody. 61190[/snapback] What are you on about, you silly little man?
  3. Hard to accept that as an excuse really, when you consider that the 19 year old and the 21 year old have looked much more accomplished as defenders. If anything it's a testament to them that their performances have held up alongside Boumsong. Class. He's been proper shit recently though Graeme.
  4. Not being a fan of motorsport, I have to confess to having never heard of the bloke, but you're right, 35 is no age. R.I.P.
  5. In the immortal words of RobW...... FLOUNCE ALERT!
  6. I honestly have no idea. Someone called him Sam, so far as I know, and someone else wondered who Sam was. BTW, you are swearing a lot. As I said, it's the mark of someone who is losing it ......... 60591[/snapback] Pychoanalysis from a true obsessive mentalist. Thanks for the diagnosis. 60593[/snapback] In the usual state of self denial I see 60595[/snapback] That's right, Sigmund. 60598[/snapback] Can we get back to you admitting that Souness isn't good enough for Newcastle and you have no real reason for wanting him to stay on ? Other than the fact that you are hoping against hope he pulls a rabbit out of the hat to get you off admitting you have zero judgement ? 60600[/snapback] Why, are you uncomfortable talking about your girl's night in last night? Did you watch Dirty Dancing? 60606[/snapback] no, just giving you a chance to give up the daft comments .. do you realise you are sounding like a little girl And a young one at that. 61064[/snapback] Patrick Swayze's on Jonathan Ross tonight LM. Time to rekindle that old crush you had on him?
  7. Aye you make a good point like. I reckon we should all rent a house in the Lakes for the weekend and settle this like real men. With a game of sticky biccy. 61024[/snapback] You'd miss out then, Graeme. 61039[/snapback] How so, Mayo?
  8. Perhaps if people took them for what they are, fans with opinions who don't profess to be in the know or the voice of NUFC fans, just ordinary fans who run a site as their hobby and passion, you wouldn't be so disappointed when they have a view that, holly shit, doesn't match your own. Just a thought like. 61034[/snapback] Well I hope she's fucking cleaned it up!
  9. I agree. Used to be my first port of call whenever I signed into the internet. I very rarely use it anymore. It's a shame because it used to be a great site.
  10. Aye you make a good point like. I reckon we should all rent a house in the Lakes for the weekend and settle this like real men. With a game of sticky biccy.
  11. No, you're not. Which is a pity, like. 60895[/snapback] If you have a problem just pm me and we'll meet up 60900[/snapback] You " offering me out ", are you, Alex? 60995[/snapback] Aye, I want a date though not a fight and make sure you wear your uniform this time 60997[/snapback] I can just see him turning up at your work in full uniform, scooping you up into his arms, and carrying you through a packed office with everyone cheering. *sings* Love lift us up where we beloooong!
  12. I don't own a Nintendo mate. Sorry.
  13. You've got a bloody cheek! I'm sure on that picture you posted of yourself on here, you've got ginger dreads!
  14. Gemmill

    DVD writing

    I've had problems copying DVDs with a mac an'all and I've always just copied the disk image onto my hard drive, and then just gone through a normal DVD writing process. Can you not do that?
  15. You've been lighting your farts again, haven't you? 60720[/snapback] I was saving that for later on. It was going to be your Friday night entertainment. 60723[/snapback] Sick! 60753[/snapback] I never thought of you as a Lebonese boy racer, the kind that cruise down Chapel St in Prahran in Melbourne on a Friday night, but you must be because of your use of the word 'sick'. You hear plenty of "that's fully sick mate" from those boys, which is a compliment. The fact that you're excited about Cath's exploding farts has me worried about your safety as we all know she's a gas factory. 60965[/snapback] Awww dat is weww sick! Bo!
  16. I think what we can all conclude from this thread is that Albert Luque is a fucking liar who doesn't know where the fuck he wants to play.
  17. Here we go. When will you grow up, man? Have you any idea how stupid that sounds? Showing a forum thread to your missus? Bloody hell, my missus would wonder what she was married to if I involved her in anything to do with this forum. You must have a really sad life, Chayton. I feel sorry for you, man. I really do. No doubt you'll claim you made this up now you realise what a tosser it makes you seem. BTW I'm not in my 50's. 60894[/snapback] HTL's not known for his humour (at least not with me ), but I thought this was a very funny response.
  18. Wax on, wax off. R.I.P.
  19. Dickweed! Karl's ava is of some sort of DJ circuitry isnt it? Mine's of Carey Mulligan (Ada Clare out of Bleak House) Whachu talkin' about Willis?? 60837[/snapback] It wasn't before, it was of a building (??), and at a glance I kept getting mixed up between your posts and his. Now it's changed to some bird out of Bleak House so I'll let you off. 60840[/snapback] Aye, it was briefly of City Tower in Manchester, while I searched for pics of 'some bird out of Bleak House'. Dunno why it's scrambled mind! 60844[/snapback] It's not now of pressed refresh. Jeezus! 60851[/snapback] An English degree?
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