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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. God's gift to whom exactly? I reckon you're full of shit about all these conversations you have with famous people. You come out to the pub with us lot and you barely say two words all day, yet we're expected to believe that you are a proper gobshite when faced with celebrities. I'm not having it.
  2. The more I think about it you know...a 60 year old bloke getting glassed in the face. It's pretty fucking grim.
  3. We all know he is selfish and is talking shite like a little bairn. Though, when reading his interviews as they were published on his website in his mother tongue and as they were translated (first by Teena and later by O-Nut) and published on nufc.com you have to be a fool not to spot the difference of what the tabloid made of of these interviews and what he really said. I remember those times we were taking the piss out of what the tabloids could make out of these interviews... I still want to get pointed to only one interview he did that did Newcastle really harm ... in his time as a Newcastle player. Especially the one when he got banned from the first team against Lisbon. Who was more selfish that time? The manager or Robert? 61720[/snapback] Well I personally can't be arsed to go searching through Laurent Robert's whiny interviews. But I remember him getting on my tits with his victim act on numerous occasions while he was at Newcastle. A bit of professionalism from the bloke wouldn't go amiss. Looks like his career at Pompey is over now too - who's the common denominator in all of this? 61723[/snapback] Well, I actually don't care about his interviews (or of those of any professionals). I only read them to amuse myself. But what I don't like is when words get twisted by the press. And the tabloids have a history with it. They have a xenophobic agenda (but they also do it with certain English players). I only judge players by their football talking. Robert was far from being consistent. And his contribution at Portsmouth does speak for itself. But what counts for me is what he did at Newcastle. And I think with Robert in the team Newcastle were a better team than they are now. If this whiny, selfish Frenchman would have been replaced by a hardworking and as creative player I wouldn't give a toss what he is doing now. Today I saw Newcastle being overrun in the second half by a very mediocre Premiership side. And I am f***ing annoyed. 61729[/snapback] His contribution at Newcastle "spoke for itself" in the year or so leading up to his departure too. The bloke is finished in this country unless he has a serious word with himself. It's a shame because he's a great player when he wants to be.
  4. We all know he is selfish and is talking shite like a little bairn. Though, when reading his interviews as they were published on his website in his mother tongue and as they were translated (first by Teena and later by O-Nut) and published on nufc.com you have to be a fool not to spot the difference of what the tabloid made of of these interviews and what he really said. I remember those times we were taking the piss out of what the tabloids could make out of these interviews... I still want to get pointed to only one interview he did that did Newcastle really harm ... in his time as a Newcastle player. Especially the one when he got banned from the first team against Lisbon. Who was more selfish that time? The manager or Robert? 61720[/snapback] Well I personally can't be arsed to go searching through Laurent Robert's whiny interviews. But I remember him getting on my tits with his victim act on numerous occasions while he was at Newcastle. A bit of professionalism from the bloke wouldn't go amiss. Looks like his career at Pompey is over now too - who's the common denominator in all of this? 61723[/snapback] Souness has been a frequent common denominator himself ..... If you look at the Lisbon game, it is more than possible we would have won that away game, if Bellamy and Robert hadn't been frozen out by fuckwit There's no doubt that Souness put his ego before the club Gemmill. Both of those players have been sold because they clashed with Souness. Neither of those players have damaged or shamed the club anything like Dyer has done, yet he is here simply because he hasn't crossed Souness - yet. 61728[/snapback] Oi! Start your own Souness thread if you want to discuss him! I've already conceded that he needs to go at the end of the season today and you're getting no more out of me than that. We both differ on Bellamy and Robert and we're never gonna agree so let's not even bother with that one...
  5. Tut tut. Such aggessive posting. 61717[/snapback] B-b-but he started it sir! It's banter man. Why can't you pick up on it? Do I have to use smilies for you to understand this? 61718[/snapback] Chomp, chomp. 61724[/snapback] Okayyyyy....
  6. We all know he is selfish and is talking shite like a little bairn. Though, when reading his interviews as they were published on his website in his mother tongue and as they were translated (first by Teena and later by O-Nut) and published on nufc.com you have to be a fool not to spot the difference of what the tabloid made of of these interviews and what he really said. I remember those times we were taking the piss out of what the tabloids could make out of these interviews... I still want to get pointed to only one interview he did that did Newcastle really harm ... in his time as a Newcastle player. Especially the one when he got banned from the first team against Lisbon. Who was more selfish that time? The manager or Robert? 61720[/snapback] Well I personally can't be arsed to go searching through Laurent Robert's whiny interviews. But I remember him getting on my tits with his victim act on numerous occasions while he was at Newcastle. A bit of professionalism from the bloke wouldn't go amiss. Looks like his career at Pompey is over now too - who's the common denominator in all of this?
  7. Tut tut. Such aggessive posting. 61717[/snapback] B-b-but he started it sir! It's banter man. Why can't you pick up on it? Do I have to use smilies for you to understand this?
  8. Yep, I'm sure Laurent said nothing of the sort. He's a canny bairn. Never done nowt wrong.
  9. BBC website actually you silly prick. Ever considered that it's not xenophobia but in fact it's Laurent Robert behaving like a spoilt brat. Oh no, it's the English media so there has to be an ulterior motive.
  10. Rikko, do you not like Chemistry then? I really loved the subject, and found it incredibly easy as a result. Unfortunately starting Medicine at Uni meant there was no way to take it further. Anyway, you're right to be doing it, there's not many jobs available to Geography graduates - I think most end up as PE teachers. 61646[/snapback] Didn't know you studied medicine - are you qualified, or do I take it you started but dropped out? 61663[/snapback] Passed my pre-clinical exams, and then dropped out for a lot of reasons - partly my own bad health (resolved now thankfully) but more honestly because I didn't like patients! I then focussed on research, getting a degree and PhD in pharmacology. I now advise GPs on what drugs they should use amongst other things - basically evidence-based medicine, if you ever get interested in that I'd be happy to give you some pointers in it. The Maths (i.e. statistics) came in useful in the end. 61665[/snapback] Degree in pharmacology, but cannot work out the price of a train ticket. 61682[/snapback] Like the avatar too.
  11. He's a hairy little troll is what he is!
  12. Is that hairy twat getting royalties for saying the words George Best and Irish Genius today? Inevitably he's already instigated the "Wayne Rooney the next Best" discussion. He asks the stupidest fucking questions: "Was it inevitable that Rooney would score today?" "Was that a striker's goal?" Tit.
  13. Seriously, what's that supposed to mean? 61670[/snapback] Nowt man, you puff. I just threw it out there to see if it got a reaction. Enjoy Busted-for-twentysomethings. 61674[/snapback] Oh Franz Ferdinand are uncool then? This from the man that has seen Coldplay several times! 61677[/snapback] Not so much uncool as just plain rubbish. Have fun though - no dancing though, it's gay!
  14. Seriously, what's that supposed to mean? 61670[/snapback] Nowt man, you puff. I just threw it out there to see if it got a reaction. Enjoy Busted-for-twentysomethings.
  15. Is it Love Plus One by Haircut 100? 61645[/snapback] I don't know who deserves the bigger slap. Souness or you, for that attempt! 61647[/snapback] Love Plus One definitely contains the line "Where do we go from here?".
  16. With a maths degree at 2:1 or 1st, you can expect a start salary in this country of about £20k, with the sky being the lonb term limit. 61541[/snapback] I started on more than that with a 3rd like. It's a silly question though. 61631[/snapback] It is definitely a silly question. Depends entirely on what field you intend to go into. What is the accepted career path for someone with a maths degree btw? Is there one? 61636[/snapback] That's actually an important fact; it might be boring but I would recommend most people should try and do vocational subjects, even if it is something as boring as accountancy. Having said that, I think a good degree in maths will open up many doors, unlike Star Wars studies. 61639[/snapback] I did Economics man. I'm far too clever to do a straight accountancy degree.
  17. I don't think there is. I always intended to be an actuary (shit loads of money) but drink got the better of me and I preferred to have a laugh while at Uni. I think most people that do Maths or Physics end up at McDonalds or as teachers. 61638[/snapback] You did well to avoid being an actuary mate. There's a bloke at work used to be one, and on a floor full of accountants he is truly a beacon of boredom. Saying that like he's on about 80k a year, the twat!
  18. I don't think anyone is 'Pro-Souness' anymore. Even those of us who were willing to give him time (which is not the same thing as being pro-Souness) have reached the end of our tethers. 61627[/snapback] If you were pro-Souness, then surely it meant you thought he would succeed ? Anyway, I'm just getting more and more tired of him all the time. I just can't wait until he's gone. The few wins when Owens goals saved us are just a blip, there will be a few more of those to come, but he's on borrowed time now. 61629[/snapback] Exactly, he has these mini-successful periods, but they are inevitably followed by longer and worse slumps. Anybody with any nouse at all can tell there is fundamentally something wrong with NUFC under Souness, despite our good-on-paper-players. Can I ask a genuine question? When was the last time we had a really good league performance? Have we actually had one under Souness? No, I don't think we have. We have wasted 2 years with this incompetent fool, and yes, that pisses me right off. No Basil Fawlty antics needed. 61632[/snapback]
  19. With a maths degree at 2:1 or 1st, you can expect a start salary in this country of about £20k, with the sky being the lonb term limit. 61541[/snapback] I started on more than that with a 3rd like. It's a silly question though. 61631[/snapback] It is definitely a silly question. Depends entirely on what field you intend to go into. What is the accepted career path for someone with a maths degree btw? Is there one?
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