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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I thought he was a bloke tbh. 61999[/snapback] Haway, get with the programme, granddad.
  2. That's because it was in injury time, you were in your car by that point mumbling something about avoiding match traffic. Fuckin part timer. 61987[/snapback] He was on Stowell Street looking for Chinamen tbh.
  3. Wow, you're quite the charmer aren't you?
  4. Gemmill

    George Best

    I'll bow to your Heat magazine assisted knowledge on that. Personally I don't read celebrity tattle rags. 61961[/snapback] To be fair to Renton, he only reads Heat when he's run out of articles on Chinamen's cocks.
  5. Renton's gonna have you for that. By the way Renton, any further info on different nationalities' cock sizes? 61946[/snapback] I read an article on it once. Chinese people do tend to have small cocks, but it's a myth that black people's cocks are particularly big apparently. Why are you so interested you big puff! 61950[/snapback] Well I'm not interested enough to read an article about it, that's for sure. Or is "read an article" a euphemism? 61952[/snapback] Stupidest thread ever this. 61958[/snapback] You started it you Chinese bummist!
  6. Saying black men have big cocks is stereotyping. It's not racism. Just admit you were wrong man you big gay stripey cat. 61937[/snapback] Never! I can win this argument! So you are saying its not racist to say chinese people have small cocks? I beg to differ - it's slightly racist. (And true) 61942[/snapback] You mincer! The wink on the bit where you say that it's true about Chinese mens' cocks is so gay. Having never been with a Chinese man (or any man for that matter) I'll have to defer to you. Please point out the racist parts of Souness's quotes. To save you having to go back to page 1, here they are: "I wouldn't hesitate to go back for more Turkish players. They are top-class in their approach to training and how much they want to learn. There's no attitude with them. They are all very good professionals and live right - and there are some bloody good football players amongst them. I've had four of them here in England and I've not been unhappy with any of them." Haway, where's the racism? 61943[/snapback] That bit in bold. It's slightly racist because he's characterising an entire race on a stereotype (one which I bet onlt he has). Fine if you disagree, I don't want to make a big issue of it, but like I said my main problem is that it's complete bollocks! Haway is what mackems say btw, you big ginger red and white stripey bastard! 61948[/snapback] How big are mackems cocks in general, you enormous fruit? And is it fuck racist tbh. You know as well as I do that you're talking bollocks, but you won't concede defeat. 61949[/snapback] You know I'm right! And when have you EVER admitted you were wrong? 61951[/snapback] YOU. ARE. WRONG.
  7. Renton's gonna have you for that. By the way Renton, any further info on different nationalities' cock sizes? 61946[/snapback] I read an article on it once. Chinese people do tend to have small cocks, but it's a myth that black people's cocks are particularly big apparently. Why are you so interested you big puff! 61950[/snapback] Well I'm not interested enough to read an article about it, that's for sure. Or is "read an article" a euphemism?
  8. Saying black men have big cocks is stereotyping. It's not racism. Just admit you were wrong man you big gay stripey cat. 61937[/snapback] Never! I can win this argument! So you are saying its not racist to say chinese people have small cocks? I beg to differ - it's slightly racist. (And true) 61942[/snapback] You mincer! The wink on the bit where you say that it's true about Chinese mens' cocks is so gay. Having never been with a Chinese man (or any man for that matter) I'll have to defer to you. Please point out the racist parts of Souness's quotes. To save you having to go back to page 1, here they are: "I wouldn't hesitate to go back for more Turkish players. They are top-class in their approach to training and how much they want to learn. There's no attitude with them. They are all very good professionals and live right - and there are some bloody good football players amongst them. I've had four of them here in England and I've not been unhappy with any of them." Haway, where's the racism? 61943[/snapback] That bit in bold. It's slightly racist because he's characterising an entire race on a stereotype (one which I bet onlt he has). Fine if you disagree, I don't want to make a big issue of it, but like I said my main problem is that it's complete bollocks! Haway is what mackems say btw, you big ginger red and white stripey bastard! 61948[/snapback] How big are mackems cocks in general, you enormous fruit? And is it fuck racist tbh. You know as well as I do that you're talking bollocks, but you won't concede defeat.
  9. Renton's gonna have you for that. By the way Renton, any further info on different nationalities' cock sizes?
  10. Saying black men have big cocks is stereotyping. It's not racism. Just admit you were wrong man you big gay stripey cat. 61937[/snapback] Never! I can win this argument! So you are saying its not racist to say chinese people have small cocks? I beg to differ - it's slightly racist. (And true) 61942[/snapback] You mincer! The wink on the bit where you say that it's true about Chinese mens' cocks is so gay. Having never been with a Chinese man (or any man for that matter) I'll have to defer to you. Please point out the racist parts of Souness's quotes. To save you having to go back to page 1, here they are: "I wouldn't hesitate to go back for more Turkish players. They are top-class in their approach to training and how much they want to learn. There's no attitude with them. They are all very good professionals and live right - and there are some bloody good football players amongst them. I've had four of them here in England and I've not been unhappy with any of them." Haway, where's the racism?
  11. Might be age or the fact that you get what you want for yourself at any given point. I'm the same- give the pressies to the kids as I'm really not fussed for anything. Having said that... electric blanket Cath? Just bought myself this great 'foofy' down filled duvet. Heaven.. sheer unadulterated heaven. 61916[/snapback] Foofy.
  12. Saying black men have big cocks is stereotyping. It's not racism. Just admit you were wrong man you big gay stripey cat.
  13. I totally agree. The whole point of signing "turkish players" is racist, and odd, to say the least, but then again, Souness is such a fuckwit nothing surprises me. Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if someone is blue and has pink hair so long as he plays well for Newcastle United. 61776[/snapback] Eh? 61838[/snapback] It is racist in a way. He's stereotyping an entire nation which, as LM has said, is really quite odd, and patently bollocks. If he had said he only wants to sign English or Scottish players I'm sure you can see there might be a problem. Not really racist, just incredibly stupid tbh. 61861[/snapback] It's not racist in the slightest tbh. 61869[/snapback] So stereotyping people by their nationality/race isn't in the slightest bit racist, is it not? What if he had sterotyped them in a negative way, like most turks smell? 61886[/snapback] Jesus Christ Renton. People say they like the bulldog spirit/never say die attitude about English players. Is that racist? Nope. 61887[/snapback] I said what he said was slightly racist, but more important it is just complete bollocks. Just like the "bull dog spirit" of the English tbh. 61891[/snapback] It wasn't racist at all though, so in fact you're as guilty as Souness of coming out with complete bollocks.
  14. I totally agree. The whole point of signing "turkish players" is racist, and odd, to say the least, but then again, Souness is such a fuckwit nothing surprises me. Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if someone is blue and has pink hair so long as he plays well for Newcastle United. 61776[/snapback] Eh? 61838[/snapback] It is racist in a way. He's stereotyping an entire nation which, as LM has said, is really quite odd, and patently bollocks. If he had said he only wants to sign English or Scottish players I'm sure you can see there might be a problem. Not really racist, just incredibly stupid tbh. 61861[/snapback] It's not racist in the slightest tbh. 61869[/snapback] So stereotyping people by their nationality/race isn't in the slightest bit racist, is it not? What if he had sterotyped them in a negative way, like most turks smell? 61886[/snapback] Jesus Christ Renton. People say they like the bulldog spirit/never say die attitude about English players. Is that racist? Nope. 61887[/snapback] I said what he said was slightly racist, but more important it is just complete bollocks. Just like the "bull dog spirit" of the English tbh. 61891[/snapback] Gemmill is mixing it up with the "bull dog looks" of the English anyway. 61893[/snapback] That's right, my handsome German midget.
  15. I totally agree. The whole point of signing "turkish players" is racist, and odd, to say the least, but then again, Souness is such a fuckwit nothing surprises me. Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if someone is blue and has pink hair so long as he plays well for Newcastle United. 61776[/snapback] Eh? 61838[/snapback] It is racist in a way. He's stereotyping an entire nation which, as LM has said, is really quite odd, and patently bollocks. If he had said he only wants to sign English or Scottish players I'm sure you can see there might be a problem. Not really racist, just incredibly stupid tbh. 61861[/snapback] It's not racist in the slightest tbh. 61869[/snapback] So stereotyping people by their nationality/race isn't in the slightest bit racist, is it not? What if he had sterotyped them in a negative way, like most turks smell? 61886[/snapback] Jesus Christ Renton. People say they like the bulldog spirit/never say die attitude about English players. Is that racist? Nope.
  16. He thinks he's got an ace up his sleeve in Shearer man. He'll call the press conference and announce Shearer as the new boss, and sit there with that sluglike smile on his face assuming that we're all wetting ourselves at the prospect of a Geordie manager. 61868[/snapback] Gemmill, as the saying goes: you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. (summit like that ) The people aren't going to be fooled if Shearer is appointed as the next manager; they will just keep their money in their pocket and wait for things to happen imo, instead of splashing out more in hope that something will. If Shearer is indeed Portly Freddie's 'ace up his sleeve' I think he has got it wrong big time. 61875[/snapback] You just watch mate. The majority of people will be swept along in a tide of optimism, firstly at the fact that Souness is gone, and secondly at the "new Messiah" in charge. We'll have the usual pack of numptys on SSN going "Aye, Sheara is ganna be a legend lyk. Wa ganna win the league" and the season ticket applications will pour in for "the new era".
  17. I totally agree. The whole point of signing "turkish players" is racist, and odd, to say the least, but then again, Souness is such a fuckwit nothing surprises me. Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if someone is blue and has pink hair so long as he plays well for Newcastle United. 61776[/snapback] Eh? 61838[/snapback] It is racist in a way. He's stereotyping an entire nation which, as LM has said, is really quite odd, and patently bollocks. If he had said he only wants to sign English or Scottish players I'm sure you can see there might be a problem. Not really racist, just incredibly stupid tbh. 61861[/snapback] It's not racist in the slightest tbh.
  18. He thinks he's got an ace up his sleeve in Shearer man. He'll call the press conference and announce Shearer as the new boss, and sit there with that sluglike smile on his face assuming that we're all wetting ourselves at the prospect of a Geordie manager.
  19. The FACT! is, I don't think one person can argue with that statement. That being the case, Souness' time must surely end now? What is the point in keeping him on; so he can spend another astronomical amount on a player in Jan of the ilk of J.A.B that wont take the club another inch forward??? If things don't go well against Villa, the crowd have no alternative but to ask for him to be removed. 61841[/snapback] He won't be removed until the end of the season, and he'll work with Shearer in January to bring in the players Shearer wants to work with next season, I reckon. 61847[/snapback] You're probably right, although that doesn't mean it's the right decision by the club. But if results do continue as bad as this, and we slip down the table (despite having virtually our full team), then I can see him being booted out earlier. It's fairly obvious that Shearer is already the man behind most our signings, he doesn't need any "help" from Souness. 61851[/snapback] I reckon Souness would only be sacked if relegation became a genuine possibility.
  20. The FACT! is, I don't think one person can argue with that statement. That being the case, Souness' time must surely end now? What is the point in keeping him on; so he can spend another astronomical amount on a player in Jan of the ilk of J.A.B that wont take the club another inch forward??? If things don't go well against Villa, the crowd have no alternative but to ask for him to be removed. 61841[/snapback] He won't be removed until the end of the season, and he'll work with Shearer in January to bring in the players Shearer wants to work with next season, I reckon.
  21. Shearer was definitely out of order with the elbow on Weir. Fair play to Weir like - heard an interview with him this morning and he just said "It was a tough game and things like that happen. I don't think he was trying to hurt me". Proper player. Get him signed. Agree about not making a big deal of that decision though - it's frustrating at the time, but there was plenty time left to go in the game and we just fell to pieces in the second half. PS. Sammy the ginger aussie.... So?
  22. Panic buy? Panic reaction more like.
  23. Just wait. I think there is enough material in this topic to become another anti-Souness thread... 61821[/snapback] This bloke loses his job and yet he's not the one that's spent 50m quid! Gemmill will be along later to make excuses about this..... [/Leazes]
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