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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I'm not having hand and shoulder injuries as worthwhile exclusives tbh.
  2. I'll come out before as well as after, but probably not til later on - won't be a 1 o clock start for me, maybe 3?
  3. I'm liking the sound of the Keegan-Shearer thing. Which undoubtedly means it won't happen.
  4. What story, the KK one? I'm keeping it for an exclusive man 64349[/snapback] An exclusive rumour? Whaddya think this thread is? All the best exclusives are on Toontastic man. 64351[/snapback] Aye but we have proper insiders on wor board. 64354[/snapback] I'll have to take your word for it. Point me in the direction of the next "inside story" that gets posted, and when it comes true I'll believe you.
  5. I really hope he's sorted because, whether you like the lad or not, his pace and movement is what we've been crying out for. A pre-emptive "shut it!" to Leazes, who upon seeing the words "pace and movement" won't be able to resist mentioning the B-word.
  6. What story, the KK one? I'm keeping it for an exclusive man 64349[/snapback] An exclusive rumour? Whaddya think this thread is? All the best exclusives are on Toontastic man.
  7. Aye reet. More Shearer bashing. 64343[/snapback] At least he was prepared to share his story though, Mr. Secret Squirrel.
  8. No offence to your source Skol, but that sounds like bollocks.
  9. Good to meet you snakey. Next time we'll have to ply you with a bit more drink and see if we can't get you showing us some of the dance moves. See you at the next one.
  10. Gemmill

    Amdy Faye

    Chopra has got nothing. No pace, no strength, he can't head the ball, he can't hold the ball up. He's basically a total non-entity. 64145[/snapback] you 2 aren't judging a player on one or two games surely ........ and aye, Faye was our best player yesterday 64280[/snapback] Errrr....no.
  11. Gemmill

    Amdy Faye

    Chopra has got nothing. No pace, no strength, he can't head the ball, he can't hold the ball up. He's basically a total non-entity.
  12. What's the point of free booze when they won't let you have the following day off? They could have least made it a Friday. St James Park for ours - a week today. 63903[/snapback] 3 years running now I've made that point! Doesn't seem to quell the steady (actually torrential) flow of alcohol though! The people who work away from head office prefer it during the week - that way they lose two working days rather than one day of their weekend for travelling! Tossers! We can't have time off because we're IT and a Service Department! Arse! 63919[/snapback] If you're anything like our IT department you'd be as much use sat at home with a hangover as you are in work.
  13. Who was the new member like? Anyone interesting? I've tried searching for members by joining date, but the search function is a shambles tbh. I blame the bloke who wrote the code.
  14. Play the bottom E with your thumb wrapped round the top of the neck if your fingers don't stretch. It's what the pro's do.
  15. I could never do an F or a G7 .. I can now but I try never to play those if I can help it, out of sheer hatred. 63693[/snapback] I cannit play any cords that require you to bar all 6 strings cause I have tubby midget fingers 63850[/snapback] Watch out, Beadle's about!
  16. Ibanez are metallers' guitars.
  17. Fair do's. If he doesn't feel it's right for him to walk away then it's down to Shepherd to do his job and make decisions. Can't argue with him not wanting to resign if he still thinks he can put things right.
  18. I'm sure Wullie used to be a decent poster over there and just snapped at some point under the Souness regime. His poor young heart couldn't take it any more. Personally I can't blame him, some of the shit that's been inflicted on us under Souness is tantamount to child abuse! 63796[/snapback] He's a grumpy old man in a young lad's body like. And I've told him that over there in case anyone from N-O wants to call me a two-faced snide. 63799[/snapback] 63802[/snapback] That's foul, you dirty shit!
  19. I'm sure Wullie used to be a decent poster over there and just snapped at some point under the Souness regime. His poor young heart couldn't take it any more. Personally I can't blame him, some of the shit that's been inflicted on us under Souness is tantamount to child abuse! 63796[/snapback] He's a grumpy old man in a young lad's body like. And I've told him that over there in case anyone from N-O wants to call me a two-faced snide.
  20. Aye, knowing how easily I can get over a shit match and focus on the fact that we've picked up the 3 points, I reckon I could cope with the ugly play. I can't remember the last time I came away from a match where we played well and got beaten with a smile on my face though. It's nice to be entertaining, but winning's what counts.
  21. Cheers lads, I'm feeling much better now, but I think tomorrow is going to be obvious there is someone missing which me and the lads (some of whom have gone to the match with him for 30 years) are going to find a bit difficult. Funny story; He left a note with the solicitor for my mam that I'm not allowed to read. Anyway, in it he's said that if he dies in service he knows my mam will get a canny pay out so he's asked her to allocate the money to certain things. He's left me a pot of money but it not to be used for anything apart from buying my season ticket for the next couple of seasons. A lot might say 'awww bless', but not me, the funny twat has done it on purpose! BASTID! 63788[/snapback] Class.
  22. That's a fair comment imo. Bolton play absolutely awful - albeit effective - boring football. Although, perhaps with some talented individuals at his disposal it might be a different story. 63787[/snapback] Aye, I agree. I think we'd be effective, well-organised, but dull under Allardyce. Having said that I'd gladly watch it if we were winning games.
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