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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. you and Gemmil on the brink of another u-turn perhaps ....... I presume you are going to join the bandwagon who say he's stupid for appointing Dalglish and Gullit when you agreed with him at the time ..... 65889[/snapback] Is there such a bandwagon or is this another one that only exists in your head? Like the people that said Shola was the next Shearer. 65890[/snapback] Did you ? I made my usual first, correct impression after one game of Shola Ameobi..... 65893[/snapback] Did I think Shola was the next Shearer? No I didn't. Don't know anyone who did. You should become a scout. 65906[/snapback] You, and others, were on the old toontastic/newcastle online more than me, and you know a lot of people thought this. Anyway, as I asked, did you think Shepherd had made a cock up at the time, when he appointed Dalglish or Gullit, or not ? Or were you pleased ? Because if you were, you are out of order criticising Shepherd. yes or no. 65973[/snapback] When Shepherd appointed Dalglish I didn't just think it was a good choice, I thought it was the perfect choice. But I didn't know one way or the other what was going to happen. When he appointed Gullit I was just pleased that there was a bit of a lift to the place but again I didn't know what the appointment held in store. Both didn't work out, but I still wouldn't necessarily say either were bad appointments, they just both performed poorly in their time here. For me to say they were bad appointments I'd have to have thought they were flawed from the start, and I didn't. Now can you please show me where I've criticised Shepherd. I think for the most part he's a decent chairman - he's guilty of shortsightedness and he doesn't seem to have a long-term strategy in place for the club, but I'd take him over a lot of others simply from the point of view of the way he backs his managers with cash. I just hope when he comes to replace Souness he really puts some thought into it.
  2. No of course I didn't know one way or the other whether they were good appointments or poor appointments. As usual, I hoped that they would do the business and I then gave both men time to prove themselves. Now you answer me this - what does that have to do with what we're talking about? I didn't answer it because it was utterly irrelevant.
  3. One lad has answered his own question - WHO THINKS ROCKING'S LETHAL ON THE MIC? - with the following: Okayyyy. The place is ripe for a board invasion, if only it was a bit busier.
  4. I've been to the Blue Monkey which is what it was previously. In my defence, I was 14 or 15 at the time.
  5. you and Gemmil on the brink of another u-turn perhaps ....... I presume you are going to join the bandwagon who say he's stupid for appointing Dalglish and Gullit when you agreed with him at the time ..... 65889[/snapback] Is there such a bandwagon or is this another one that only exists in your head? Like the people that said Shola was the next Shearer. 65890[/snapback] Did you ? I made my usual first, correct impression after one game of Shola Ameobi..... 65893[/snapback] Did I think Shola was the next Shearer? No I didn't. Don't know anyone who did. You should become a scout.
  6. you and Gemmil on the brink of another u-turn perhaps ....... I presume you are going to join the bandwagon who say he's stupid for appointing Dalglish and Gullit when you agreed with him at the time ..... 65889[/snapback] Is there such a bandwagon or is this another one that only exists in your head? Like the people that said Shola was the next Shearer.
  7. 65783[/snapback] Well hello all, i not long ago PM'd Craig, saying i wouldn't be as sad as Alex, to go on another board and bitch on and on. However, i thought i might as well be that sad, as i have plenty of time on my hands here at college. I thought I'd rectify a few made up/modified comments to suit peoples purposes in this thread. I also thought I'd go one better, and make my name Joss Stone on this board Just as Alex plans to change his avatar to Joss Stone, which will really make me loose sleep Did Testa Mora spew on about how everyone should boycott watching Live 8 as it was hypocritical for rich pop stars to take part in such events when they should just give their money to Africa directly, and then admit that she watched it all? No. I really think you need to get yourself back to the archive, you've modified what was actually said. I watched it because, if i didn't, how could i possibly judge? It would be hypocritical to criticise it, if i didn't watch it. i just didn't think it was the best method and still don't think its the best method to overcome poverty in Africa, do we actually know what change has happened since Live 8? Not much been said about it. Yes, i don't like Joss Stone and I'm the only person who doesn't. ''I could excuse the arrogance, bad taste in clothes and pretentions if she could actually sing but no, she just sounds like she is putting it on.'' - Vogue. Sums her up for me. Renton, when did you tell me i was silly little naive girl who turns on the water works (yes i cry on a forum apparently) ''to my face''? Don't have any pm's from you, i don't seem to know you in real life either. Here is the PM i sent to Craig. Alex is an arsehole who seems to have nothing better to do but follow my posts to act up on them. My arm and George Best have what in common exactly? Not sure what he is getting at. If he is trying to say, i make something up according to a new thread, than why haven't i posted about hamstring troubles, groin injuries, breaking my hand and getting it pinned, back troubles, shoulder injuries? Just like there is 100's of threads every other time. I don't like Joss Stone lol Same as a lot of other people, i wasn't aware i had to like her. Alex seems to think George Best was the greatest man to ever live, never put a foot wrong, shining example of a human being he was. Why does Alex discuss this? I made it up according to him. Sad Individual. I fail to see how I'm a caffeine addict, when i don't like most sources of it . I was willing to post about it originally, however he continually took the piss, so i didn't bother. Must have way too much time on his hands, not only continually looking for my comments just to have a dig, he posts on another forum about me. He claims i said i knew everything about George Best's situation, rather not, i just gave my insight, because i don't believe alcoholism is a disease, as many others had posted, yet Alex continually decided to keep mine in close check. ''She's not a racist though, she's just misunderstood.'' ''Islamaphobic tbh. I might change my N-O avatar to Joss Stone btw.'' Just for me? He really shouldn't waste his time. As for being racist, it's laughable, Ali, Mohammed and Jamal, Muslim friends of mine (made up of course just for Alex's benefit ), would strongly disagree. Must be one of these white middle aged old men that deems what is racist and what's not. Merry Christmas all ...oh shit scrap that, Happy Holiday Now I'll be off, i thought I'd help ''spice up your board'', obviously nothing much better going on if you've nothing better to discuss than me. OH! Missed something out, i know nothing about football, as do most people on N-O, because they don't all agree with Master Alex. Signed..... naive ignorant, little girl. 65840[/snapback] Thick as fuck tbh.
  8. Gemmill

    FAO Lou

    Not if I can help it. Street entertainers are the pits tbh.
  9. No but it's gay to know that they've got big hard cocks you mincer! 65832[/snapback] Hey, I never said that, get your facts right! 65834[/snapback] I got there by extrapolation.
  10. No but it's gay to know that they've got big hard cocks you mincer!
  11. Cheeky bastard! You all know I'm not ginger really.
  12. He's feigning injury to save himself for the world cup tbh.
  13. Sad story this. Awful that a mentally ill bloke has ended up dead, but if a bloke shouts that he's got a bomb on a plane and refuses to comply with the Marshalls, then he's gonna end up dead these days, unfortunately.
  14. I don't think we will actually. Souness will limit their chance with his negative football, packing the midfield etc. 1-0 to them I reckon, with a sizable portion of our fans happy with our battling performance. 65735[/snapback] I won't be happy, but I think I might be relieved if we get through this match only losing 1-0. I think we're gonna get turned over.
  15. ...the same Freddy Shepherd who appointed, and continues to fully support, Graeme Souness. Be interesting, this one... 65710[/snapback] Not to mention supporting Souness over the whole Bellamy affair.....
  16. What did you do that for, you penis?
  17. Anyone been to the Dakota building? I went like, morbid twat that I am. Canny fucking place to live though! The Lennon/Williams comparison is bizarre to say the least, although I agree about Imagine.
  18. Couldn't tell you mate. Formula One is unwatchable tbh.
  19. So has HTT gone back to N-O to add to his collection of "Great post HTT!" responses? Someone once told him that he has "a wonderful way of capturing the mood and passion of the Geordie people in words" - one of my particular favourites.
  20. A bit harsh on McCartney there I think, although I can see where you're coming from. Incidentally, I heard Brazil make two howlers about Lennon on TalkShite this morning. First he said "with no disrespect, what did he see in Yoko". I'm sure neither Yoko or Sean will find it disrepectful at all Alan..... Then, as a Lennon tribute song was fading out, he says "John Lennon dead for 25 years....fabulous". You know what he meant but my God, how is that fool on the radio? 65695[/snapback] The bloke is a knob like. Re McCartney, sometimes I see him interviewed and he seems a canny enough fella and my faith is almost restored. But then he'll say something about "rocking on", or emit a "whoop" and my good will fades.
  21. Aye it's sad like. Just so daft when you think that here's a bloke who just writes songs for a living and some mentalist takes it upon himself to kill him. Mind, he could have turned out to be an embarrassing arsehole like Paul McCartney had he lived. Although you'd hope he was a bit cooler than that tbh.
  22. He does a radio show as well. Might be worth listening to him on there. Has anyone actually noticed what a fat bastard he is when you see him properly up and moving about. He looks "portly" when he's sat on the sofa on GMTV, but see the fucker actually in motion! Jesus he's like a hot water bottle filled to bursting with jelly.
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