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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. That perfectly describes Souness, you contrary twat! I don't like Wenger's after match comments, but then I don't like most managers. However, I totally respect what he has done as a manager. Arsenal can play some breath-taking football at times, almost reminiscent of Keegan's finest team. OK, they are a bit shit at the moment, but they will be back under Wenger. And unlike Ferguson or Mourinho, he's done it without breaking the bank. 66663[/snapback] one of the best managers in World Football. If he came into Newcastle to replace Souness, I think we would see a few of those u-turns which are quite popular around here 66714[/snapback] Here he goes with his fucking u-turns again. To the pair of you: funnily enough, it hasn't escaped my attention that Wenger is a good manager and that Arsenal play good football. I just happen to think that he can also be a hypocritical bellend. By the way, I bet Leazes Mag KNEW he would be a success after his first game on arrival from Japan. He KNEW it and he's never changed his mind since.......cos that's just the kinda guy he is.
  2. No, it's dull. No wonder, it was started by Souness' lovechild. 66467[/snapback] Fucking depressing if you ask me. Cheers Gemmil, i feel like topping myself now, as if i didn't have enough on my plate today having to watch that shite at t time 66532[/snapback] http://homepage.mac.com/kellydean/Music/iMovieTheater34.html
  3. I've just got no time and no respect for Arsene Wenger. The bloke refuses to accept any wrongdoing on behalf of his own players, and famously doesn't see any of the appalling challenges I've seen Arsenal players make over the years that he's been in charge of them. And yet he whinges like a big fucking girl when someone puts in a physical performance against his lot. Shearer's foul on Campbell was horribly mistimed and deserving of a yellow, but the referee didn't see it that way, and that's football. Wenger is a grade-A minge.
  4. We did well today and everyone played their part. The effort was unbelievable from all of them. Special mention to Faye and Shola, for being so much better than they normally are.
  5. Awful fight. The pair of them should just retire because even with the heavyweight decision in the state that it's in, neither of them have got what it takes.
  6. Won't be there too long post-match cos I'm gonna head home and watch the Harrison-Williams fight.
  7. The latter methinks One things for certain though - Newcastle couldn't buy a goal! Did you see what I did there Gemmill? Did you see? 66523[/snapback] Superb!
  8. Is Owen playing today then or is he Christmas shopping with his lass again?
  9. Happy birthday mate. He won't be over here to see it like - he's strictly an N-O company man these days.
  10. Not quite. I assume you are talking about the University of Central LancaSHIRE (aka UCLAN). It's in Preston- not the worlds greatest uni but if you like sport their facilities there are supposedly top class. Decent nightlife too, I'm told. However, I only ever went into Preston to change trains, so that's all the help I can give. 66516[/snapback] I think one of the key things Mark looks for is a plentiful supply of Blue WKD.
  11. I think Matt went there. Sounds like a well planned decision from you though.
  12. Console yourself with the fact that I was one of the silly fuckers that paid 80 quid for it about a month ago. Arsenal to score 3 or 4. Is it bad to be looking forward a bit to seeing a team that can play football?
  13. http://www.digitalmg.ws/games.php
  14. This is a great thread. http://www.humanistsofutah.org/2002/WhyCan...dian_10-02.html
  15. http://www.nonstop.lv/files/bubblewrap.swf
  16. http://seneca.rsad.edu/animations/AfterYou.html
  17. http://www.gethappy.com/watchmore.html
  18. http://uploads.ungrounded.net/221000/221483_Play.swf
  19. I don't think it could have been much worse tbh, Zath. That's a hard fucking group by anyone's standards.
  20. Thanks Alex. At least you're big enough ( unlike the others ) to admit that you really can't slag FS for appointing managers you yourself thought at the time were good decisions. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but it should never be used to call people c**ts and other stupid comments. 66249[/snapback] To be fair, I said the same thing. You can thank me too if you like. I do love Souness though.
  21. See a doctor and that like but still A name change to oneball operator could be in order. 66333[/snapback] Might have to take an 'O' out of smooth 66334[/snapback] You absolute bastards! Hope it turns out to be nowt mate, but take the advice and go and see the doctor. Either that or get Wacky to have a look - he's the right height.
  22. I've always thought Irish immigraton was laughably bad, I've walked through, beeped and muttered something about my watch and they've just waved me on. What on earth happened? It's the only airline I'll fly over there as RyanAir are crooks. 66189[/snapback] I was on a 747 taxiing at Shannon, at the rear, when all of a sudden there was an explosion behind me. The plane slammed its brakes on, but the cabin crew froze - they were clueless. Anyway, there was fumes coming out a vent which made me dizzy, so I took the initiative, undid my seat belt and got up. I was the first to do this, and it sparked mass panic, and I was actually one of last off the last off the plane, ripping my arm on the emergency shoot on the way out. Turned out it was a door that exploded - had it done that in mid air the consequences could have been disasterous, especially for those sitting near it (always fasten your seat belts!). This was in 1992, and despite having flown over 100 times since, I am still shit scared at take off. 66194[/snapback] And to make matters worse, he'd only just discovered the news about Souness's appointment in the departure lounge prior to boarding.
  23. Gemmill

    FAO Lou

    Not if I can help it. Street entertainers are the pits tbh. 65838[/snapback] Sub-human scum imo. As wor lass is apt to shout at these types: 'Get a fucking job!' 66090[/snapback] Egg-fucking-zactly. A bunch of people with no jobs and no discernible talent, doing things like juggling in the street. A 10 year old can juggle and there are actually people that will form a crowd and watch a grown man do it! Not to mention mimes - you're not stuck in a box, you're just a twat.
  24. I'll be there pre and post. See you there, cobber.
  25. No of course I didn't know one way or the other whether they were good appointments or poor appointments. As usual, I hoped that they would do the business and I then gave both men time to prove themselves. Now you answer me this - what does that have to do with what we're talking about? I didn't answer it because it was utterly irrelevant. 65967[/snapback] oh, right you answered this. Or didn't. Nowt like sitting on the fence. Just as well Shepherd isn't as decisive as you And it's totally relevant, it proves that you only exercise hindsight when making criticisms or giving praise if appropriate ..... anyone can do that 65975[/snapback] Where have I exercised hindsight? Jesus Christ, you asked whether I'm now saying that they're bad appointments and jumping on some bandwagon. I point out that 'No, I'm not saying they were bad appointments or jumping on a bandwagon', so you accuse me of exercising hindsight with regards to something else (fuck knows what!). And this from the man who KNEW, not thought, KNEW the very first time he saw Shola play that he would never be good enough. Guilty of applying a bit of hindsight yourself there, are you?
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