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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I thought the Matrix was dire like. One of those where I just couldn't see what all the fuss was about.
  2. If they are legit quotes it is a bit off spin isn't it? Or with other words - shifting the blame. I think it's a funny that he says those players he signed are capable to finish in the top 6. Strangely those players from the "rotten" squad were even finishing in the top 4... What would you rather have: A squad of spoilt brats who now and then appear in the headlines of the tabloids but getting results or a squad of choir boys who play crap... 67102[/snapback] How about a squad of decent lads that play well? Or is it a straight choice between employing arseholes or playing shit that's on offer? 67113[/snapback] No, it's the choice between the squad that Souness first described as the best squad he ever worked with (and then slagged off) and the current one. Of course I'd like to see a squad of players who are playing well and also give free piano lessons to homeless children in their spare time... 67115[/snapback] Bellamy would have slammed the lid on their fingers if they made a mistake tbh. Or stole the keys to use as his two front teeth.
  3. If they are legit quotes it is a bit off spin isn't it? Or with other words - shifting the blame. I think it's a funny that he says those players he signed are capable to finish in the top 6. Strangely those players from the "rotten" squad were even finishing in the top 4... What would you rather have: A squad of spoilt brats who now and then appear in the headlines of the tabloids but getting results or a squad of choir boys who play crap... 67102[/snapback] How about a squad of decent lads that play well? Or is it a straight choice between employing arseholes or playing shit that's on offer?
  4. A quote's a quote. I know you think that any and everything the papers print about Laurent Robert is just rank xenophobia though. 67083[/snapback] Nope just from papers like the S*n, Daily Mail or NOTW et al who use selective or creative quoting. For Souness' full quotes with proper quotation marks: http://home.skysports.com/list.asp?hlid=33...+squad+problems 67088[/snapback] Who's to say he isn't telling the truth? One thing you can definitely say since Souness has arrived is that we're not seeing the stories of this one, that one or the other one out pissed or misbehaving themselves, which if reports are to be believed is what was causing a major rift between the senior players and the youngsters at the club. 67098[/snapback] Of course, morale and team spirit is so high that whenever we go a goal down, you can put your mortgage on us not winning the game... 67101[/snapback] Not sure how that's a response to the point I was making tbh. Have you seen our goal celebrations recently? Noticed how the whole team is involved in them? Wasn't like that a little while back. Clearly we're not getting the results we would all hope for but that doesn't prove that there's no morale or team spirit.
  5. A quote's a quote. I know you think that any and everything the papers print about Laurent Robert is just rank xenophobia though. 67083[/snapback] Nope just from papers like the S*n, Daily Mail or NOTW et al who use selective or creative quoting. For Souness' full quotes with proper quotation marks: http://home.skysports.com/list.asp?hlid=33...+squad+problems 67088[/snapback] Who's to say he isn't telling the truth? One thing you can definitely say since Souness has arrived is that we're not seeing the stories of this one, that one or the other one out pissed or misbehaving themselves, which if reports are to be believed is what was causing a major rift between the senior players and the youngsters at the club.
  6. I cancelled Sky Movies recently and signed up with Screenselect instead. There's so much crap on Sky Movies it's ridiculous. Costs a bit more than Sky Movies but at least I get to choose decent stuff to watch.
  7. After the Exorcist Kermodes second favourite is Brazil, which I've already said I hated. He says "The only thing I'm certain about is that The Exorcist is both my own favourite film and the definitive Best Film Ever Made." Who's he to say what's the definitve best film ever made. Just leave it at "my favourite". I often agree with him though. 67086[/snapback] You wanna lend him that book of yours.
  8. A quote's a quote. I know you think that any and everything the papers print about Laurent Robert is just rank xenophobia though.
  9. Gemmill

    FAO Lou

    Similar to "entertainer" when it follows "street".
  10. Buying books about how to read a movie is gayer than a dancing bloke tbh.
  11. Snatch was utter crap too, to be fair. For some reason a lot of people seem to like it though.
  12. The story about the Cambodian Midgets Fighting League is a fake though. http://www.newturfers.com/mwf/attach/38/35...nRing-Fight.htm
  13. The monkey news on the first one is class. "No, I'm sorry. They did not spend billions of dollars to send a spacecraft up, manned by a monkey with a banana dispenser."
  14. LA Confidential was class, and The Descent is on my Screenselect selection. I'll let you all know definitively what it's like before too long.
  15. Predictably pointing out that you were being hypocritical. 66932[/snapback] Only hypocritical if I'd claimed the comment in the People was 'sound' 66977[/snapback] By starting the thread and calling it "Speaking of Souness contradictions...", the implication was there for all to see.
  16. There's not many teams can play Arsenal at their own game and beat them, to be fair, even if we did have the players. And nothing about Saturday saddened me.
  17. Predictably pointing out that you were being hypocritical.
  18. Him, Karl Pilkington and Stephen Merchant just talking about stuff. Very funny and free. http://www.guardian.co.uk/rickygervais
  19. Hmmm... Guess that means it's gonna happen then? 66769[/snapback] HMMMM......smart arse 66920[/snapback] Does the obvious really need to be pointed out? 66925[/snapback] This from the bloke who started a thread on the strength of a non-quote from the Sunday People yesterday.
  20. Is that what your mam told you when you got your lunch money nicked? 66776[/snapback] No, I learned to fight back, and have since found it applies to adults as much as kids. Seriously, Souness is a cowardly bully: FACT. 66780[/snapback] FACT. Renton likes it up the bum: FACT.
  21. Must be a lack of Robert quotes today... 66778[/snapback] His are proper quotes though, the snidey little whining shitbag that he is.
  22. Is that what your mam told you when you got your lunch money nicked?
  23. All I see is an unsubstantiated quote from the Sunday friggin People. Shame on you for trying to get some mileage out of it.
  24. That perfectly describes Souness, you contrary twat! I don't like Wenger's after match comments, but then I don't like most managers. However, I totally respect what he has done as a manager. Arsenal can play some breath-taking football at times, almost reminiscent of Keegan's finest team. OK, they are a bit shit at the moment, but they will be back under Wenger. And unlike Ferguson or Mourinho, he's done it without breaking the bank. 66663[/snapback] one of the best managers in World Football. If he came into Newcastle to replace Souness, I think we would see a few of those u-turns which are quite popular around here 66714[/snapback] Here he goes with his fucking u-turns again. To the pair of you: funnily enough, it hasn't escaped my attention that Wenger is a good manager and that Arsenal play good football. I just happen to think that he can also be a hypocritical bellend. By the way, I bet Leazes Mag KNEW he would be a success after his first game on arrival from Japan. He KNEW it and he's never changed his mind since.......cos that's just the kinda guy he is. 66765[/snapback] Souness is also a hypocritical bell end though. I love the way he only talks to the TV media if we win now, otherwise he leaves it for Murray. That makes him a coward as well, does it not? 66768[/snapback] Aye, Graeme Souness has always struck me as the cowardly type like.
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