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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. It's bollocks to say that he "isn't that good at all", but he's definitely hugely overrated on account of the fact that he's young and local. He looks like he could become a very good player though.
  2. Heaven forbid you ever have something serious to worry about, if this is how het up you get about the voucher numbers on your season ticket.
  3. Agree that there's nowt worse than going back in after xmas. I get the post-xmas blues something chronic. I'm back in today btw.
  4. I used to think Pardew was alright an'all. What a prick.
  5. Regardless of how they organise their names, Gary Glitter is his stage name.
  6. Gemmill

    DVD writing

    Use MacTheRipper, Wacky. Toast Titanium 7 works fine after you've done the ripping bit with MTR.
  7. Aye, Gary Glitter is a filthy, despicable arsehole. I do find it funny that his lawyer refers to him as "Mr. Gary" though. Has no one told him that not only is his real name not Gary Glitter, but that it's customary to use the surname when referring to someone as "Mr."?
  8. Gemmill

    CD covers

    what is this ? I use Roxio, Nero is a pain in the arse. 72132[/snapback] It's a Roxio product for the Mac. Burns DVDs, CDs etc.
  9. I'm at work which makes the snow shite today.
  10. Gemmill

    CD covers

    Haven't you got Toast Titanium 7? What about the software that comes with that for CD and DVD covers?
  11. Wouldn't the halfway back home be just as dangerous as the halfway up? 72068[/snapback] Aye but continuing the full way into town and the full way back later on would have been twice as dangerous.
  12. He says whilst leeching off the university-provided internet access that my taxes are no doubt paying for.
  13. "Newcastle can only play one way - and that is going forward." What Newcastle team is he watching?
  14. Bit of a joke like. The council want their arse kicking for the total lack of gritting that had been done - the coast road was like a fucking ice rink last night. I set off for the match in the car, got halfway down the coast road and turned around and came home cos it was too dangerous. Got the metro in instead and spent the night in the Trent. Actually probably had a better night than if the match had been on tbh.
  15. Probably. Just take your whole season ticket along and chill out about which number it'll be tbh.
  16. Gemmill, Fact is, we'll go nowhere in the long term with Souness as manager. When it comes to wanting us to lose, well I don't want us to lose either, ever, but the original poster is obviously taking the view that a defeat today might push FS into getting rid of this clown we have as a manager. Now, IF I knew for an absolute fact that FS would sack Souness following a defeat today, but keep him until the end of the season if we win, I'd be on the same side of the fence as Pilchard Chops. It would be because I care about the club's future, mate. 71700[/snapback] There is no guarantee though is there? And in the absence of such a guarantee you'll not find me wanting us to lose on the off-chance that it might lead to Souness getting sacked. 71702[/snapback] Of course there are no guarantees, which is why I want us to win. However, as every defeat and shite performance goes by I know there is yet one more nail in the coffin for Souness. I take some solace in that. Anyway, hypothetical question. If there was a guarantee as I mentioned above that Souness would be sacked following a defeat today, would you want us to win or lose today? Yes or no will do fine. 71707[/snapback] The answer has to be that it depends on who the replacement would be. I'd answer yes unequivocally if I thought we'd get a top coach in to replace him. Unfortunately I think we'd probably be looking at the likes of Steve Bruce and it's hard to see what the benefit of that sort of appointment would be.
  17. Gemmill, Fact is, we'll go nowhere in the long term with Souness as manager. When it comes to wanting us to lose, well I don't want us to lose either, ever, but the original poster is obviously taking the view that a defeat today might push FS into getting rid of this clown we have as a manager. Now, IF I knew for an absolute fact that FS would sack Souness following a defeat today, but keep him until the end of the season if we win, I'd be on the same side of the fence as Pilchard Chops. It would be because I care about the club's future, mate. 71700[/snapback] There is no guarantee though is there? And in the absence of such a guarantee you'll not find me wanting us to lose on the off-chance that it might lead to Souness getting sacked.
  18. Hadn't really bothered with this thread as assumed it was just a merry christmas thing. Craig, hoping the little 'un is fit and well again asap. Must be an awful time for you and the missus. All the best.
  19. What game were people watching to be marking Luque out as one of our best players?
  20. Personally I hope we win today. Two thumbs down to anyone wanting us to lose.
  21. Win two matches in a row and Leazes Mag is nowhere to be seen. Lose one match and he's back with a fucking vengeance.
  22. You crazy students sure do know how to buck the system.
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