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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Confirms my firmly held belief that booing is for retards tbh.
  2. More shite from you I said years ago I hated the cunt. 73315[/snapback] Ditto. I'd had enough of him probably a season and a half to two seasons before we finally got shot.
  3. I really do hate coming back to work after Christmas. I just hate the fact that Christmas and New Year are over for another year - if I watch something that I've taped over the Christmas period and there's an advert on there for what's gonna be on on Xmas day or whatever, I get all depressed.
  4. Aye, that got on my tits as well. The World Cup appears to be his one and only concern.
  5. 5 if you count Joe Jordan. 73271[/snapback] Would it be unfair to include the French national coach?
  6. He looked like Christopher Biggins dressed up as a student.
  7. I'm rather dissapointed this isn't a post placing Smoothies somewhere above men dancing and reading books about movies on the 'Top 20 ways to be gayer than Christmas' chart. 73275[/snapback] You may have a point like.
  8. Banana, raspberry, milk and yoghurt. As made by me on my new smoothie maker last night.
  9. Lose Simao and replace him with Robert. Gutted.
  10. There was some chanting outside the ground along the Milburn stand entrances yesterday, and some kids had made a Souness Out sign that they had up on a wall. It looked like it had been done in crayon though tbf.
  11. No, I just can't be arsed to go to Kingston Park, if you want to go there and host your own private protest, go ahead. 73211[/snapback] Aye, the thought of watching the reserves, given how shit the first team is, is not really something I'm interested in.
  12. There was never any chance, with the sort of cash Murray stumps up for players, and his total lack of ambition for the club, that Keegan would want anything to do with them, IMO.
  13. Gemmill


    It'll need to be one with a wide door.
  14. Than you will no doubt come to the conclusion enoughs enough and Rin tin tin could manage better than Souness 73001[/snapback] I have had enough now but I'd still be concerned about who Shepherd has in mind (if anyone) for a replacement. He seems to work on a 'sack now, think later' policy though.
  15. I got to the ground quite early so decided to pop into the Trent but didn't spot anyone there- that was about 2.15 72996[/snapback] We were upstairs next to the bar. Although to be fair, Fats was standing between me and the door, so your view would've been obscured.
  16. 3 months without Owen is a huge pisser but if in the short term it means we can "salvage" Luque then it won't have been a complete disaster. 72995[/snapback] Was just thinking that earlier. But for Owen's injury we'd have seen out the season with Luque on the left wing, looking a shambles, and come the close season everyone would want rid. Seeing him up front today, it was very clear where he's more comfortable, and although his runs didn't quite come off today, and he got caught offside a bit too much, it was nice to see someone at least making intelligent runs in the absence of Owen. The quick freekick that Solano took where Luque's chance hit the post was great apart from the finish (I did find myself wondering whether that would be one of those if-that-had-gone-in-he-could-have-had-a-great-career-for-us moments that we'll look back on in a few years time though).
  17. I thought Luque's running was good but he bottled some chances that he could have got a goal out of if he had got his foot in. And he needs to practice corners. Hitting the first man should not happen to professionals full stop. 72994[/snapback] His corners were awful. I think we can forget him putting his foot in for any dodgy challenges though - he just doesn't look the type.
  18. Nice to see Geordie Fats (formerly Fish) turn up today. If he EVER has the nerve to call me fat on here again, there'll be trouble. Built like a fucking couch these days.
  19. Anyone that thinks that just because they've flushed the bog, that the water is all of a sudden fucking Volvic, wants to have a word with themselves tbh.
  20. He looked like a bloke playing in a position he's comfortable with today. He certainly looked a lot better than he has recently which I'm hugely relieved about.
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