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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I have no doubt that Allardyce will do a better job than Souness, but I have doubts as to whether he can take us any further than being perennial UEFA Cup spot challengers. We'll see, I suppose.
  2. Gemmill


    Download the latest ipod updater off the Apple site. Install it, plug your ipod in, start the updater and click restore. It'll get rid of any music you might currently have on the ipod but it'll also update the software on the ipod to the newest version and after that it'll work fine with iTunes. From then on you should only need to click "Update" in the ipod updater and won't lose your music. If you've got music on your ipod that you want to keep, use PodUtil to get it off your ipod and onto your computer before doing the above.
  3. Different results with different phones I guess. Charlotte hoyed mine in a full bath a few months ago and it was a good couple of minutes after I heard the 'ker-plush' that I'd worked out what had happened. Got it out, took it all apart, let everything dry out, put it back together again and it worked fine. Never had a problem with it since either... 73642[/snapback] Bet you were loving that. A little nerd project for you.
  4. Is this thread for real, you pair of arse bandits? "Is anyone going to see her at the Arena?" I should fucking hope not! "That Since U Been Gone song is alright". Jesus wept.
  5. Fat Sam's Grand Slam to turn us down for the second time in 18 months. FACT!
  6. The bloke is a prick. He's out of the limelight for 5 minutes so he does something like this to get his name in the press again. I'm sure Mark Wright is just ecstatic at the interference.
  7. all football crowds are the same .... and you shouldn't presume that those who voice an opinion on a player in the pub, or on a message board, necessarily transfer the same feeling in the ground, rather than support the players on the field, where it matters. Not everyone is like Graeme Souness and allows personal judgements and feelings to come between themselves and what it takes to get positive performances on the pitch on match days where it really counts, for the good of the club 73586[/snapback] I'm not presuming anything mate. I'm talking about what I hear at the match.
  8. There's a damn good reason why I'm on here during work hours, wor lass decided to get rid of the pc at home. As it was a xmas present last year for her bairn she decided it was an ugly fixture in our spare room, so she got the bairns dad to come and pick it up and take it to his, so the bairn can still use it when she's at his and it's not making our spare room "unsightly". And all he contributed to this thousand pound xmas present - 200 quid. So it goes without saying it's been a shite xmas for me, no longer can I wonder off upstairs and enjoy cyber porn when the bairn's watching cartoons or she's watching yet another property programme. 73473[/snapback] And to think you make out that you're the boss in your house etc?! 73481[/snapback] I am the boss in certain area's, such as the bedroom. In this instance I didn't really have a leg to stand on as it was her bairns computer. Although out of spite I held back my Football Manager game from the bairns fatha but left the icon on the desktop! 73495[/snapback] But not the spare bedroom?
  9. Don't worry Gwaemme, I still love you. 73449[/snapback] The difference is that I didn't shout that though. You already admitted to booing.
  10. There's a damn good reason why I'm on here during work hours, wor lass decided to get rid of the pc at home. As it was a xmas present last year for her bairn she decided it was an ugly fixture in our spare room, so she got the bairns dad to come and pick it up and take it to his, so the bairn can still use it when she's at his and it's not making our spare room "unsightly". And all he contributed to this thousand pound xmas present - 200 quid. So it goes without saying it's been a shite xmas for me, no longer can I wonder off upstairs and enjoy cyber porn when the bairn's watching cartoons or she's watching yet another property programme. 73473[/snapback] And to think you make out that you're the boss in your house etc?!
  11. Holiday weight? How long have you been off for?
  12. Gemmill


    Our? OUR?! Don't be tarring me with your brush, sausage fingers! www.ilounge.com btw. Loads of links to stuff like Anapod and other useful iPod stuff on there.
  13. Not at all; I'm just a bit tetchy about Gemmill taking the piss because I booed the team AFTER the match for the first time ever, which was the result of serious provocation imo. 73374[/snapback] You feel ashamed of what you did. That's why you're tetchy. 73392[/snapback] Do I fuck. 73395[/snapback] You'll feel better if you share your shame with the group. Let it out. 73397[/snapback] Booing is canny gay like 73404[/snapback] Not as gay as Gemmill rimming Souness like. Anyway, it was more of a "fuck off Souness you useless tosser" comment than a boo, which probably surprised my neighbours coming from me as it was out of character (at the match I mean, not on here obviously). Agree about Oliver being more Shepherd's mouthpiece, the end is nigh for Souness alright. If he had any decency he'd resign, but he probably now wants to get sacked to get his pay off. 73434[/snapback] A-booooooooooo! A-booooooooooo-boooo-boooooooooooo! I bet you shook your fist with your thumb tucked into it as well.
  14. Gemmill


    I've never used Anapod, but I'm struggling to understand how anything could be easier to use than iTunes?
  15. Thing is though, whether you think he'll ultimately make it here or not, it's a disgrace that after a handful of games he's already getting that famous SJP OTT mumbling and grumbling every time something doesn't work out for him, or he loses possession or whatever. Lots of people have clearly already made their minds up about the bloke.
  16. Gemmill


    I'd bite more but I'm actually recently very sensitive about my weight. 73414[/snapback] I'm not surprised like. You are MASSIVE. PS. You're getting no sympathy from me, having called me a fat bastard for the last however long. No amount of smilies will make me feel guilty.
  17. Class in the latest one when he slates any idiot that rides a unicycle, spins plates, juggles etc. That Lou bird needs to have a listen tbh.
  18. Gemmill


    It'll need to be one with a wide door. 73153[/snapback] this coming from the only Ginger robotic Orca Whale? aye Pud how about O'Neils opposite the Central Station. now it's your turn, name the day 73381[/snapback] Sorry mate, all I heard there was the sound of jelly wobbling. Say again.
  19. Not at all; I'm just a bit tetchy about Gemmill taking the piss because I booed the team AFTER the match for the first time ever, which was the result of serious provocation imo. 73374[/snapback] You feel ashamed of what you did. That's why you're tetchy. 73392[/snapback] Do I fuck. 73395[/snapback] You'll feel better if you share your shame with the group. Let it out.
  20. I don't want to turn this into an Alan Green slagging thread...but go on then. He called Bolton 'ugly' and said they were like that 'week in week out' (how dare they get a draw against his beloved Liverpool!). A Bolton fan came on and said they'd outplayed both Arsenal and Everton so they weren't actually 'ugly' every week to which Green started in his pitch squeak going 'I never said that! DON'T PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH!' We all heard you, you over-opinionated-Liverpool-loving-glory-seeking- Souness-rimming little twat. 73387[/snapback] Aye I was listening to that. He was screeching "You're actually out of order here because I never said that!". Even though those were the EXACT words he'd used, the fat prick.
  21. Not at all; I'm just a bit tetchy about Gemmill taking the piss because I booed the team AFTER the match for the first time ever, which was the result of serious provocation imo. 73374[/snapback] You feel ashamed of what you did. That's why you're tetchy.
  22. Confirms my firmly held belief that booing is for retards tbh. 73346[/snapback] People supporting Souness all this time despite the evidence of what he is doing to us are the retards tbh. 73353[/snapback] Ohhhhhhhhh no they aren't!
  23. Confirms my firmly held belief that booing is for retards tbh.
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