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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Hey no offence intended mate! ..it just seemed like a bit of an obvious thing to say! 76194[/snapback] Well it wasn't. So there.
  2. Jodie Marsh is so fucking ugly it's not even funny. How is this woman earning a wage for having her photo taken? And before anyone says "her tits", I'm pretty sure you could find a better looking lass than that if the only requirement is tits.
  3. At least they opened their yaps to sing at all. 76187[/snapback] Need some work on the setlist tbh.
  4. If only....... I won't explain what was in the PM, as Craig says, they shouldn't overflow into the forum, but that's not my fault. Believe me, there were no threats of any kind in any PM I sent to Renton. I've had PM's from you that are more threatening than anything I sent to Renton. BTW I've also seen many posts from others that include threats. Never see you banging on about those other posters. Do you fancy me, or something? 76107[/snapback] Like you wouldn't quite believe.
  5. i think it's not half so amazing as you not being able to admit you thought Souness would be a success, and got it wrong Gem 76119[/snapback] To coin a phrase dear to your heart: answer the question.
  6. How about every Newcastle supporter? BTW Good that you had your head out of Souness's arse long enough to realise we were crap today. 76009[/snapback] EXACTLY! Gem, what a twattish thing to say LOL! 76176[/snapback] LOL indeed. Who are you and have the fans wanting us to lose the last few games completely escaped your notice? Because they were the ones that I had in mind when I made that "twattish" comment, twatboy.
  7. This from the woman who gets upset about someone killing a cat............ 76092[/snapback] Looks to me like she also gets upset about someone killing children too. What exactly was your point? That she shouldn't want unpleasant things to happen to child-murderers because she doesn't like unpleasant things to happen to cats? Strange way of thinking, to say the least.
  8. I've never seen the bloke play, but N-O's network of Championship Manager scouts rave about him. Anyone got any idea what he's like in real life?
  9. Agreed. This thread is crying out for a hobbit.
  10. What's up Chops? 75843[/snapback] i'm stuck in the reserves. 76045[/snapback] First team regular here. I spit on you and burn £50 notes in your presence.
  11. I saw the experiment on a website. If you want I can simply quote some text from the Rockefeller Report in 1975 that states the possibility that JFK could have been shot from behind and his head could still have reacted in the same way. No offence like mate, but I would accept the evidence of ballistics experts in a government enquiry suggesting this is possible over you saying it isn't. My hwole point was that the Zapruder film doesn't prove a second gunman on the Grassy Knoll (or anywhere else). I have no idea what you mean by passing through two bodies, what do you mean by that. Jimbo's right about keeping an open mind of course. 75830[/snapback] I've seen footage of the water-melon experiment as well (they've also done it with a mannequin). The placed a melon in front of a camera and then shot at it with the same make of rifle, from the same distance and the same angle that LHO was supposedly at. The reason was that people were saying the fatal head shot must have come from the front as a shot from behind would result in the head going forward. As Alex said, all this experiment proved is that it IS possible for a shot from the book depository to result in the movement that Kennedy's head experienced. 76018[/snapback] The only problem being that LHO could never have hit a stationary watermelon from that distance, never mind a bloke in a moving vehicle.
  12. Fuck knows what the "Bring back the noise" posse were doing chanting "Your support is fucking shit" at them. Errrrr.....??
  13. Anyone else notice that whichever cretin it is within the club that's charged with putting the names on the shirts managed to spell N'Zogbia wrong yesterday - N'Zobiga. You can see it on MOTD in the celebrations after Shearer's goal. Pretty much sums us up tbh.
  14. Who's afraid of the big bad HTL? Renton.
  15. It's actually amazing reading LM's posts when you point out the basic facts to him that Shepherd has appointed Souness and Shepherd is standing by Souness, and yet when you say "So....Shepherd....does he have to share ANY of the blame for the current situation?". "Nope. All Souness's fault" Unbelievable. LM, you keep saying it's Souness who decides what players come in, and when he brings in a bad one, he gets both barrels - it's all his fault, and none of it is Shepherd's. By the same token, it's Shepherd who decides what manager comes in, and how long that manager then gets to do the job. How does he not then get the blame in the same way that Souness does? And it's no use saying "he's only made one mistake", given how BIG a mistake you keep telling us it's been.
  16. How about every Newcastle supporter? BTW Good that you had your head out of Souness's arse long enough to realise we were crap today. 76009[/snapback] Posted at 9:25pm. Classic HTL drunken posting. I reckon if I'd been here at the time I could have got you to offer me out by PM.
  17. Who is Renton getting PMs off like? Renton, just tell us you bender!
  18. We were fucking crap today like, but I'm glad I was there to see Shearer equal the record. Even though it's gonna take a week to thaw out. EDIT! Oh and I'm pleased we're in the draw for the next round. Anyone else?
  19. That post is gayer than men dancing whilst reading books about movies and drinking pink smoothies tbh. 75427[/snapback] True. 75430[/snapback] You total mincer! Ooooo does my bum look big in this?
  20. You're a big, fat bully tbh. 75428[/snapback] I'm amazed that I've actually heard a grown man cry "Bully!" like. Especially on the friggin internet.
  21. I've gone easy on you mate. You in the Trent was like Alice in Wonderland after she'd drank that potion - your head out the roof and a limb coming out each window.
  22. Do you have posters of or up in your little wankpit 75169[/snapback] tbh.
  23. I understood what he was getting at re: the reference to talent, it's the bit about DotBum claiming credit I questioned, seeing as he didn't despite your claim to the contrary. I would have thought that was obvious. That said, I'm still willing to bet you're talking shite re: your album, however you can prove us all wrong by telling us when it's going to be released so we can listen for ourselves. I won't be holding my breath like. 75130[/snapback] Ok, I'll try a new tack...I'll see DotBum's Nick Drake and RAISE him a John Lennon. My songwriter beats his songwriter, ner-ner ner-ner. You see? Nothing to do with us. Anyway, if you'd read more closely, I already said earlier that there were no guarantees about releasing my album, but what was important to me was to get a publishing deal. 75142[/snapback] I'll see your Asprilla's foreskin and I'll raise you a Jimmy Nail.
  24. AF, do you consider yourself more Mulligan than O'Hare or vice versa?
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