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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. You should concentrate more on popular culture and less on messing about on your unicycle tbh.
  2. Next to Gemmill's Smoothie Maker tbh 78564[/snapback] I've got one actually. I use it to cook me borgas on.
  3. Source? Press conference? Insider? L/M-type certainty? 78603[/snapback] No. FACT!
  4. That was nowt more than a soundbite that he came up with when he crapped himself and realised that he was actually going to be sold for something that he would have got away with with no bother under the previous manager.
  5. Have you ever seen a girl throw something far enough to injure someone, let alone kill? 78310[/snapback] I was the best spin bowler my school ever had I will let you know.... I could knock a gnats gonad off with one eye shut !!! 78317[/snapback] Aye but you discovered this accidentally whilst trying to do your "hardest throw".
  6. If Bellamy scored against us I reckon he would go radio rental, give it the "shhhh" fingers to the lips business to the fans and everything. I don't know why anyone would think he wouldn't absolutely love it tbh.
  7. Did it occur to Rick Parry that the cricketers were rewarded because they were representing the nation, whilst Liverpool were representing a collection of dole-wallers sporting shocking perms and wearing shellsuits?
  8. Leazes - if the club has been financially mismanaged to the degree that you seem to think it has been, whose fault is that? Will you blame Shepherd for anything, I wonder? Mismanagement on the pitch is all down to the manager, financial mismanagement is the fault of the Chairman. So if we really are in the shit to the extent that this article claims and which you clearly believe, are you still blaming Souness for it? Incidentally, the article isn't great - for example, it immediately assumes that player additions were financed by debt. Perhaps not an unfair assumption, but not one that you would want to base an article on, given that the club had just taken in at least £18m in season ticket sales - not ALL player transfers are financed by debt. And whilst arguing (probably incorrectly) that the debt has gone up to £90m since the year end, the writer doesn't bother to add the new player values to the figure of £40m which he quotes (he just took that straight from the accounts without bothering to adjust for the likes of Owen and Luque at a value of around £27m). 78503[/snapback] £40 Million player value seems about right to me really, especially if we had to sell. I can't see us getting our money back on Owen or Luque. We might get some decent money for the likes of Parker, Given (whose approaching the end of his contract) and maybe Emre, and maybe Taylor and N'Zogbia, but the rest probably would struggle to command a 7-figure transfer value. 78508[/snapback] Whether we get our money back is irrelevant. He's talking about the capitalised value of the players in the financial statements - Owen would have been capitalised at his transfer value and then written down over the length of his contract. It's not just a question of him placing a value on what he thinks we could get for our squad. 78513[/snapback] Fair enough, but surely that original £40M figure would have included large values for players like Robert and Bellamy then? I agree the article is pretty lazy, but common sense tells me Newcastle are financially now on extremely shaky ground, especially if we can't even afford to change managers. One of my worries is that next year we will see a slump in season ticket sales - after all, this year we only just sold them after an extensive TV campaign and by buying Owen. If we lose more income, well, things are looking grim indeed. 78516[/snapback] How much value was attributed to Robert and Bellamy would have depended how much time they had remaining on their contracts, and how much had previously been written down. I doubt there was too much value on Robert, not sure on Bellamy. I reckon the biggest thing we're suffering from this season is not being in Europe. The club must have been bringing in about £0.5m for each of those UEFA Cup games when we were half filling the ground. So far this year we've had the FA Cup tie against Mansfield and that's about it outside of league matches. We definitely aren't doing as well as Shepherd would have hoped financially, which to my mind means that no dividend should be declared this year. That's not going to happen though. Him and Hall will take their usual couple of million quid each.
  9. Leazes - if the club has been financially mismanaged to the degree that you seem to think it has been, whose fault is that? Will you blame Shepherd for anything, I wonder? Mismanagement on the pitch is all down to the manager, financial mismanagement is the fault of the Chairman. So if we really are in the shit to the extent that this article claims and which you clearly believe, are you still blaming Souness for it? Incidentally, the article isn't great - for example, it immediately assumes that player additions were financed by debt. Perhaps not an unfair assumption, but not one that you would want to base an article on, given that the club had just taken in at least £18m in season ticket sales - not ALL player transfers are financed by debt. And whilst arguing (probably incorrectly) that the debt has gone up to £90m since the year end, the writer doesn't bother to add the new player values to the figure of £40m which he quotes (he just took that straight from the accounts without bothering to adjust for the likes of Owen and Luque at a value of around £27m). 78503[/snapback] £40 Million player value seems about right to me really, especially if we had to sell. I can't see us getting our money back on Owen or Luque. We might get some decent money for the likes of Parker, Given (whose approaching the end of his contract) and maybe Emre, and maybe Taylor and N'Zogbia, but the rest probably would struggle to command a 7-figure transfer value. 78508[/snapback] Whether we get our money back is irrelevant. He's talking about the capitalised value of the players in the financial statements - Owen would have been capitalised at his transfer value and then written down over the length of his contract. It's not just a question of him placing a value on what he thinks we could get for our squad.
  10. Leazes - if the club has been financially mismanaged to the degree that you seem to think it has been, whose fault is that? Will you blame Shepherd for anything, I wonder? Mismanagement on the pitch is all down to the manager, financial mismanagement is the fault of the Chairman. So if we really are in the shit to the extent that this article claims and which you clearly believe, are you still blaming Souness for it? Incidentally, the article isn't great - for example, it immediately assumes that player additions were financed by debt. Perhaps not an unfair assumption, but not one that you would want to base an article on, given that the club had just taken in at least £18m in season ticket sales - not ALL player transfers are financed by debt. And whilst arguing (probably incorrectly) that the debt has gone up to £90m since the year end, the writer doesn't bother to add the new player values to the figure of £40m which he quotes (he just took that straight from the accounts without bothering to adjust for the likes of Owen and Luque at a value of around £27m).
  11. Or ours He definetly goes on N-O, so I imagine he'll have had a gander over here. 77590[/snapback] Course he does - did HTT tell you? Although it would certainly explain why he talks so much shit.
  12. I'm glad the ugly little bugger's not playing. Other than making for a dodgy atmosphere, I don't see what we would stand to gain from him getting a game, and the last thing I want is that little tosser scoring the winner against us. Not for Souness's sake, just because I wouldn't want him to get the satisfaction. I don't really like anyone scoring a winner against us tbh.
  13. She looks like she used to have one tbh.
  14. I nearly pissed meself reading this. The whole thread is brilliant - nailed on for the Gold forum.
  15. Craig defeated in the battle of the nerds! I bet he's in a FOUL mood now!
  16. You're intelligent enough to know what he meant when he said that, so why use it to snipe? If he'd come out and said that as Newcastle manager he was Newcastle's biggest fan 24 hours a day (soopafan even), you would no doubt have complained about that an'all.
  17. Or ginger and wiry like Prince Harry :razz: 76827[/snapback] Bender!
  18. My advice is just don't be such a soft shite. It's only a tab. Are you gonna let it chin you? Eh? EH? Good luck though. I've never been a smoker, but I can imagine what AF says is true - that you'll feel MILES better in yourself for getting shot of them. Plus you won't fucking stink anymore....well, not of tabs anyway.
  19. I'm not ginger you bellends. Congratulations on the baby on the way, SO, but I must just say that I sincerely hope it's got hair like Cilla Black.
  20. You pack of arse bandits, in all your attempts to suggest I'm a bender you've missed out on a golden opportunity to take the piss out of Renton for going to see this film. I heard he's only going to see this because he's too embarrassed to buy gay porn but he thinks he'll get enough material out of this for a few off the wrist until he's plucked up the courage, the big stripey bummist!
  21. Is Southern Mag yet another incarnation of Ketsbaia's Mobile?
  22. Torquay were so unlucky going on what I saw on MOTD. Burton Albion just had one saved off the line against Man United. Would love to see the mancs get embarrassed by this lot like. 76263[/snapback] feck it! i thought it kicked off at 4pm, i'll put it on now, thanks Gem. Yes we were very unlucky, especially with the disallowed goal. But what really ticked me off is on MOTD and YOSS earlier, they carefully showed the brummies 2 or 3 attempts on goal and ours.....made it look pretty even, but my god, it wasnt like that at all We had them backs to the wall! They were hanging on for the replay not us!!! and yes! i have spat my dummy out 76268[/snapback] It did. I posted that at 4:17, you mong.
  23. Torquay were so unlucky going on what I saw on MOTD. Burton Albion just had one saved off the line against Man United. Would love to see the mancs get embarrassed by this lot like.
  24. Wonder if he'd have got a job there if Ruth Kelly had kids at the school.
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