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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. He's still bitter about the split then? 80443[/snapback] Shortest piece he's ever written tbh. Although it is vaguely amusing.
  2. I'd never guess you were a student! 80438[/snapback] Psychology I believe. What he doesn't know about the inner workings of the human mind isn't worth knowing.
  3. But that's just the thing. It actually isn't shit television, it's entertaining, which is why people watch. Got it yet?
  4. I looked into getting it done in my place recently. You would need planning permission if you had a dormer window put in as it alters the look of the building from the outside. But if you're just getting Velux windows in then you don't need planning permission as such, but you do still need to get the plans approved by the building regs people as far as I can remember - they definitely still have to go off to be approved, but it's not actually planning permission you're applying for. Where my plan all came crashing down is that I live in an upstairs flat and because there's a flat below me, adding a floor would have meant getting the floors on my already existing floor upgraded. This means lifting them all and having half-hour fire protection put in as if there's a fire in the downstairs flat and no exit from the loft, the fire rules require this. Also, as the space upstairs was going to be greater than 50 square metres I would have had to get all the walls upgraded too - again, they all need taking out, and replastered etc. Oh and the doors need upgrading to fire doors too. Basically it was gonna make my flat unlivable so I sacked it off. If I didn't get all of the above done then it couldn't be approved as a proper loft conversion as has already been mentioned in the thread, so basically it doesn't add anything like the value to the property that it should. Canny pissed off that I won't be getting it done like, but I just couldn't be chewed with living in a building site for 3 or 4 months.
  5. Any word from KCG on what he's been up to in his plot to dismantle the Newcastle United management team yet? I imagine it's taking him a while to document it all.
  6. I don't think that's right about the FA sanctioning this in that way. I listened to an interview with that Still bloke (is he Sven's agent?) yesterday, and he was saying that the approach was directly to Sven to perform some sports consultancy role. Sven's people then contacted the FA to inform them of what was going on, explaining that if anything in the role would affect his work with England, then he would obviously discuss it with them first etc. The FA then gave permission for him to talk with this "Saudi" bloke.
  7. HF, I'm in a similar position, but the bloke who runs the management company pays the insurance for the entire building and recharges the flats based on selling value. Mind he hasn't charged me since I've moved in so I haven't paid up. It's not you is it? On the initial question though I think you would have to club together for the insurance and have it all on one policy. Try ringing a local broker firm rather than one of these idiots that's gonna put you on hold forever. 0191 482 1219 is the number for Northern Counties Insurance in Gateshead and that's who I use for my contents. Ta.
  8. Bloody hell! Gemmill admitting he made a mistake, quite unique. By the way, it's a shit website. Never believed it to be anything else. 80027[/snapback] Something's either unique or it isn't, it can't be quite unique 80039[/snapback] I stand corrected. Unique will do. 80041[/snapback] Well, strictly it means one of a kind but many people apply it to mean unusual. 80045[/snapback] It is unusual for me to make a mistake like, so I'll let him off with his.
  9. I never did link to it in my signature. Seems you're not quite as intelligent as you like to believe. Happy to send you the link if you think you're bright enough to have a go though. You'll have no problem with the HT flying around, being as how you're so intelligent, like. 80001[/snapback] I made a mistake between signature and profile. I feel so foolish. Brilliant site though - I would LOVE the link.
  10. I think I sometimes go OTT the opposite way with Shola when at the match and am a bit too enthusiastic in clapping if he does something half decent, in an attempt to counter the boo-ness.
  11. Does this form part of your response to what you've been doing whilst others were harming the club? If so, I'm not sure you get retrospective credit if you've only done this today.
  12. Yeah we probably do accept mediocrity easier than fans of the big clubs. But in the absence of trophies what else can you do but accept it? That's not being defeatist either, it's just a recognition that we are Newcastle United and they are Manchester United/Liverpool/Arsenal etc. They win trophies and we don't. I'm not gonna beat myself up about it - it disappoints me every year when we get knocked out of the cups, especially when a lesser club goes on to the final, or worse, wins it, but what's the alternative to accepting it? We're just the same as most clubs. 79941[/snapback] I don't know what the answer is, or even if there is an answer. However, I do take some solace in blaming you for everything, if you don't mind! 79944[/snapback] I've noticed that before today tbh.
  13. Yeah we probably do accept mediocrity easier than fans of the big clubs. But in the absence of trophies what else can you do but accept it? That's not being defeatist either, it's just a recognition that we are Newcastle United and they are Manchester United/Liverpool/Arsenal etc. They win trophies and we don't. I'm not gonna beat myself up about it - it disappoints me every year when we get knocked out of the cups, especially when a lesser club goes on to the final, or worse, wins it, but what's the alternative to accepting it? We're just the same as most clubs.
  14. Being second choice to Hughesinho. 79926[/snapback] Fair point. He'll never get Aaron Pele out of that position tbh 79930[/snapback] No shame in that though. What a player that lad is!
  15. thats rubbish to be honest. in my opinion. We have plenty of players that could do a decent job up front in the squad, but because of numpty in charge the only way that would happen is for Shola to be injured. As harsh as it may seems, I think it is a good thing for the club. 79929[/snapback] Eh? Who are these players like? Please don't say Chopra.
  16. I'll take up the mantle then. I believe that collectively fans like you HAVE harmed the club, by letting Souness get away with far too much and giving Shepherd no reason to sack him. By being fooled by mini-runs of acceptable results against shit opposition, when not taking into account the performances or the bigger picture. By lapping up his "cleaning up the dressing room", and applauding him getting rid of our best players. By clapping the team off after we were disgraced at Cardiff, and again on the last day of the season when we managed a draw in what was effectively a friendly against Chelsea. By being fooled yet again this year, when if it weren't for the unlikely signing of Owen we would probably be relegated. By branding skeptics as mad men, and burying your head in the sand as to what is happening at this club. Don't take it personally Gemmill , you are one of the majority that have let this situation arise. And you're right, I have done nothing personally to stop it, as I believe it is out of my power; I feel like a bandsman on the Titanic. But at least I could see what was coming. 79899[/snapback] What have you done that's different to what I have? Apart from being a bit angry on an internet message board. You say you saw it coming and you did nothing to stop it. And yet you absolve yourself of any blame and point the finger at others? The fact that you even blame other fans is IMO pathetic, but it's made even worse by the fact that you've done nothing more or less than those you point the finger at. 79908[/snapback] I beieve that collectively Newcastle fans have had some influence on Souness still being here, I think we are all to blame for that (me through apathy, you though stupidity ). But most the blame, infact nearly all the blame, lies with Shepherd for appointing Souness imo. Once again, what could one person do? 79920[/snapback] Why are you asking me what one person could do? It's you (and KCG) that's flinging the blame around. I've said I don't think the fans are responsible.
  17. I've told you I've done nothing 79907[/snapback] I'll just stop you there if that's ok with you.
  18. I'll take up the mantle then. I believe that collectively fans like you HAVE harmed the club, by letting Souness get away with far too much and giving Shepherd no reason to sack him. By being fooled by mini-runs of acceptable results against shit opposition, when not taking into account the performances or the bigger picture. By lapping up his "cleaning up the dressing room", and applauding him getting rid of our best players. By clapping the team off after we were disgraced at Cardiff, and again on the last day of the season when we managed a draw in what was effectively a friendly against Chelsea. By being fooled yet again this year, when if it weren't for the unlikely signing of Owen we would probably be relegated. By branding skeptics as mad men, and burying your head in the sand as to what is happening at this club. Don't take it personally Gemmill , you are one of the majority that have let this situation arise. And you're right, I have done nothing personally to stop it, as I believe it is out of my power; I feel like a bandsman on the Titanic. But at least I could see what was coming. 79899[/snapback] What have you done that's different to what I have? Apart from being a bit angry on an internet message board. You say you saw it coming and you did nothing to stop it. And yet you absolve yourself of any blame and point the finger at others? The fact that you even blame other fans is IMO pathetic, but it's made even worse by the fact that you've done nothing more or less than those you point the finger at.
  19. Unfortunately, no matter what he's like at the minute, if he comes here we will destroy him.
  20. Nope. Although you might just have given him an idea.
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