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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Gemmill


    What's a Bio-Virgin, Willow?
  2. Aye, won't be out after though - off to see Richard Ashcroft at the Sage.
  3. Backtracking cos it's become apparent that we can't afford him tbh.
  4. Nice to see him saying nice things about Newcastle and that, but I'd be surprised if there wasn't at least some truth in what Eriksson said.
  5. Look, if you find this thread and others like it beneath your notice alex, then dont bother posting on it. WHY is almost everything that is said on here treated with derisory remarks by the same certain few? Is it in an atempt to appear cool and laid back? Or are you just trying to score points off each other? and yes some bastard smilies.. 80838[/snapback] Mongotabulous overreaction!
  6. Despite his protestations, NOBODY takes the internet more seriously than the Notorious HTT.
  7. Gemmills a red haired gypsy too. 80707[/snapback] Strawberry blonde 80718[/snapback] fat, dull, old and not here to defend himself. 80736[/snapback] You've got a cheek, bald blobby boy.
  8. Midgets. 80654[/snapback] Sat on each other's shoulders and wearing a long coat??
  9. Our capacity is 52,218 but our highest attendance is 52,327. How is that possible?
  10. Where did you get the stat from? Got a link? I have some smoggies to abuse.
  11. That's what I thought, although it has to be said it is almost impossible to rationally discuss things with nutters like them. 80624[/snapback] Like trying to discuss Newcastle United with you and Leazes Mag tbh.
  12. Unbelievable that Lawrenson still peddles the "this Newcastle team only knows how to play one way - attacking" line. We've looked clueless in attack for a good two or three seasons now.
  13. They should get you on there, it's your speciality.
  14. Last "offence" in club football looks to be 5 years ago when he was what, 21(?)? If he's not happy in Turkey and wants to play in the Premiership then you can't really complain about him "engineering" a move. ANY footballer who didn't want to see out his contract at a club would do the same, it's not specific to "troublemakers".
  15. FFS Gemmill, if you can't see how this is hypocritical on Souness's part then that's up to you. The whole concept of the worst man-manager managing a player famous for his bad temperment and disloyalty is absurd to me. Strikes me you will defend Souness to the end though. 80494[/snapback] I'm not defending him. I just think that you're going way over the top with this one. I don't think there is a player in the world that you wouldn't find some problem with us signing so that you could harp on about Souness tbh. I'd like us to get Anelka, you apparently wouldn't, but right at the minute I'm not sure ANYONE would pass the Renton acceptability test. 80520[/snapback] You think I go over the top about everything, even though history has shown I tend to underestimate our troubles! But I'm sorry, that post is just patent bollocks. I actually rarely participate in these speculation threads about players, usually because I do not know enough about the player involved, especially if they are from a foreign league. However, I think I know enough about Anelka to predict he would be completely unsuitable for us. Also, the fact that Anelka has not specifically had a problem with Souness or NUFC is irrelevant. Before we signed Souness, NUFC obviously did not have any problem with him. However, it was obvious to me from his track record he would be bad for the club; the same principal applies to Anelka. It's called having foresight Gemmill, you'd do well to try it one day. 80535[/snapback] Maybe you could teach me, oh master. Look, you're not happy about Anelka, that's fine, it's the fact that you start whining on about hypocrisy on behalf of both Souness and other posters that's annoying. I do believe though that whoever we tried to sign at the minute you'd have a problem with them - it's what you live for. 80541[/snapback] OK, fine, we have a difference of opinion for a change. I might add that I find you saying I'd have a problem with us signing any player annoying, as my problem is specifically with Anelka. I have fully supported some Souness signings (Owen and Parker spring to mind). 80546[/snapback] Annoying you is what I live for.
  16. Gemmill


    Exactly what was daft about my question?? I have not got the foggiest idea how to download so I rightly/wrongly asked if anyone would be willing to explain. I am bloody amazed at the way you lot have over reacted to Rob stating a decent point! This is a help section where people ask for help (wether they get it is a different thing). I was actually being serious, asking a serious question. Stands to reason (if you have half a brain cell that functions correctly) if I know fuck all about downloading I wouldn't have a bloody clue what software is! You lot (naming no names as I don't wish to be petty and single peeps out) were sarcastic and fuckin childish!! If you didn't want to help you could have just not replied. But no, you were so bored and stupid you just couldn't resist replying in a manner that quite frankly made me feel stupid for even bothering to ask. I was mistaken for thinking I actually had a few friends on here! To be honest I am also shocked by your admin as this thread has got way out of hand, nasty and insulting and not purely in a childish way. This forum was a lot of fun in the beginning, but sadly it is turning into a playground for complete idiots who do no more than poke fun of people, where there is no need. You should remember that there will come a time when you lot may need advice and require assisstance. I hope you get the same result as me maybe then you'll realise that if people take the time to ask for your help then it's only good manners to either decline or offer to help. 80499[/snapback] And when that time comes, I'll read the instructions.
  17. FFS Gemmill, if you can't see how this is hypocritical on Souness's part then that's up to you. The whole concept of the worst man-manager managing a player famous for his bad temperment and disloyalty is absurd to me. Strikes me you will defend Souness to the end though. 80494[/snapback] I'm not defending him. I just think that you're going way over the top with this one. I don't think there is a player in the world that you wouldn't find some problem with us signing so that you could harp on about Souness tbh. I'd like us to get Anelka, you apparently wouldn't, but right at the minute I'm not sure ANYONE would pass the Renton acceptability test. 80520[/snapback] You think I go over the top about everything, even though history has shown I tend to underestimate our troubles! But I'm sorry, that post is just patent bollocks. I actually rarely participate in these speculation threads about players, usually because I do not know enough about the player involved, especially if they are from a foreign league. However, I think I know enough about Anelka to predict he would be completely unsuitable for us. Also, the fact that Anelka has not specifically had a problem with Souness or NUFC is irrelevant. Before we signed Souness, NUFC obviously did not have any problem with him. However, it was obvious to me from his track record he would be bad for the club; the same principal applies to Anelka. It's called having foresight Gemmill, you'd do well to try it one day. 80535[/snapback] Maybe you could teach me, oh master. Look, you're not happy about Anelka, that's fine, it's the fact that you start whining on about hypocrisy on behalf of both Souness and other posters that's annoying. I do believe though that whoever we tried to sign at the minute you'd have a problem with them - it's what you live for.
  18. Agree. I'd like him to come here simply because he's a good player and we've got no-one who can score goals, but the hypocrisy from Souness (and certain message board users defies belief! If Bellamy was a disruptive cancer, what the hell does that make Anelka? I don't think he could be further from Souness' image of proper players, warriors and obedient yes-men. 80530[/snapback] Is that a bad thing? The way I look at it whether Souness is a hypocrite or not is totally irrelevant. Nicholas Anelka wants to come here, and Souness wants to sign him - to me that's a good thing. To you and Renton it's something to be frowned upon. Weird.
  19. FFS Gemmill, if you can't see how this is hypocritical on Souness's part then that's up to you. The whole concept of the worst man-manager managing a player famous for his bad temperment and disloyalty is absurd to me. Strikes me you will defend Souness to the end though. 80494[/snapback] I'm not defending him. I just think that you're going way over the top with this one. I don't think there is a player in the world that you wouldn't find some problem with us signing so that you could harp on about Souness tbh. I'd like us to get Anelka, you apparently wouldn't, but right at the minute I'm not sure ANYONE would pass the Renton acceptability test.
  20. Renton, why are you so intent on throwing around accusations of hypocrisy? What's hypocritical about getting rid of a player that called you a liar on TV and then signing one who hasn't. The accusations of hypocrisy towards fans, I really don't understand either - Anelka has done nowt to me. Are you some sort of moral crusader? This is just yet another thing you can bash Souness with and accuse him of double standards over, as far as I can see.
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