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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Seen as Renton is so keen on getting my take on it I'll have a proper look after work, although on first glance it looks a pretty well-researched piece. What it doesn't take account of is any income from that casino thing (are things going ahead there?), and any royalties we may have stood to benefit from from Goal, although I've no idea what the arrangement was there, and whether we stood to gain anything.
  2. More attention-seeking tbh. FWIW, I think yer alreet. I think sometimes you're anticipating an insult so you take what someone says jokingly more serious than it's intended. I get plenty stick on here all the time, but I console myself with the fact that I'm gorgeous.
  3. Fuck the lot of it tbh... 81554[/snapback] What's up with you like?
  4. Nice to see common sense has prevailed. I thought I was gonna have to flounce off to N-O.
  5. Saw him at the Arena supporting Coldplay. Class! Be careful at the Sage mind - you're not allowed to nip out for a pee mid song! 81516[/snapback] Really?
  6. I propose a cull of members to reduce the traffic. Nominations? And you can't nominate me cos it was my idea.
  7. I want to keep my current job until I can leave for something better. I can't afford to leave until my fiancee finishes school and begins walking the street--June. (Coincidentally) I just feel like taking a job for a short period and then leaving them in the lurch when I bail might reflect badly on me. 81368[/snapback] Just tell them what your 15 year old girlfriend is prepared to do for you and they will realise you must be a super negotiator. 81413[/snapback] Some would consider this the perfect opportunity to carry on where that football match thread left off....not me like. Wouldn't dreeeeeeam of it.
  8. All you need do is apologise profusely when the time comes for you to leave - say that due to a change in your circumstances you can no longer continue to work there, express regret etc. Having said that, if this new job requires applying logic and decision-making, you've got no chance.
  9. World class like N'Zogbia was world class off the back of the Chelsea game, probably. The next Thierry Henry tbh.
  10. Bring me solutions, not more problems! In that case, go to the interview and do your best to get the job. Worst case scenario is you get paid a bit more for as long as you want to stay with them. Best case is you don't get the job because they've got a more suitable candidate.
  11. That rule was established the day he was appointed tbh. 81319[/snapback] Well, he could have overthrown this rule by proving his critics wrong (or making us eat humble pie as Hansen said)... 81323[/snapback] True.
  12. Thing is it's my current employer--by showing them that I'm not interested in the position which is essentially a half-step above mine, they'll see that I don't want to work for them any more, but the next 10 months or so are a bad time for me to try to get a new job. 81320[/snapback] They're not gonna fire you for not wanting to take a half-step up though. Certainly not if you're good in your current job anyway - why give themselves the headache of having to replace you when you're happy to pass up on promotion to keep doing what you're doing. And you've obviously no intention of trying to impress them particularly, seen as you've decided you want out. I don't see a problem with just being honest with them.
  13. That rule was established the day he was appointed tbh.
  14. Not even you SMO? I'm surprised you didn't jump at the chance and made sure the whole office was aware 81311[/snapback] Nah she's one of these lasses who would die at the thought of having done something like this so I couldn't tell her. It's like when I used to work with Wacky and he sneezed and unbeknown to him he still had a big green snot hanging from his chin after he thought he'd wiped his snout. A wifey pointed it out and he ran red faced to the bogs, where he rang me at my desk and asked me to bring him his coat cos he was so embarrased he had to go home cos he couldn't face his colleagues after this, he's been on the dole ever since. Some people are micey. 81316[/snapback]
  15. Slightly? To be fair, Scottish Mag didn't even recognise who you were! 81310[/snapback] turned into a porky bastard has he? 81312[/snapback] Porky would suggest he's just carrying a bit extra timber. Turned into Rik Waller would be closer to the truth.
  16. Slightly? To be fair, Scottish Mag didn't even recognise who you were!
  17. They don't roll it out all at once mate. They've probably done it in Lowestoft first on the basis that if they can get to grips with it, anyone can.
  18. Dunno why they keep messing around with it. It was perfectly user-friendly as it was.
  19. Nope. So I doubt the opposition for his signature is all that strong.
  20. I was gonna post something along the same lines as Rob.....only without calling you a spotty faced, no ambition low achiever.
  21. What have I got to do with this? 81245[/snapback] Nowt. But she's still too old for you. 81248[/snapback] Gemmil, Pilkington is a legend. 81261[/snapback] Aye, I noticed his perfectly round head in your avatar there.
  22. What have I got to do with this? 81245[/snapback] Nowt. But she's still too old for you.
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