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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Gemmill

    Alan O'Brien

    He's quick and can beat his man and knocked an alright ball in on Saturday, but we've not seen enough of him to know what he's really like. Hopefully he's not one of these whose legs work quicker than his brain can.
  2. I love the way he tries to rationalise it by blaming it on his metabolism. You're like those fatties that talk about their glands. "It's not MY fault! My metabolism won't play ball - it can't cope with my massive food intake. NO FAIR!"
  3. For anyone wondering: the "Souness In" demonstration still goes ahead as planned. We have to make our voices heard!
  4. Imagine going into a meeting knowing you might be sacked, but that if you are it'll be another million or so quid in the bank. Talk about a no-lose situation. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to sack you......on the plus side, you've basically just won the lottery."
  5. You've hit rock bottom. Things will get better for you from now on.
  6. I'll drive you there if you want. Then reverse over you when you get out. 83248[/snapback] Severe tyre damage tbh.
  7. Lee Clark probably still can't believe that he's turning out for NUFC at St James Park, and knows that it's Souness that has given him the opportunity. I wouldn't expect him to be anything but supportive of the bloke. Sounds like he might come to my demonstration though.
  8. He`ll be gone by then.. 83240[/snapback] "Souness back in" then!
  9. I'm holding a "Souness In" demonstration outside SJP tonight at 6pm. There's only me going so far, so if anyone fancies it, I'll see you there. There is a joining fee of one chocolate bar per person, payable to me.
  10. I bet you've actually expanded since last we saw you, slim. 83079[/snapback] lost weight bucko... whereas it sounds like you're stocking up for the summer... 83118[/snapback] I don't know how you dare! People can take the mick out of me and that, but you actually ARE a proper big fat bloke these days. With lovely chubby cheeks. 83233[/snapback] And as a student as well - just imagine what he'll be like when he's actually working for a living 83235[/snapback] Good point. Don't people normally lose weight as students cos they're skint and that?
  11. How was it Gemmill? 83128[/snapback] Class. Did some of the new stuff which obviously no one knew with the album not being out til today (I think?), but did a lot of old Verve stuff an'all. The sound in the Sage is ridiculously good btw - you could almost be listening to the CD.
  12. I bet you've actually expanded since last we saw you, slim. 83079[/snapback] lost weight bucko... whereas it sounds like you're stocking up for the summer... 83118[/snapback] I don't know how you dare! People can take the mick out of me and that, but you actually ARE a proper big fat bloke these days. With lovely chubby cheeks.
  13. Agreed. Obviously some idiots think that that sort of thing will get him playing better.
  14. Ooooo you are SO controversial!
  15. I bet you've actually expanded since last we saw you, slim.
  16. Terry Mac: Errr Graeme, has your hand been in a fucking mangler or what?
  17. Ritchie, you cheeky little midget! It was 1 (one) bar of chocolate. It did go down rather nicely at half time though. Mind, at the time, Cath was busy stealing pork pies and cheese, crackers and pickled onions off the bloke that sits next to us..... He brings everybody bait in every week.
  18. Mine's changed. Probably do Wales last as an afterthought tbh.
  19. And that from Souness's number one fan! 82354[/snapback] I prefer the term "lover" tbh.
  20. Well, as long as he isn't taking the Jermaine Pennant route... 82345[/snapback] Well yeah, he has to want it himself... 82348[/snapback] No, really? Let's just hope for him he isn't taking the Jerm.... 82350[/snapback]
  21. Well, as long as he isn't taking the Jermaine Pennant route... 82345[/snapback] Well yeah, he has to want it himself...
  22. On this point, of all the clubs in the Premiership, I admire/envy Arsenal the most. The setup that Wenger has couldn't be more professional in terms of training, injury treatment etc. And they play brilliant football. You just know that if a player goes there he'll be given every chance possible to realise his potential. Newcastle, on the other hand....
  23. Gemmill


    Aye - most of the posters ot this thread post once on a subject and it dies horribly.................. 82277[/snapback] Says the king of the zero reply thread!
  24. Half an hour on the pitch; three months in the treatment room. Guaranteed.
  25. Good luck to him. If he wants to become a top player he's gone to exactly the right place IMO.
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