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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I just imagine any contract that crosses Freddie's desk to have at least one coffee cup ring on it, some crumbs and a grease mark that's soaked through at least 3 pages where he's put his pastie down on it.
  2. A bigger man would hold up his hands and resign. Resignations happen all the time, even Gullit and politicians manage it occasionally! Souness is a rich man who doesn't need the money. He says he cares about his family - I fail to see how they can benefit from having a father or husband who is easily the most hated man in Newcastle. Souness has a heart condition - how can this mess be good for his health? No, he has no shame or dignity, he is an evil money-grabbing greedy cunt who is shafting all the fans. 83720[/snapback] The money - whether earned over the remainder of his contract, or paid in a lump sum when he's sacked - could set his kid's kid's kids up. And this is his last chance to earn that sort of money. He would be an idiot to resign and pass up on it IMO. 83727[/snapback] The one caveat to that being (and I hope we were wise enough to have put it in his contract as most competent boards do) that the remainder does not become payable in the event that we get relegated under his charge. It's common for service contracts to specify that any termination under those circs results in none of the remainder of the fixed term being payable. ......mind you they did that at Citeh and sacked Joe Royle before they were technically (mathmatically) relegated and he took them to court for the remainder. The wording has to be very precise. .......mind you Citeh are as big a shambles as us. 83796[/snapback] Wasn't it the case that they were actually relegated, but that the season wasn't considered complete until some time in June or something, so he got them on a (decidedly ropey) technicality?
  3. I reckon Emre could have you aal ower.
  4. Pre-emptive "Ericsson Out" noted and logged. Never let it be said that Renton won't give a manager a chance. Anyone else you'd like to vote out prior to their appointment while you're on a roll?
  5. I prefer to think of him as Jean Claude Van Ramage.
  6. Jeff Powell will be loving this. How he gets his anti-Sven articles published, I'll never know. He's the worst kind of little Englander xenophobe. 83750[/snapback] That's the man. He was also the bloke iirc who headed the witch hunt against Robson pre-Italia 90. The FA were paying Sven too much. Wow, what a newsflash, I'm sure Hoddle and Venables did it for peanuts. 83762[/snapback] Aye, that's another thing about Powell. He's clearly best mates with Terry Venables, cos around the time that Sven got given the job he was up in arms about lovable, cuddly best-man-for-the-job El Tel getting denied what was rightfully his as the greatest living Englishman.
  7. NOTW to launch a "Bring back Sven!" campaign.
  8. I'll see your triplicate and raise you a quadruplicate.
  9. Exactly. He's the Chairman and it's his and his board's job to structure the manager's contract such that he should never have to ask him to resign. The fact that he's had to resort to that underlines his own incompetence. As wrong as Souness is in his belief that he can put things right, it's Shepherd's responsibility to deny him that chance if he feels it's time. He can't expect Souness to leave and spare him (Shepherd) the cost of his incompetence when Souness feels he still has a job to do.
  10. Jeff Powell will be loving this. How he gets his anti-Sven articles published, I'll never know. He's the worst kind of little Englander xenophobe.
  11. A bigger man would hold up his hands and resign. Resignations happen all the time, even Gullit and politicians manage it occasionally! Souness is a rich man who doesn't need the money. He says he cares about his family - I fail to see how they can benefit from having a father or husband who is easily the most hated man in Newcastle. Souness has a heart condition - how can this mess be good for his health? No, he has no shame or dignity, he is an evil money-grabbing greedy cunt who is shafting all the fans. 83720[/snapback] The money - whether earned over the remainder of his contract, or paid in a lump sum when he's sacked - could set his kid's kid's kids up. And this is his last chance to earn that sort of money. He would be an idiot to resign and pass up on it IMO. 83727[/snapback] So Gullit was an idiot rather than someone who decided to do something honourable for once in his sorry reign at Newcastle was he? I never thought I'd praise Gullit but he is a far superior person than Souness it would seem. Souness has finally shown what motivates him and what type of person he really is. If I was in his position I would resign with some dignity rather than take this club to the wall, and I sincerely mean that. Obviously these values don't count for much any more though. 83735[/snapback] You have no way of knowing how you would react in a similar position. If you had a family and a potential payoff of millions of pounds awaited you if you stuck to your guns, I'm not so sure you'd hold your hands up and settle for nothing. As for Gullit, in his arrogance, he probably thought that the managerial world was still his oyster, and that he had his whole career ahead of him. I appreciate that what he did was an impressive gesture, but you can't seriously expect that to be the norm, and that any football manager not presently in favour will offer their resignation without compensation? Especially if they still believe they can turn things around.
  12. Foul throw! Maybe he was a 'keeper.
  13. A bigger man would hold up his hands and resign. Resignations happen all the time, even Gullit and politicians manage it occasionally! Souness is a rich man who doesn't need the money. He says he cares about his family - I fail to see how they can benefit from having a father or husband who is easily the most hated man in Newcastle. Souness has a heart condition - how can this mess be good for his health? No, he has no shame or dignity, he is an evil money-grabbing greedy cunt who is shafting all the fans. 83720[/snapback] The money - whether earned over the remainder of his contract, or paid in a lump sum when he's sacked - could set his kid's kid's kids up. And this is his last chance to earn that sort of money. He would be an idiot to resign and pass up on it IMO.
  14. Bit melodramatic in that last paragraph. I don't think he's just holding out for the money, I think he genuinely believes he can get us playing better. You saw for yourself in his MOTD interview - "I believe I am getting the absolute best out of the players that I have available to me". As for ill-gotten gains, thanks to Shepherd it's money that he's contractually entitled to.
  15. That's the same pocket that we buy players with though.... I want him gone now too, but it's not like Shepherd is being tight with his OWN money, it's the club's. 83524[/snapback] Simple solution: by way of acknowledging that him and Hall made a mistake in appointing Souness, they declare no dividend this year and use the money they would otherwise pay to themselves (and the other shareholders, but let's face it, most of them are fans and would forego the £1 or £2 they pick up to get rid of Souness) to get rid of the manager. In the past two years the dividend has been in the region of £5m...the same as the payoff that would supposedly be required to get rid of Souness and his team of coaches. Not gonna happen unfortunately, but it would go some way towards improving Shepherd's relationship with the fans if he had the brains and was prepared to admit to his error.
  16. You're a fat bloke. See, I'm honest too. I'm not sure who you're trying to claim is dishonest btw.
  17. Lambrini actually. Whilst quaffing White Zinfandel.
  18. Gemmill

    Alan O'Brien

    He's quick and can beat his man and knocked an alright ball in on Saturday, but we've not seen enough of him to know what he's really like. Hopefully he's not one of these whose legs work quicker than his brain can.
  19. I love the way he tries to rationalise it by blaming it on his metabolism. You're like those fatties that talk about their glands. "It's not MY fault! My metabolism won't play ball - it can't cope with my massive food intake. NO FAIR!"
  20. For anyone wondering: the "Souness In" demonstration still goes ahead as planned. We have to make our voices heard!
  21. Imagine going into a meeting knowing you might be sacked, but that if you are it'll be another million or so quid in the bank. Talk about a no-lose situation. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to sack you......on the plus side, you've basically just won the lottery."
  22. You've hit rock bottom. Things will get better for you from now on.
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