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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Totally agree with that. There is no way that I could single out any player for critisism after what was a completely non existant team performance on Saturday. The fact Given got man on the match for one (admittedly superb) save speaks volumes. Having said that, after spending 9.5m on him I think it is certainly understandable that people are concerned. I just wish they tried getting behind him instead of on his back. 84173[/snapback] booing him off is a digrace. it seems that some people almost want him to fail. 84244[/snapback] Surrogate Souness tbh.
  2. Not really "ignoring" if you still keep responding, is it?
  3. Crap name tbh. They're not exactly destined for world domination with a stupid name like Arctic Monkeys are they? (FACT) SLP - the wrong side of 25 is the sub-25 side tbh.
  4. No wink? Permission to chuck a hissy fit, sir!
  5. This is the help forum. It's not a place for jokes, fun or frivolity. Can we just keep it to straightforward responses to the questions asked and try and avoid any naughtiness? Sometimes the immaturity of the members of this forum astounds me! If you can't help the person that's having a problem then please stay out of this forum...... [/Rob W]
  6. You in the trent. 2nd bottle of budvar. 84045[/snapback] tbf, Alex has never taken 40 winks in the pub bog since I've known him.
  7. I'm 15 at the minute an'all. And lovin' it.
  8. Challenge? Listen mate, I concede. You are the fattest man posting on this board bar none. Enjoy it! 84043[/snapback] Seething tbh 84047[/snapback] Wobbling tbh.
  9. Challenge? Listen mate, I concede. You are the fattest man posting on this board bar none. Enjoy it!
  10. Why the Northern Irish accent though? 84031[/snapback] 50% spacka.
  11. So far we've had "it's my metabolism, it's slower than everybody else's because of my age" and "anyway.....I can lose this weight! I'm sure I can. You can't!" from you. Now I would have thought a second year psychology student would have been able to see that that's got DENIAL written all over it.
  12. Mancy is 50% Jamaican mon. That time he smashed the pool table in the Trent he kept shouting "The blacker the root, the sweeter the fruit" at the barmaid every time he went to the bar.
  13. Purely a matter of opinion- and since when does anyone need an excuse to take the piss out of Skol? Shh now Mancy and Alex, grown ups talking here. 83931[/snapback] That's exactly the type of thing I'm on about tbh. 83935[/snapback] Scrap on! Barney! Barney! etc. FTR, the grown-ups talking thing is a line Geordie Fish stole from some comedian he went to see whilst trying to pull Lou - FACT. Stealing jokes from GF is a no-no in my book. 83940[/snapback] See, here's the thing Gemmill- I'm alright with the Fish, we randomly steal each others' lines and it's all good. So go on back off to your chocky bars like a good little lad now. 83949[/snapback] Just plain unamusing this time I'm afraid.
  14. Purely a matter of opinion- and since when does anyone need an excuse to take the piss out of Skol? Shh now Mancy and Alex, grown ups talking here. 83931[/snapback] That's exactly the type of thing I'm on about tbh. 83935[/snapback] Scrap on! Barney! Barney! etc. FTR, the grown-ups talking thing is a line Geordie Fish stole from some comedian he went to see whilst trying to pull Lou - FACT. Stealing jokes from GF is a no-no in my book.
  15. Jesus wept tbh 83911[/snapback] The best candidate by a mile, as evidenced by the landslide victory in the voting. What followed was an albeit brief spell of the message board equivalent of Johan Cruyff's vision - Total Modding. Sublime. 83916[/snapback] Christ on a bike, thank god I missed that! 83920[/snapback] Rule no. 1: Strictly no misery guts manic depressive mentallists.
  16. I was waiting for that, no one even picked up on me apologising for being a forty-something muppet from Dundalk yesterday. 83915[/snapback] 40-something? Thought you were younger than that tbh. I knew you were Irish though.
  17. Jesus wept tbh 83911[/snapback] The best candidate by a mile, as evidenced by the landslide victory in the voting. What followed was an albeit brief spell of the message board equivalent of Johan Cruyff's vision - Total Modding. Sublime.
  18. First time he'd been taken to task over it and exposed. Classic stuff. Fuck knows how long it had been going on for! 83901[/snapback] At a piss-up yonks ago JawD told me he'd been bombarded with PM's from Blaydon asking him to "Make them stop" following my accusations Tbh, my favourite posts were the ones where Blaydon would reply to his pseudonyms. Incidentally, if Toonelaide IS Blaydon he's gone full on evangelical, which wouldn't surprise one bit. For the record I don't think Wellsy is Blaydon. 83902[/snapback] Aye, for the brief time that I was "The People's Mod" on Toontastic, I had a few PMs off him demanding that I delete all posts from a thread that accused him of having multiple identities. He was not a happy chappy. Unfortunately I didn't get any PMs off Benny and Tyne backing him up.
  19. Happy Face = Nicos Papavasilou. FACT.
  20. This board has been crying out for a spurious-rumourmonger and you look to have grown into that role over the last couple of days. I salute you! 83854[/snapback] Grown? doubtful tbh. 83855[/snapback] Tip-toes then.
  21. This board has been crying out for a spurious-rumourmonger and you look to have grown into that role over the last couple of days. I salute you!
  22. Renton finally achieves misery nirvana 83793[/snapback] Clever, implying I'm happy because the team I support has been reduced to total shit. Are you happy with the situation then Wez? 83801[/snapback] Humour bypass tbh 83837[/snapback] Lack of appropriate smilie then - crucial in a comment like that - ask Gemmill. 83842[/snapback] Hey, don't be trying to shift attention away from your little hissy fit.
  23. So, da word on the street is Luque isn't Souness's fault after all. Interesting. Opinion of course, but interesting all the same. 83816[/snapback] If true then fair play to Souness for coming out and defending Luque and saying that he's a top player that will take a while to settle etc. He also reckons his hamstring was almost completely severed which might explain why he isn't looking so quick off the mark these days.
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