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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Gemmill and Mancy 80331[/snapback] You mean a big pair of tits ? 80333[/snapback] And its Gemmills case we are talking BIG!!!!!! 80334[/snapback] Everything must seem big when you're your size tbh.
  2. Every penny from YOUR salary should go to paying his compensation tbh. 84696[/snapback] No way, I want him to stay!
  3. White Zinfandel man tbh 84685[/snapback] Man's drink. FACT! 84687[/snapback] Gay man's drink 84689[/snapback]
  4. White Zinfandel man tbh 84685[/snapback] Man's drink. FACT!
  5. I drink vodka-cranberries like, and I'm a real man. I couldn't order a Woo-Woo though - although I believe catmag drinks them.
  6. It should go towards paying Souness's compensation. Shearer's had enough from the fans over the years - time to give a little back.
  7. It'll be like being in Europe again, having the town full of drunken people with unintelligible accents.
  8. I'm going to Houston for a wedding in May. I watched Blazing Saddles last night by way of travel research.
  9. Shh Alex! Grown-ups talking!
  10. This fucking moron is on the BBC local news now. Jesus weptation.
  11. Fucking hell - that's harsh! 84512[/snapback] That is fucking well harsh! 84513[/snapback] so just me then? 84514[/snapback] I can hardly agree after I've called him (the soopafan) a 'gormless muppet' now can I?! JAW D's a good looking lad anyway! In a non-gay way. 84516[/snapback] Non-gay eh? Whatever.
  12. Ultimately though, the buck stops with Shepherd. He got Gullit wrong, he got Dalglish wrong, and now he's got Souness wrong. That fans may or may not have been happy with those appointments is irrelevant. The mistake is Shepherd's, nobody else's. 84345[/snapback] The vast majority of supporters thought he had Gullit and Dalglish right. It isn't irrelevant to point this out at all, it means if someone thinks Shepherd is a dumb cunt then they must be too especially if you think he should have foresight that you yourself don't possess. I can see in Gemmills world, he is never wrong, he's just allowed to change his mind, use hindsight or look into the future..if only 84411[/snapback] I'M never wrong?? You're the one who (employing hindsight) casts yourself as the man who "KNEW from the very beginning things would turn out like this etc. blah blah". 84433[/snapback] .... but I did [no hindsight at all as you know] didn't I ? 84450[/snapback] I KNOW that every time you post on here you'll make some mention of "those that said give him time" and how wrong they were. Maybe your magical powers are rubbing off on me. Or maybe you're just like a broken record.
  13. Meenzer's had literally dozens of MP's abusing him. 84420[/snapback] Meenzer's had literally dozens of MP's abusing him. Literally. 84432[/snapback] Meenzer's had literally dozens of MP's abusing him. Laterally. Literally.
  14. Ultimately though, the buck stops with Shepherd. He got Gullit wrong, he got Dalglish wrong, and now he's got Souness wrong. That fans may or may not have been happy with those appointments is irrelevant. The mistake is Shepherd's, nobody else's. 84345[/snapback] The vast majority of supporters thought he had Gullit and Dalglish right. It isn't irrelevant to point this out at all, it means if someone thinks Shepherd is a dumb cunt then they must be too especially if you think he should have foresight that you yourself don't possess. I can see in Gemmills world, he is never wrong, he's just allowed to change his mind, use hindsight or look into the future..if only 84411[/snapback] I'M never wrong?? You're the one who (employing hindsight) casts yourself as the man who "KNEW from the very beginning things would turn out like this etc. blah blah".
  15. Ultimately though, the buck stops with Shepherd. He got Gullit wrong, he got Dalglish wrong, and now he's got Souness wrong. That fans may or may not have been happy with those appointments is irrelevant. The mistake is Shepherd's, nobody else's.
  16. FTR, I believe SLP, and reckon he's getting these rumours from solid sources, cos he's not the type to make this sort of stuff up. However, I'm gonna need names of these managers that he's talking about - to put my mind at rest more than anything else. Bruce is just as bad as Souness, and O'Leary would be baby steps in the right direction, but not what we really need. This is and always has been the terrifying thing about getting rid of Souness: what will the fat man do next?
  17. Selling our heritage down the river etc. The man is an idiot.
  18. I think they were when we first employed them. I was delighted with Dalglish but not Gullit personally. 84319[/snapback] I know, I was being facetious tbh, my point is, so fuck! They were both miserable failures chosen by Shepherd. If the majority of fans were happy to see Souness arrive but we were in the exact same state we are in now, would it make it a good appointment? The value of each of Shepherd's appointments should be judged on where they took the club, rather than what the fans thought of them when they first arrived. Most fans (at most clubs) are fuckwits anyway. 84332[/snapback] In LM's world, opinions on any and everyone to do with Newcastle United have to be formed the very day they arrive. (He gets it right EVERY TIME by the way). Anyone who was happy with Dalglish and Gullit the day they were appointed has no right of recourse with the Chairman now. You made your bed, now lie in it etc.
  19. From the Guardian. Personally I can't understand why any foreigner would want the hassle after the crap Sven had to put up with.
  20. I was wondering when the GREAT SLP was gonna come up with his latest rumour. Toontastic's Taylor27 tbh.
  21. "Course, Charlie Babbit broke the pool table. Broke the pool table. Charlie Babbit. I need clean underwear."
  22. I don't think he does. However, my interpretation of matters is even more grim (for a change ), I think he's paralysed with fear because he knows were fucked financially. He is going to want a buyer to get him out of this mess I reckon. 84254[/snapback] Paralysed with fear. I can just see him sat at the head of the board table with Douglas Hall snapping his fingers in front of his face, and waving his hands past his eyes, as Freddy sits rigid with a thousand-yard stare. You are the KING of melodrama, Renton. 84259[/snapback] A bit melodramatically put maybe, but what I meant was he doesn't know what to do and can't act through indecision. A rabbit staring at an approaching car's headlights strikes me as a fair metaphor. 84268[/snapback] Unfortunately as with everything else Gemmill took it literally. Pure Aspergers syndrome. 84270[/snapback] Common in accountants apparently. 84272[/snapback] They dont call him "Ginger Rain Man" for nowt. 84274[/snapback] They don't call me it AT ALL, mongboy!
  23. I don't think he does. However, my interpretation of matters is even more grim (for a change ), I think he's paralysed with fear because he knows were fucked financially. He is going to want a buyer to get him out of this mess I reckon. 84254[/snapback] Paralysed with fear. I can just see him sat at the head of the board table with Douglas Hall snapping his fingers in front of his face, and waving his hands past his eyes, as Freddy sits rigid with a thousand-yard stare. You are the KING of melodrama, Renton.
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