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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. change is not always for the better..and theres no harm in being nostalgic and remembering how things were from time to time. 84882[/snapback] You're right. To a Status Quo soundtrack, if at all possible. 84908[/snapback] have to say i always despised them 84916[/snapback] What you doing taking a picture of Rick Parfitt in to your hairdressers then?
  2. Get it in quick before Leazes Mag spoils the party.
  3. I'm sure that last sentence is bollocks like Gemmill. Obviously YOU just got the standard "we can't be arsed to remember who he is" type letter. 84899[/snapback] The company I worked for in both the US and over here did that with their references for exactly that reason. You weren't allowed to give personal references for people that made reference to your position within the company because they didn't want their name attributed to it for the reasons I've given. FACT! And you don't get to be in the lofty position I hold in the financial world by being the bloke no one remembers.
  4. change is not always for the better..and theres no harm in being nostalgic and remembering how things were from time to time. 84882[/snapback] You're right. To a Status Quo soundtrack, if at all possible.
  5. Gemmill is seething 84885[/snapback] wobbling tbh 84893[/snapback] Oi, that's my joke. Do they call you Mags?
  6. Aye a good post from Renton. I will always remember this moment.
  7. Go over her head. Tell her boss that in light of recent developments and her thinking you slagged her off in an email (which you did )you're not sure you can expect a fair reference. Having said that, every company I've worked for has a standard letter that basically says what your name is, how long you worked there, how many sick days you took etc. They aren't prepared to say whether you're a good worker or not, because if you were to go somewhere, nick a load of money or whatever, there could be legal repercussions for the company that gave you the reference.
  8. Football's changed, and people just need to get over it IMO.
  9. Listen to him trying to play it cool and pretend he doesn't know. Yes Renton, it's Ljungberg and you!
  10. LM only goes to games because Freddy Shepherd tapped him up and he wants some more. FACT!
  11. Exactly. Pointing at chairmen of clubs that make no money and comparing Shepherd to them is ridiculous. 84750[/snapback] So how come othe big clubs don't tap their fanbases so well as us ? A straight answer will do 84797[/snapback] Sorry, are you suggesting that our attendances are down to Shepherd's ability to "tap the fanbase"? It's nothing to do with that - Newcastle get big attendances in spite of Shepherd, not because of him. 84805[/snapback] we got big crowds pre-1992 did we ? 84832[/snapback] Doesn't that defeat your argument though, surely that's why Shepherd is better at doling out the cash than pre-1992? 84837[/snapback] No Alex, it's BECAUSE Shepherd doles out the cash that we have big attendances. The attendances initially started because of the Freddie Shepherd pied-piper effect. LM's chasing his tail tbh.
  12. Exactly. Pointing at chairmen of clubs that make no money and comparing Shepherd to them is ridiculous. 84750[/snapback] So how come othe big clubs don't tap their fanbases so well as us ? A straight answer will do 84797[/snapback] Sorry, are you suggesting that our attendances are down to Shepherd's ability to "tap the fanbase"? It's nothing to do with that - Newcastle get big attendances in spite of Shepherd, not because of him. 84805[/snapback] we got big crowds pre-1992 did we ? 84832[/snapback] Is Shepherd taking ALL credit for the worldwide boom in football's popularity now? I also didn't realise Shepherd took over as chairman in 1992.......
  13. Exactly. Pointing at chairmen of clubs that make no money and comparing Shepherd to them is ridiculous. 84750[/snapback] So how come othe big clubs don't tap their fanbases so well as us ? A straight answer will do 84797[/snapback] Sorry, are you suggesting that our attendances are down to Shepherd's ability to "tap the fanbase"? It's nothing to do with that - Newcastle get big attendances in spite of Shepherd, not because of him.
  14. I'm only saying what everyone else is thinking. One a day so far this week.....
  15. because it is THE single most important thing. The best manager in the world won't do anything without money. 84737[/snapback] I re-iterate: No-one has questioned Shepherd's financial input. But: - Sacking Robson 2 days before the transfer window closes and without a contingency. - Bidding for Rooney with the money we got for Woodgate when we desperately needed a quality central defender - Appointing Souness have all had a detrimental effect on the fortunes of this club. Had he sacked Robson having properly planned a replacement (as Chelsea and Liverpool did), then we wouldn't have had to 'make-do' with Souness and I doubt very much we'd be in the position we are now... As I've said before, handing over the reddies is only a small part of the responsiblity of a club chairman and in him doing so, it doesn't excuse all the other fuck-ups (which far exceed the positives) he makes. 84764[/snapback] In actual fact, the revenue that NUFC bring in, and the cash that this affords Shepherd actually masks what a poor job he's doing. He's always got that to fall back on and clearly it fools some people into thinking that he's doing a great job, when in actual fact, in pretty much every respect other than transfer outlay, he's failing.
  16. That's pretty much the top and bottom of it I'm afraid. 84659[/snapback] Well which useless twat put that in his contract? 84671[/snapback] Now, now.. we can't diss Freddy, after all he's the greatest chairman in the world simply on account of sticking his hand in his pocket.... 84692[/snapback] Got a question for you and the others Craig. Seeing as none of you take up my challenge to name all the dozens of chairman who have shown the ambition to back their managers as much as Shepherd, what would you do if, or when : He goes and we do replace him with a Doug Ellis/Bob Murray [add Bates, Al Fayed, Ridsdale, Gold, Hamman, Haywood, Mandrovic, Lowe, Kenwright, Sugar, Brown, Reynolds type]. Not to mention the names from our own past ie Westwood, Seymour, McKeag ? Far more likely than a Gibson or a Dein .... [although both of these have dropped a bollock as well...] 84706[/snapback] As an aside I've heard that Steve Gibson is running out of the type of money needed to bankroll Boro singlehandedly. If they go down the crowds will disappear and they will be massively in the shit. 84759[/snapback] Lad I used to work with reckoned the buzz round Boro was that a lot of their transfers were funded by a "mystery benefactor" (not Gibson). Gibson must wonder why he bothers sometimes when you see the crowds that lot get in.
  17. Getting beyond a joke now like. This transfer bung inquiry could be interesting.....
  18. 84730[/snapback] I can just imagine you doing that, you pompous tart. 84734[/snapback] Oi fatty, for you it's still Dr. pompous tart. 84741[/snapback] Dr. Wolfie tbh. Poor man's Dr. Fox. 84743[/snapback] I think your antipathy towards doctorates stems from the fact that you failed with Dr. Atkin's diet... 84749[/snapback] Doctor Doctor! Give me the news! I've got a bad case of pickled cabbage poo!
  19. Exactly. Pointing at chairmen of clubs that make no money and comparing Shepherd to them is ridiculous.
  20. 84730[/snapback] I can just imagine you doing that, you pompous tart. 84734[/snapback] Oi fatty, for you it's still Dr. pompous tart. 84741[/snapback] Dr. Wolfie tbh. Poor man's Dr. Fox.
  21. 84730[/snapback] I can just imagine you doing that, you pompous tart.
  22. They were reporting on R5 this morning that Owen had said that he considered what Sven said about him to the "fake sheik" to be complimentary. What's all that about?
  23. My dad's from St. Ives so we used to go there every summer to see my gran. It is a really nice place like.
  24. I can't say I'd have any interest in a table of Class A Narcotics tbh. And by the way, a bloke your size drinking a half pint of bourbon would lapse into a coma in no time.
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