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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Next time I tell you you should be in a straitjacket, THIS is why, ok? Star Trek!? 85366[/snapback] I'm not talking about warping around space meeting aliens, I'm referring to a unified planet not divided by superstitious nonsense, you dickweed! You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one... 85370[/snapback] And yet I'M the fucking dickweed! Beam me up Renty.
  2. Bums to the wall now you've turned up tbh.
  3. So Gemmill you reckon someone who, with players of Englands class let alone have the numptys we are fielding, is clueless when it comes to tactics and formations and isn`t much of a motivator in your own words.. is the right man for this club? 85376[/snapback] Correct, you sad bastard. Listen the bloke has wound me up in the past as England coach, but he gets results, which above all, is what we need. And given the other people on the shortlist, I'd be very happy to have him at NUFC.
  4. Aye, Cisse's been charged with assaulting his pregnant wife last night.
  5. Next time I tell you you should be in a straitjacket, THIS is why, ok? Star Trek!?
  6. Was there nothing else on? 85358[/snapback] I bet you were watching Nip/Tuck at the time, you big hom! 85359[/snapback] At least I wouldn't have been watching Corrie.
  7. Was there nothing else on?
  8. The Sanctuary Knocker *sniggers*
  9. In the same vein; all day at work and out in the pollution then going to bed? Your bedsheets must smell lush. 85268[/snapback] more times than not, I shower in the evenings too 85323[/snapback] Two showers a day is pretty excessive imo. Not exactly environmentally friendly either! 85329[/snapback] Excessive or not, at least I'm clean.... And I've never professed to be an eco-warrior - fuck this "bad for the environment" shit, if I didn't shower twice daily, the aromas coming off me would be a damned sight more damaging.... 85331[/snapback] Can I just distance myself from this comment please? Whilst I like to shower in the morning, and would shower in the morning having bathed/showered the night before, I don't actually need to do so to avoid stinking! Craig, it sounds like you've got issues if you need to shower twice a day to avoid being a ring-minger!
  10. Yeah, but how much is Earl's court, the land it's built on, and the building of a brand new stadium going to cost - bearing in mind Earl's court is 10 minutes walk from Stamford bridge? And if it were that simple, why didn't the evil Santa Clause do it - he rarely misses a trick? 85327[/snapback] Aye, Rob, even if it was a long term loan, the payments on it would be huge (WAY more than what we're making) - I'm assuming they would sell off the land that Stamford Bridge is on, or at least if it was going to be used for property development, it would be something that Abramovich would manage personally rather than keep on the books of the club - in other words, it's not going to be a source of revenue for them. The Earl's Court venture is going to cost them a fortune and is going to be a drain presumably for at least the next 2-3 years on Abramovich's cash, and they're not going to be showing a profit in that time, that's for sure, not while they're still on a limited capacity at Stamford Bridge. If they have got a plan for the club to become self-sufficient, it must be a very cunning one.
  11. I've got dry skin and that would be seriously bad for me, so there! 85237[/snapback] Urgh, flakey boy! Renton's got the lurgy! 85242[/snapback] It's like being back at school. Dr Noisewater, I put emollients on at night if I need them! Also I wash my sheets 1-2 times a week, is this OK? 85250[/snapback] You probably need to cos by the sound of things you go to bed covered from head to toe in an inch thick vaseline!
  12. Like wire wool, I bet! 85254[/snapback] Golden Virginia tbh. Their dads smoke it.
  13. Think of all those starving African children, with no water to drink because you and the manc boy want to smell like tarts. 85238[/snapback] They could probably drink the water AFTER I've showered in it. Not like that brown kakkie watta that gurgles down the plug with you night-beforers!
  14. I've got dry skin and that would be seriously bad for me, so there! 85237[/snapback] Urgh, flakey boy! Renton's got the lurgy!
  15. Support from the pleasantly Smelling Noisewater and Manc-mag against the stinky "night-before"ers! Nice one lads. By the way, I'm the same as the Doc - if I have a bath or shower the night before, I would still have one in the morning. I'm a clean machiiiine.
  16. I honestly can't see what this 5 year plan is. Their wage bill isn't going to drop significantly if they're going to maintain a playing squad of the current calibre, and their turnover isn't going to go up all that much (barring them selling out a huge stadium at Earl's Court every week) - it actually fell slightly in a season in which they won the Premiership. There aren't that many untapped foreign markets out there that aren't already saturated by Man United (and yeah, foreign fans may change allegiance easier, but not to the extend that Chelsea would vastly increase turnover). So basically, they're going to have to reduce all other costs to £38m or less (turnover less wages) just to break even, when these costs are currently running at £124m (not including the exceptional items). Now they can harp on about the new sponsorship deals etc, but I can't see those new deals being worth an extra £80m in turnover. And they haven't even got involved in buying Earl's Court and all the costs involved in that yet. Good luck Mr. Kenyon.
  17. Erickson Out! We can do better!
  18. I'd love to know what this plan is that's going to see them turning a profit within 5 years. Wage bill of £109m on turnover of £147m! Even if you took out the "exceptional" (non-recurring) items that total around £50m, they're still losing £90m or so. Completely unsustainable if Abramovich was to get bored......which is possible if the Chosen One left and the trophies dried up.
  19. Anyone heard Bill Hicks' bit about the lack of mention of dinosaurs in the bible? Canny funny like.
  20. I'm sure the NME used to be good. These days it seems to be staffed by GCSE students. OMG BEST BRITISH ALBUM EVA!!111!1111
  21. And he's proven he knows no other way to play football apart from the long ball Sven In! 85174[/snapback] Has he? Please explain what you're basing this on, I'd like to know. 85179[/snapback] He says it on his CV. Pay attention, Double-Oh Renton!
  22. You've proven throughout the course of this thread that you knew NOTHING about Erickson's CV. So shush. 85133[/snapback] You've proven over the last 18 months you knew NOTHING about Souness full stop. So shut it! 85136[/snapback] I'd obviously studied his CV about as closely as you'd studied Sven's. Now zip it!
  23. You've proven throughout the course of this thread that you knew NOTHING about Erickson's CV. So shush.
  24. Most successful England manager ever, in terms of results an'all. Crap CV tbh. Where's the SPL Championship? That's what Renty baby's looking for. For a bloke that places so much emphasis on CVs, quite how you look at that and then look at O'Neill's and pick O'Neill is a mystery to me. Also, Sven handled the pressure of the England job - there's tons of that as Newcastle manager. From what I've heard, O'Neill was a nightmare with the press a lot of the time as Celtic manager and struggled with the pressure (I appreciate that his wife's illness may have contributed) - if he struggled with the pressure of a two-horse race to the title, he may have one or two problems at Newcastle.
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