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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Spoken like a true accountant. 86015[/snapback] I'm terrible with money actually. But I would never entertain the idea of spending thousands of pounds on a toy. Sad freaks need to get a life tbh.
  2. Seriously though, what is wrong with these dweebs? Pay off a chunk of your mortgage or something. Don't spend thousands of pounds on a little plastic figure that you won't even take out the box.
  3. Just signed for West Ham hasn't he?
  4. Flying into San Francisco for the first time is a bit of a "This can't be right...." moment. You fly in over the bay, and the runway starts right at the edge of it, so it looks for all the world as if you're about to ditch into the water and just as you touch down the runway appears beneath you - if you're on the right side of the plane, you can only see water all around until the very last second. I will admit to being a bit worried.
  5. True, but they were League 2 defenders. And he plays like that most of the time an'all! 85965[/snapback] I was being sarcastic like 85966[/snapback] That's not like you.
  6. True, but they were League 2 defenders. And he plays like that most of the time an'all!
  7. On the subject of Shola (somebody's mentioned him), did it wind anyone else up to see that Obejayi and Francis playing like strikers with purpose at one end, committing defenders, and basically playing like they realise that the object of the game is to get the ball in the opposing team's net.....then when the ball goes to Ameobi he's his usual ponderous, lackadaisical self, seemingly no purpose to what he does, and giving the opposition every opportunity to get the ball off him. I'm not an Ameobi-basher, but the lad is so frustrating. He just seems to have no drive about him.
  8. fooking brilliant to see you lot saying what you want unlike before ..... ooopssss 4016[/snapback] You've lost me 4066[/snapback] I think LM just shot his load. 4070[/snapback] best pair of knicks I ever had years ago, bought for me, which said "I dribble before I shoot" 4314[/snapback] LM wears "knicks".
  9. I have never heard anyone come up with as much bullshit as Souness, and that includes politicians, estate agents, 2nd hand car salesmen etc..... 85909[/snapback] Maybe not like, but I've never once heard him dream out loud about a Roddenberry Star Trek utopia.
  10. I don't mind flying at all - long hauls can be a pain if the movies are crap and you get sat next to a freak (or behind someone who thinks whacking their seat back full tilt for the entire flight is a good idea), but for the most part it's alright. On the seat reclining thing, I almost had a bout of air rage once when some German tosser on the way back from America put his seat back from the minute the seatbelt light went off. I'm canny tall so it was pretty uncomfortable. Anyway, I dozed off eventually, and must have moved my legs, only to be awoken by this tosser turning round with his neck cushion strapped round his neck, and those silly little eye things designed to block out the light on his forehead going "I vould like to know vhy you are putting your knees in ze back of my seat!" I told him that maybe it was because I was tall and he'd had his seat fully reclined for the last 8 hours. Anyway, he told me I needed to be more careful to which I responded "I suggest you turn around and shut up, dickhead". He goes "No! You are ze dickhead!", pulled his little eye things down, and turned back round. Aye, that's right, I'm nails. I couldn't get back to sleep cos I was so livid, so I spent the rest of the journey playing keepy-ups with the back of his chair, the little prick. I can't stand it when people are inconsiderate like that on planes - I know the seats are designed to go back that far, but I never recline mine more than about halfway because it just makes the journey unpleasant for the person behind. Oh and I really can't understand people who are scared of flying. It's safer than driving.
  11. The sad thing is that I could quite easily see Shepherd doing business via the medium of the text message.
  12. Did you really expect else than a win against a team three leagues below? Are you really happy to see this kind of rubbish performances? Of course it is nice to be in the next round, but it would also be nice not looking like a League 2 team (and a bad one that is). 85599[/snapback] Since when has the performance been important in a cup match? Tell the mackems how easy it should be to beat teams from the lower leagues. Or Boro - second replay in two rounds for that lot. Or any other Premiership team that gets knocked out by a team in the lower leagues. The ONLY thing that matters in the cup is whether or not you win - yes, it would have been nice to see a scintillating performance, but how often does a Premiership team go away in the FA Cup to a lower league team, and completely blitz them or play them off the park? Not very often. It's just the way people whine on as if the performance has ruined their weekend, when in actual fact, we won and are in the next round that gets on my tits. 85698[/snapback] Normally I would agree with you about performance not being important in a cup match. But the problem is every performance we have is now completely unacceptable; you would hope these matches might be an opportunity for us to shine and get some confidence back, but that's just not the case at all. We now have a full strength team out (barring Owen), and we're still shit. And the manager is making excuses before a ball is even kicked. Ask yourself a question about yesterday - if you didn't know the respective league positions of each time at that match, could you guess which was which? Like I said before, you strike me as incredibly easily pleased, and have now even resorted to comparing our results with the mackems to support you argument (have you visited the SMB recently btw, they are not happy). Fact is, given this performance, I can see no way we'll beat Man City on Wednesday. And I can see no way we'll progress in the cup if we meet anyone form above division 2. 85706[/snapback] I'm not comparing our results with Sunderland's, I'm just pointing out that it is nowhere near as easy to beat a team from the lower divisions as common sense would suggest. I suspect you know exactly what I meant as well tbh. And I don't believe that you would normally agree with me about result being more important than performance in the Cup. The fact is, if there's something negative to focus on, you'll focus on that and ignore the positive (i.e. the ONLY thing that matters in the cup, the result). Ask Arsenal fans whether they'd have preferred a great performance against Bolton, or to be in the draw tomorrow. That's not me comparing our results with Arsenal's just for the record. 85709[/snapback] I normally think performance is the most important thing, and make dispensations for the cup - a one off poor performance in the cup won't bother me usually as long as we get the result. But when it's as bad as it was yesterday, and when we are seeing similar levels of performance every game, I think people (not just me here btw, read the forum) are entitled to be unhappy and concerned about it. We should expect more, but it seems you are perfectly happy to accept the dross that is being doled out. But seriously, ask yourself this - what do you think would have happened if Cheltenham weren't 60 positions beneath us. Do you expect us to beat Man City? 85713[/snapback] Renton, I thought the match yesterday was fucking dire, and I didn't enjoy it at all. And yes, we were shit. But I cannot be arsed to dwell on the negatives when the fact remains that we're in the next round. What's the fucking point? I'm not accepting of the dross, but at the same time I'm not gonna whine on too much when we win - what good does it do? I prefer to look at the fact that we won and are in the next round as a positive. You prefer to ignore that and dwell on how shit the game was and how poor the performance was. It's not like I didn't notice that we were crap, you know? I just don't harp on about it.
  13. Did you really expect else than a win against a team three leagues below? Are you really happy to see this kind of rubbish performances? Of course it is nice to be in the next round, but it would also be nice not looking like a League 2 team (and a bad one that is). 85599[/snapback] Since when has the performance been important in a cup match? Tell the mackems how easy it should be to beat teams from the lower leagues. Or Boro - second replay in two rounds for that lot. Or any other Premiership team that gets knocked out by a team in the lower leagues. The ONLY thing that matters in the cup is whether or not you win - yes, it would have been nice to see a scintillating performance, but how often does a Premiership team go away in the FA Cup to a lower league team, and completely blitz them or play them off the park? Not very often. It's just the way people whine on as if the performance has ruined their weekend, when in actual fact, we won and are in the next round that gets on my tits. 85698[/snapback] Normally I would agree with you about performance not being important in a cup match. But the problem is every performance we have is now completely unacceptable; you would hope these matches might be an opportunity for us to shine and get some confidence back, but that's just not the case at all. We now have a full strength team out (barring Owen), and we're still shit. And the manager is making excuses before a ball is even kicked. Ask yourself a question about yesterday - if you didn't know the respective league positions of each time at that match, could you guess which was which? Like I said before, you strike me as incredibly easily pleased, and have now even resorted to comparing our results with the mackems to support you argument (have you visited the SMB recently btw, they are not happy). Fact is, given this performance, I can see no way we'll beat Man City on Wednesday. And I can see no way we'll progress in the cup if we meet anyone form above division 2. 85706[/snapback] I'm not comparing our results with Sunderland's, I'm just pointing out that it is nowhere near as easy to beat a team from the lower divisions as common sense would suggest. I suspect you know exactly what I meant as well tbh. And I don't believe that you would normally agree with me about result being more important than performance in the Cup. The fact is, if there's something negative to focus on, you'll focus on that and ignore the positive (i.e. the ONLY thing that matters in the cup, the result). Ask Arsenal fans whether they'd have preferred a great performance against Bolton, or to be in the draw tomorrow. That's not me comparing our results with Arsenal's just for the record.
  14. he's an expensive foreigner though, so he should be the real deal, as a lot of people said when he signed 85701[/snapback] Not me, I just hoped he would be good. And definitely not you, you KNEW from the outset, right?
  15. Did you really expect else than a win against a team three leagues below? Are you really happy to see this kind of rubbish performances? Of course it is nice to be in the next round, but it would also be nice not looking like a League 2 team (and a bad one that is). 85599[/snapback] Since when has the performance been important in a cup match? Tell the mackems how easy it should be to beat teams from the lower leagues. Or Boro - second replay in two rounds for that lot. Or any other Premiership team that gets knocked out by a team in the lower leagues. The ONLY thing that matters in the cup is whether or not you win - yes, it would have been nice to see a scintillating performance, but how often does a Premiership team go away in the FA Cup to a lower league team, and completely blitz them or play them off the park? Not very often. It's just the way people whine on as if the performance has ruined their weekend, when in actual fact, we won and are in the next round that gets on my tits.
  16. We're in the draw on Monday, you miserable twats.
  17. I haven't been tripped up. I stand by what I said about Sven following the friendlies because he was idiotic with the substitutions and he did used to stand there motionless etc. But the bloke DOES have a very good CV and I think he'd make a very good choice for manager of NUFC - much better than some of the other choices on offer. I'm not the only one to have bashed Sven when England had played who would lnow ove to see the bloke as NUFC manager. If you want to see someone being tripped up, look at the cobblers you've written in this thread about studying Sven's CV and about O'Neill not being a long ball merchant.....only to discover that you didn't know what you were on about. 85460[/snapback] In fairness Renton only said Celtic were easy on the eye, although he never actually stated which one he fancied most. 85528[/snapback] Who said anything about being fair?
  18. You only believe in all that Norse mythology shite because it's the only way you can rationalise how you ended up as an elf tbh.
  19. Gemmill


    I've had one of the orange ones. Fucking disgusting. It's not a nice chocolate orange flavour, it's like really strong marmalade. Minging.
  20. I haven't been tripped up. I stand by what I said about Sven following the friendlies because he was idiotic with the substitutions and he did used to stand there motionless etc. But the bloke DOES have a very good CV and I think he'd make a very good choice for manager of NUFC - much better than some of the other choices on offer. I'm not the only one to have bashed Sven when England had played who would lnow ove to see the bloke as NUFC manager. If you want to see someone being tripped up, look at the cobblers you've written in this thread about studying Sven's CV and about O'Neill not being a long ball merchant.....only to discover that you didn't know what you were on about.
  21. She is dog rough. Mind she'd fit in well down the Bigg Market with her you've-been-tango'd look.
  22. You would though. With Sven. Steam those rimless specs up.
  23. So Gemmill you reckon someone who, with players of Englands class let alone have the numptys we are fielding, is clueless when it comes to tactics and formations and isn`t much of a motivator in your own words.. is the right man for this club? 85376[/snapback] Correct, you sad bastard. Listen the bloke has wound me up in the past as England coach, but he gets results, which above all, is what we need. And given the other people on the shortlist, I'd be very happy to have him at NUFC. 85407[/snapback] Wasnt hard to find, i remember all the Sven bashing that goes on after the majority of England games... I can see why you want him though, as he certainly follows the tradition of your other favourite manager Mr Souness in being clueless about tactics and having terrible motivational skills... 85412[/snapback] Exactly. If I can't have Graeme, I want Sven.
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