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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. "Have you tried unplugging the monitor?" 86775[/snapback] "What so you mean to tell me it's toontastic.linuxdriven.net?? And I'm not banned??"
  2. Just another day at the office for supernerd tbh.
  3. Let me rightly understand you. Are you suggesting there might be any nurses uniform Gemmill might look good in? 86755[/snapback] PVC. Trust me.
  4. There's an Elvis restaurant opened on Beale Street that's run by his estate where you can get replica versions of the sort of shit he used to eat - fried peanut butter sandwiches and that. I had a burger like.
  5. Is Gracelands any good? 86723[/snapback] Aye it's quite good actually - much smaller than I was expecting though, when you see star's houses today and that. It's funny though cos it's so cheesy - there's a room with all his jumpsuits and they've got footage of him doing karate which is ridiculous You can go on his private jet (TCB - Taking Care of Business plastered on the tail ) and see the car collection and that. Definitely worth the visit though. Grown men and women bealing next to his grave was embarrassing like.
  6. If you're ever in Memphis, the Civil Rights Museum is worth a visit. They've turned the motel where King was shot into a museum with the room set up like it was on the day and all that. Anyway, it's well worth a visit if you're interested in that sort of thing.
  7. PART-TIMER TBH!!! 86675[/snapback] soopafan alert tbqf 86681[/snapback] Present and correct tbpfh!
  8. How would NASA have even the remotest idea that they were alive after the explosion though? Presumably the explosion caused everything to......explode.....preventing them from knowing anything about what was going on up there?
  9. My brothe was once electrocuted in the shower because the stupid plumber put a nail straight through the power cable. Fortunately, the fuse blew immediately. I've been a bit scared of electric showers since.... 86553[/snapback] What was your brother doing showering with the plumber? Not the only nail he drove home that day tbh.
  10. And all the while.........the player he sold to Blackburn who he called a "cancer" and was slagged off on here and other places for being the "liar", rather than Souness, is quietly getting on with his career with dignity.....
  11. So the list of things you're scared of so far is: Planes Coconuts Mice that emerge from video recorders. Owt else? 86539[/snapback] Showers. 86541[/snapback] Forgot about them, the griftin little get! 86543[/snapback] Fuck off, we shower the same amount, just at different times! Just because I don't suffer from night sweating and bed wetting like you.... 86545[/snapback] No nightsweats here daft lad. You stink - FACT!
  12. So the list of things you're scared of so far is: Planes Coconuts Mice that emerge from video recorders. Owt else? 86539[/snapback] Showers. 86541[/snapback] Forgot about them, the griftin little get!
  13. So the list of things you're scared of so far is: Planes Coconuts Mice that emerge from video recorders. Owt else?
  14. "I'm a laaaaadyyy. Today we'll be doing laaaadyyy training. Like laaadiees."
  15. No, sky asked him. Why does Souness think we want to know this shite.....Alex you've left your thinking cap at home today mate 86429[/snapback] Oh, you know Sky asked him do you? OK I take your point about Souness talking to the press about stories like this which clearly have no relevance to NUFC and are probably just an attempt to deflect some of flak he's receiving. I still fail to see what it has to do with Bellamy though. 86430[/snapback] He's coming out with this shit because he's taking the piss and looking for his payoff. The man is a complete wanker. 86431[/snapback] Renton, that's cobblers. You said something similar yesterday about what he'd said about Boumsong. Do you seriously think he's intentionally talking rubbish so that Shepherd'll go "Hmmm. He's mental. Best sack him"? As Alex says, if anything it's probably to stem the tide of questions about the current problems at the club. He's not trying to engineer his dismissal though.
  16. All bright sparks in that family, then? 86336[/snapback] I've highlighted the key word. Hardly a shock is it. 86407[/snapback] Bridget-esque. Probably abandoned the car and ran off down the street, flashing worried glances back over her shoulder.
  17. All bright sparks in that family, then? 86336[/snapback] It all sounds a bit X-Files like. Do they think they're in danger or something?
  18. Craig Bellamy.......what a guy! I imagine you sat at your computer with thought bubbles above your head with Bellamy in them, and love hearts all over the shop. When are you going to stop harping on about him? 86333[/snapback] probably when Souness has fucked off and we are doing as well as we were when Bellamy was here. Does it remind you how wrong you have been or something ? 86334[/snapback] No, it reminds me how bad a job Shepherd's doing. And it reminds me how much you lurrrve Bellamy.
  19. Craig Bellamy.......what a guy! I imagine you sat at your computer with thought bubbles above your head with Bellamy in them, and love hearts all over the shop. When are you going to stop harping on about him?
  20. He sounds like a right loser. Blokes like that can actually have girlfriends??
  21. Car crash isn't gonna get you on the news though, is it?
  22. There was a plane a few years ago in America that lost a section of it's tail and flew upside down for 15 minutes before eventually crashing and killing all on board. To compound matters, I have heard when the body is stressed like this time goes into slow motion "survival mode" and it would have felt like hours to the victims. Horrendous. 86247[/snapback] Handy in a way though cos it could give you time come up with an escape plan.
  23. At the end of the day it's statistically safer to fly than drive though. Something that's escaped the attention of everyone in this thread, it would seem.
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