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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Based only on the small bit they showed of him on MOTD last night, this bloke will fucking torture us at the weekend.
  2. And basically no comment from his mates Lawrenson and Hansen, what a surprise. Where's that humble pie now Hansen? Twats. 87631[/snapback] Aye how fucking blatant was that? Lineker sort of sheepishly sneaks in "Well.....we all know he's under pressure" which got slight murmurs of let's-not-talk-about-that-Gary agreement from Hansen and Lawrenson aaaaaaaaand swiftly moving on. It was shocking.
  3. If I took some of these threads to court I reckon I could get a restraining order out against Renton. Stop chasing me you big stripey cat.
  4. Thank god I put an image resizer on the board when people are doing double banner sigs like that 87607[/snapback] Thank god for the nerd! Seriously though, it's not really working cos the thing is still heyowge!
  5. SMO is the bitty bloke. Bittyyyyy.
  6. Only caught a second of that programme before, but Jesus Christ, what are these women thinking? Big 9 year old children hanging off their udders. Dirty bastards!
  7. Nice call Gemmill! Right as always. Oh....... 87581[/snapback] Stop fancying me!
  8. slagged off by you ! One day you'll get something right Gem ....... 87291[/snapback] It was a direct quote of you, numbnuts. I was taking the watta.
  9. By the way, by asking me specifically, you're not obsessively stalking me are you? 87080[/snapback] Seriously mate, you couldnt stalk anyone with hair like his. I wouldnt worry. 87085[/snapback] One word: highlights.
  10. Annoying, but not really anyone's fault. Or are we blaming Souness for this one, Renton?
  11. To correct Renton's grammar. Mine is beyond reproach.
  12. We're up early to shower before we go to work. Pongo and the night-before gang will have still been festering in their pits. 87029[/snapback] Aye and now they're currently causing a stink at their respective workplaces, the filthy pigs. 87031[/snapback] click....that's another African orphan dead...click....and another....click... 87037[/snapback] Aye, from the smell!
  13. I doubt there's ever been a more ironic comment in the history of the net! FACT 86868[/snapback] What do you mean? Are you implying I'm obsessed with someone? If so, who exactly? Seriously I have no clue what you're talking about. 86895[/snapback] Really? You're worryingly obsessed with arguing against everything Gemmill says tbh. Even when he hasn't commented on a subject, you always manage to suggest that he'll contradict you... 86901[/snapback] And you always seem very quick to contradict what I say. For instance, here I state that Gullit appears to be obsessed with Shearer, based on the fact that he always slags him off when interviewed, which you have used to claim I'm a hypocrite somehow..... As for me being obsessed with Gemmill, that's bullshit. I often do comment about him, because he is the only poster who seems accepting of our situation. He still refuses to acknowledge that he actively supported Souness as choice of manager as well - despite you finding absolute proof of this. And anyway, Gemmill frequently answers me in threads, or brings me up in threads I am uninvolved in, so it's a two way thing. The most ironic thing ever said on the internet? Give your head a shake man. 86922[/snapback] I would have said enamoured rather than obsessed tbh.
  14. We're up early to shower before we go to work. Pongo and the night-before gang will have still been festering in their pits. 87029[/snapback] Aye and now they're currently causing a stink at their respective workplaces, the filthy pigs.
  15. Unlikely really that you would get someone starting a thread about the sandwiches at your college. PS I didn't wet the bed.
  16. I think we'll win, totally vindicating my undying support for this great man.
  17. Can I mention McKeag and Lord Westwood at this point? 87016[/snapback] I believe that is the accepted hierarchy of LM mentions, yes.
  18. Meanwhile....somewhere in a small Lancashire mill-town.... ....the player he sold to Blackburn who he called a "cancer" and was slagged off on here and other places for being the "liar", rather than Souness, is quietly getting on with his career with dignity.
  19. Was this an I-Feel-Sorry-For-You-Cos-Nobody-Replied-To-Your-Thread post? 86904[/snapback] Mighta been.
  20. Why aren't we even lining up any loan deals? Daft twats.
  21. Naaasty. So do they really have poo in or did they not take the prank that far?
  22. That avatar is a fucking disgrace!
  23. I'm flying to the good ol' US of Stateside in May and I'm not even scared - NAILS!
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