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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Aye I noticed that as well. Idiots.
  2. Did he really say that or have I been wooshed? 89345[/snapback] He said he'd never met him and so couldn't comment on whether or not he'd be interested in offering him the job.
  3. Talking of shit newspapers - the Sunday Sun are claiming that O'Neill is "cool" on the England job because he doesn't fancy it with being an Ulsterman. "Sources close to O'Neill" say he would be willing to talk to us. They also claim that we're NOT after Eriksson.
  4. That bloke must have taken a fucking hiding off a Geordie in his youth or something. Which rag published that shit?
  5. thus immediately taking the pressure off himself....very clever. Now, if he does well, he can put himself quite rightly in the running but if it goes pear shaped...he can stand down having done his best without making an arse of himself! 89250[/snapback] Conspiracy theory-tastic! Maybe Shearer secretly wants the job too and is trying to out-mind-game Roeder.
  6. I think he plays a da mind games like-a da cat and da mouse no? 89249[/snapback] Nah, I reckon he's genuinely not interested actually. I think he's got a relatively easy life as academy manager and is enjoying it. I was pleased for him yesterday though as he looked like he really enjoyed the day, but I don't think he wants the job long term.
  7. Party time for you and your chums then. You've finally broken your duck! 89217[/snapback] A fleeting glimpse of what it must be like to be you. Felt like heaven tbh.
  8. He's ruled himself out though, hasn't he? He's said he's only interested in the job in the short term.
  9. Myself and a few others said he would break the record. And we were right!
  10. The team huddle was hilarious. It looked really forced. Class day though - really nice to enjoy the match again.
  11. Ok...well I know it wasn't Hitzfeld Who'd you vote for? 89035[/snapback] Oops...new vote there...maybe it was 89036[/snapback] It wasn't! You're not allowed to ask - it's rude!
  12. Anyone see the "50 most shocking moments in comedy" last night. Catholics were very badly represented by this humourless wanker who sat with an expressionless face talking about how appalling Father Ted and Life of Brian are and how they make a mockery of his faith. His title that appeared under his name was "Disgruntled Roman Catholic". He was a total tosser though, and far from representative of the Catholics I know.
  13. He's a psychic blokey. Claims his "spiritual guide" is an Ethiopian bloke called Sam.
  14. 89018[/snapback] I don't need to enlist support to argue you with you man, you keyboard gangsta. I can't be chewed to deconstruct what you've written above either. Enjoy the match, Rambo!
  15. You could be the team mascot - you're shaped a bit like an oversized American football these days.
  16. *whispers* I don't think it's reeeeally for sale, Catherine.
  17. Don't make me have to start on you, woman.
  18. Just to clear up the PM thing - the initial one came from you in which you told me I needed to be careful what I was saying. I replied (can't remember what I said), and you suggested meeting in town and told me where you would be pre-match. All of this in an aggressive tone. When I challenged whether you were really trying to arrange a fight with someone on the internet you backtracked (apparently you just randomly fancied a drink) and I "accepted" it because there wasn't much point in arguing further on it. As for the stuff about me then slagging off other members of the forum who I believed would want to offer people out - I'm pretty sure you've made that up. Are you suggesting I provided you with a list of the most-likely-to-want-a-fight? All I said about LM was he was capable of getting involved in the banter. He is. You aren't. Do yourself a favour and stop taking yourself so seriously. Someone might even get to call you a jokey name one day without you going daft. Not much point in carrying this on anyway. I'm sure it's canny boring for everyone. Just remember who started with the insults this time though eh?
  19. I've still yet to PM anyone to offer them out though have I, you fucking hard bastard. 88921[/snapback] Another one straight from the playground. 88974[/snapback] Like I've said, I'm not the one trying to arrange fights on a Saturday afternoon with someone off the internet, sad man. Are you going to try and claim it was all in the name of a friendly drink again? You do realise that no one's buying that? 88979[/snapback] Aye, you've said it MANY MANY MANY MANY times now. And like the fool you are, you've been banging on about it for over 12 months now, despite the fact the other person involved sees it all as 'water under the bridge' and has no need to refer to it, instead continuing with football related exchanges in a civilised manner. Fact is, in any football related discussion your knowledge is so limited you get to your 2nd post in a thread, and having seen your views so badly shot to shit, you immediately resort to childish snipes and personal insults toward various posters, for example Renton, LM and myself. It's pretty ironic that posting these regular insults appears to be acceptable to you ( and probably your mates ), whereas someone losing their rag and making an admitedly daft post causes you to throw your arms up in indignation. What you post is worse, Gemmill. 'Offering someone out' as kids call it is heat of the moment stuff that isn't going to happen anyway. However, your seemingly relaxed posting of insults to other posters, made when you are unable to back up your opinion, is far more worthy of criticism than anything I may have posted months ago, for which I apologised anyway. It's about time you moved on, but you just don't have the maturity to do so and that is something that can be called sad, mate. 89002[/snapback] Tell me again about "relaxed posting of insults" being "far more worthy of criticism". I'm not sure who "the other person involved" is that you refer to - presumably you've forgotten PMing ME and telling me I should be careful what I say, followed by the suggestion that we meet up pre-match. Your problem, HTL, is that you take yourself embarrassingly seriously. Any joke made with reference to you you take seriously, respond aggressively, and then a little bit later when you realised you've made a tit of yourself you turn up telling everyone they don't know what "banter" is, having already demonstrated that YOU haven't got the first fucking clue what it is. The stuff about you being Derek Acorah's guide was so obviously a joke, but as usual that's been lost on you. As far as insulting Renton is concerned - THAT is called banter, and Renton is more than adept at engaging in it - we take the piss out of one another if you hadn't noticed. Leazes Mag is good craic an'all, and I'm pretty sure he took this thread in the spirit it was meant tbh. It's only you that takes himself so seriously that he loses the plot if anyone strays into even mild pisstaking. As for moving on, I've tried on numerous occasions to have a bit normal craic with you on here, but like I say, it always comes back to you taking yourself too seriously and overreacting, so I've given up.
  20. I've still yet to PM anyone to offer them out though have I, you fucking hard bastard. 88921[/snapback] Another one straight from the playground. 88974[/snapback] Like I've said, I'm not the one trying to arrange fights on a Saturday afternoon with someone off the internet, sad man. Are you going to try and claim it was all in the name of a friendly drink again? You do realise that no one's buying that?
  21. HF, you've been reading that How to Read Films book again, haven't you?
  22. I think it's sweet that Campbell and JJ are showing that love can break down the barriers of team rivalry. It's like Romeo and Romeo. This thread should probably go the journey btw.
  23. I've still yet to PM anyone to offer them out though have I, you fucking hard bastard. 88921[/snapback] I heard Renton is waiting for a PM from you offering to go out. 88927[/snapback] I'm shy.
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