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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Didn't hear that call, but out of the three of them I actually prefer Gates. Seems like a proper fan of his team, unlike McDonald who just talks crap to sound controversial or Slaven who's an idiot.
  2. Shearer's been a brilliant servant for the club, and I'm really pleased he broke the record, but the hero-worship-he-can-do-no-wrong stuff can be a bit excessive. I bet there's been no articles written about erecting a statue to Thierry Henry at Arsenal.
  3. If, as everyone suspects, Shearer will play some sort of coaching role at the club (maybe not next season, cos he says he wants some time off), the last thing the new manager is going to want is a statue of one of his coaches outside the ground! I wouldn't be against having a statue in future but it's far too early for that sort of thing yet.
  4. One for the plane geeks: 9pm tonight on the National Geographic channel, a documentary about some fuckwit pilot who let his 15 year old son at the controls of a commercial jet. Not surprisingly, it crashed. It's called Kid in the Cockpit, which sounds worryingly like a Smooth Operator thread title.
  5. I don't think it'll have much impact (who knows if the bloke would even fancy it), but I'm certainly impressed that someone's gone to such trouble, and it's a pretty nice looking site. Was it HTT's work?
  6. Gol, take your blue tinted specs off. Two wrongs don't make a right. Robben should get a damn sight more than a booking, the conniving little cnut. Until blatant cheating like this is punished with the severity it deserves then it will continue to be commonplace. I don't think Reina should have been sent off - it wasn't even a slap, he just placed his palm on the guy's face as he told him to foxtrot oscar. Violent conduct my arse. Yeah yeah, I know, 'raising your hands' and all that. 89903[/snapback] Bloody hell. Good post. 89921[/snapback] This sort of thing is EXACTLY what the TV/video cameras should be used to pick up and dish out justice for. When players are shown they will get a good long ban, and they can't dispute it when its on camera, it will soon stop. 89922[/snapback] Exactly. Although to be honest, it would be a laugh seeing Rambo zoom onto the pitch and try to 'kick a player all over'. 89923[/snapback] You're Rambo mate - don't nick my insults. "God didn't make HTL. I did."
  7. Jim Morrison - 64% Spencer Tracey - 62% Luis Figo - 60% Christian Slater - 52% Johnny Depp - 52% Kevin Costner - 47% and last but not least.... Patrick Kluivert - 46% Form a line, girls.
  8. This news was exposed on here last week. Toontastic exclusive.
  9. You're 89784[/snapback] It's her dopey Torquay accent.
  10. Do you mean Reina? Agree about Robben though. Someone should really hurt him, and give him something to cry about - I cannot STAND that sort of play-acting. It's one of the few things that would make me want to take to the pitch and kick a player all over.
  11. The moderate muslims have to make themselves more vocal in their disapproval I think. Also, they should be willing to "grass" the nutters up to authorities. However, sometimes I get the feeling even the moderates have strong sympathies with the fundamentalists. I hope they prove me wrong. 89713[/snapback] Exactly. There should be widespread condemnation of the way the protesters are going about things, but if there has been, I haven't heard too much of it.
  12. From the Guardian. Some pretty mental comments there. Nice head-in-the-sand stuff about the racist chanting in Spain as well - oh it's down to history is it? That's alright then. It's not hard to understand why so little is done about racism on the continent when this is the sort of attitude you get from the blokes in charge of the game. Pretty dismissive of the improvements made in this country as well. And a really intelligent working class = racist argument.
  13. FIFA should be doing something about that. A fine or something. Horrendous.
  14. He can always ask Shearergol for advice. 89657[/snapback] Amazing how quick that joke got old tbh. Can you go back to the "you and craig are the same person" gag please? 89676[/snapback] If I have to put up with the "fat, ginger" stuff, you can put up with the Chelsea fan stuff tbh.
  15. Awful that like. Especially not telling the bloke. I doubt I'd be turning out for my country again if that's the way they go about things.
  16. Most pointless post ever? 89361[/snapback] Probably either this one above or the other 2706 of yours tbh. 89365[/snapback]
  17. You're supposed to clean them now and again you scruffy get 89642[/snapback] I did, still got it. So I threw it away and bought another one...then got Impatigo again straight away. Haven't gone back to electric since. 89654[/snapback] Try showering in the morning, scruffbag. 89659[/snapback] Showering or cleaning Impatigo makes it worse, as it spreads the infection. The poverty of Africa is your fault. FACT. 89661[/snapback] Would never have got it if you'd showered in the morning tbh. F. A. C. T.
  18. You're supposed to clean them now and again you scruffy get 89642[/snapback] I did, still got it. So I threw it away and bought another one...then got Impatigo again straight away. Haven't gone back to electric since. 89654[/snapback] Try showering in the morning, scruffbag.
  19. Send their parents a link to some of your recent threads on here, and you'll not need to worry about them asking to stop at yours again.
  20. Bit off topic mate but just been browisng the 'post your picture' thread, do you sit in Leazes l7, right in the corner? 89646[/snapback] No I sit on my sofa with my remote control in my hand sadly ! 89648[/snapback] Remote control? Aye, right.
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