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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Gemmill


    That's alright then. I thought it was a bit....yer kna.....chaaaaaaaaaase me!
  2. I'm pretty sure everyone knew he was on a wind-up, but (sensible) people tend to take racism seriously. 93816[/snapback] Quote the racist bit 93820[/snapback] No. Pizza face.
  3. How did you know my age, another toontatsic stalker 93812[/snapback] It was your spotty face that gave it away tbh. 93814[/snapback] 93815[/snapback] You can start a thread as shit as this and yet still feel like you're in a position to roll your eyes at me? Haven't you got spots to be squeezing, little fella?
  4. I'm pretty sure everyone knew he was on a wind-up, but (sensible) people tend to take racism seriously.
  5. How did you know my age, another toontatsic stalker 93812[/snapback] It was your spotty face that gave it away tbh.
  6. Don't blame little Jonny. He's only 17 and he's been raised on the Daily Mail. He can't help being fick.
  7. Gemmill


    Mate, he seems a canny lad, but he's not that good. And the versatile thing is a myth - he's mediocre in all positions across the back 4 and that's about it. In hindsight it was a mistake to sell him because of all the injury problems, and because the bloke that we signed (Moore) has never been fit enough to turn out for us. Signing Hughes back wouldn't be a step in the right direction though - I'm not saying it would be a step back though. Maybe just standing still. And leaning slightly forward.
  8. hope so, of course there will still be some, despite the certain upsurge in team performances, who would say we are "better off without him"...although I suspect most of them will keep their head down and be quiet ... 93583[/snapback] Let's get him back - assaults on 19 year old girls are EXACTLY the sort of thing I want from a centre forward. 93767[/snapback] Performances ON the pitch is what you want from a footballer...I see the Souness legacy has stained your judgement forever .... 93785[/snapback] You do realise you're in the minority that thinks that no matter what they get up to off the field, they can be excused by their performances on it? Nothing to do with Souness.
  9. HTT has lost the fucking plot, and all the backslapping in that forum is getting ridiculous. The forum is now less about the campaign and more about telling fellow campaigners how great they are. Woe betide Shepherd if he doesn't talk to Hitzfeld though. Jesus weptomatic.
  10. Didn't the fact that this lass goes to the bingo tell you something? It was with people from WORK ok?
  11. hope so, of course there will still be some, despite the certain upsurge in team performances, who would say we are "better off without him"...although I suspect most of them will keep their head down and be quiet ... 93583[/snapback] Let's get him back - assaults on 19 year old girls are EXACTLY the sort of thing I want from a centre forward.
  12. I know it may appear I'm stalking HTT, but his comments genuinely astound me. Listen to this rant against True Faith: Why will tf die, is it too perpetual? Tell you what, I'd much rather read tf than any of the crap editorials on N-O that appear to have been written by illiterate 5 year olds. 93495[/snapback] Aye I thought that was canny mental. I've asked him if True Faith is too snobby or too perpetual, but he's yet to respond. There is a touch of fundamentalism to it all. "We know we're right so there's no reason to enter into debate with the uneducated. We've got HTT on our side, how can we be wrong?"
  13. 93435[/snapback] 93480[/snapback] They all hate Mick Lowes now like (I'd think I was dealing with loonies if I received an inbox full of emails from Skirge), and True Faith's readership has plummetted by around 5 after they said they wouldn't be supporting the campaign. Power to the People.
  14. Be interesting to know what Leazes Mag thinks of the reports that Shepherd says he will be making no approach for out-of-work-two-times-Champions-League-winner Ottmar Hitzfeld.
  15. It's become self congratulatory clit-rubbing tbh. Reading some of the threads with them bigging their own efforts up. I think they've done a good job, but it's like. "You da man!" "No, YOU da man!" "No, you BE da MAN!"
  16. According to the Journal though, Shepherd is in Glasgow talking to O'Neill. Double booked!
  17. ...they reported at the end of the Sports on Sky News (not SSN), that Hitzfeld is flying in today for talks with Shepherd. The Independent are also claiming that Hitzfeld is the only person we've approached so far. So there you go.
  18. His mother's influence tbh. Bringing things slightly back on topic, I see some lad called bowsie has made a very good post in the Hitzfeld forum over on N-O, why doesn't he post over here? I think at this point any positivity that the campaign initially generated for the Hitzfeld vote has been negated by HTT's ego and the campaign is viewed by the media, board and even most of the fans as the actions of a few children and zealots. Why is it HTT always chooses to ignore well thought out and well constructed debate? 93277[/snapback] Aye, it is a very good post. And you're right, what started out as a good idea about raising awareness has become an ego trip. Shame.
  19. How do you manage to turn every thread you post in into a slagfest? 93270[/snapback] Wrong. 93271[/snapback] IRONY 93273[/snapback] Just finished mine. 5 shirts all nicely pressed and hung in the wardrobe. With NO creases in the sleeves.
  20. You better start praying he takes the job because according to the Sunday Sun we'll be talking to Curbishley if he knocks us back. Fuuuuuuuuuck meeeeeeee.
  21. Aye, I liked this comment as well. O'Leary is a complete prick, not to mention a werepig.
  22. My mate's wife was on it (Blind Date.....before they were married obviously). She didn't get picked and she made a right twat of herself.
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