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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I'd give him a game this weekend and give Shola the day off tbh. With 3 games in a week coming up it might be worth it, and makes sense to give him a go against Championship defenders to maybe build his confidence a bit.
  2. aaaaaaaalan's being ruuuuuuude.
  3. High five? 94412[/snapback] only with others that don't get things spectacularly wrong Anyway, too American for me 94413[/snapback] *sheepishly lowers his hand, grin slipping from his face, and skulks away*
  4. Who was it that said that "having a no-smoking area in a restaurant is like having a no-pissing section in a swimming pool". No smoking sections don't work cos the stuff gets everywhere and stinks the place out. FACT! Having lived in California where a no-smoking ban has been passed and works absolutely fine, I don't see how people think that this is "unenforceable". If someone smokes, they get chucked out. Simple as that. Admittedly it's a bit more pleasant in California to duck outside for a tab cos it's rarely lashing down, but that's the smoker's choice I'm afraid. I'm all for the ban personally - non-smokers will be amazed what a difference it makes to go to a pub that doesn't absolutely reek of smoke, and to be able to come home with your clothes not absolutely minging of the stuff. Being out with smokers doesn't bother me because you take it as given that there are going to be people smoking, but I really noticed it at first when I came back from America. I'm looking forward to it. And if you smoke and you aren't, tough.
  5. It was forced out by that massive beer gut of yours.
  6. http://www.devilducky.com/media/2536/ Still makes me laugh even though I've watched it 4 or 5 times.
  7. It's Valentine's Day - he'll be doing all that pink and fluffy romantic stuff. 94426[/snapback] Brown and fluffy.
  8. Nah, I think it's fair enough banning him. He's got fuck all worthwhile to say and he's a racist little cock. Good decision if he's gone IMO. Let's get a muslim in to replace him - that would really piss him off.
  9. The campaign has died. The forum just disappeared before my very eyes - threads were going as fast as people were posting them, and now it's all gone.
  10. Oh the hollow yet familiar ring of truth :weep: 94120[/snapback] Leave it![/Frank Butcher]
  11. You're completely right. I've always stated (and there's proof on this board before anyone argues) that he's a top class player but there would be doubts about whether he could adapt to the Premiership. His comments about the 4 top teams (Chelsea, Liverpool, Man United, Arsenal) is spot on. If he played for any of those he'd still look top class. 94092[/snapback] I still think he'd need time to adjust at those clubs, but the difference is that those clubs can afford to give him that time because they'll pick up results regardless. Because of the state we're in this season people are desperate for the skilful Spanish bloke to get them off their seats. He hasn't, so people have got on his back. It's a shame and he'll probably be off at the end of the season because of it.
  12. Nah, he's been sacked. Don't tell me you didn't know.
  13. Sorry, I did it on purpose to try and get to 100 pages. I've always found it funny that the "Bellamy fans" claim that what he does off the pitch doesn't matter, but what Dyer does off the pitch does. 93985[/snapback] Not quite true, but what IS, is what Bellamy does ON the pitch matters very much, whereas what Dyer does, doesn't. Which is why he gets the support he does, especially from those that were'nt gullible enough to believe lying managers with an agenda, short memories, or just plain deluded 94056[/snapback] So what Dyer does on the pitch doesn't matter to you? Soopafan status disappearing fast LM. 94086[/snapback] Bellamy soopafan powers on the rise though, so it's not all bad.
  14. Wasting your time Alex, mate. The head's in the sand and it's not coming out for no man. Interesting though that Leazes can bleat on about the poor judgement exercised by those who said to give Souness time and exercise equally poor judgement in his assessment of Shepherd.
  15. I said it first tbh. You're agreeing with me. 94074[/snapback] I disagree. 94079[/snapback] Normal service is resumed.
  16. I said it first tbh. You're agreeing with me.
  17. I would love to hear how many times the key campaigners have seen a Hitzfeld team play. He sounds good to me, but I don't know enough about him. Unfortunately the campaign hasn't taught me anything as it's propaganda. I would to have loved to have seen a campaign that put up the three top candidates, objectively, and gave us the pros and cons of each. 94067[/snapback] I was gonna raise that point on there but couldn't be chewed with the resultant hassle I would have got. From the way some of them carry on I swear they must have been Bayern Munich season ticket holders. By the way, Rocker bloke, you're more than welcome here.
  18. Nail on head 93992[/snapback] Basically because they don't amount to much. Overstated and overreacted to only by the gullible who were daft enough to believe Souness. Who was right eh, do we miss Bellamy or Souness ? 94057[/snapback] I can name various Bellamy incidents pre-Souness which pretty much prove you're wrong and Sima is right imo. 94060[/snapback] Poor old Souness defenders, they'll defend our dive under his reign to the end, lower expectations, as I predicted 94062[/snapback] I'm pretty sure the rule was that you would witter on about Bellamy as long as Souness was at the club - you always maintained that it was relevant whilst the man that got rid of him was here. Well Souness is gone now, so it's quiet time. Shush.
  19. We expect a review of Danjo's proportions, ok? 93961[/snapback] Book 'em Danjo! Do you mean Django?
  20. Not yet mate. 10th of March. Will report back with my findings.
  21. Fucking chomp, FATSO! And yes, I probably do weigh more than you, but I'm half a foot taller. You are definitely the roundest though. Now lose the weight like you assured me you could and all of this can stop, fat boy.
  22. Guilty or innocent, a thread that starts with a story about an alleged assault on a young lass didn't seem the most obvious place for a "let's get Bellamy back" discussion tbf.
  23. I'm pretty sure everyone knew he was on a wind-up, but (sensible) people tend to take racism seriously. 93816[/snapback] Quote the racist bit 93820[/snapback] No. Pizza face. 93823[/snapback] Cant back up your allegations then you pasty skinned twat 93828[/snapback] On the contrary, your face is covered in them. EDIT - and isn't pasty skin a virtue in your world?
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