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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. 95230[/snapback] Renton man, you've got to come to one of the piss-ups to meet Gemmill. Pretty please...it would be GREAT 95235[/snapback] He fairly fucked off after that suggestion didn't he? Haway man, Renton. I'll let you wear your Spock costume. 95311[/snapback] I went home you spanner! I have thought about attending one of these piss-ups but I'm afraid it'll spoil the dynamics or something. Pretty hard to insult people you know and all that. Plus my drop dead good looks will bring the bummist out of you for sure; I think it's better for you to leave me to your imagination tbh (with a Spock costume on if you want). Tell you what, I'll consider coming out if Dotbum does. 95337[/snapback] Out of the closet, or out to play? :quotes: Dotbum lives in France, as well you know, although if he ever gets his arse up here, he's invited an'all. Get yourself out man, it's a good laugh. There's no dynamic to spoil - basically what happens is, I hold court and regale everyone with humorous tales, and they all just sit transfixed by my wit and beauty. Then when I leave their lives feel horribly empty again, and they all go home.
  2. Gary Speed wrote a piece after he joined Bolton about how the whole set-up is light years ahead of Newcastle's. Apparently the training sessions are pretty light contact so as to minimise training ground injuries and all that. Certainly seems to know what he's doing from that perspective.
  3. 95230[/snapback] Renton man, you've got to come to one of the piss-ups to meet Gemmill. Pretty please...it would be GREAT 95235[/snapback] He fairly fucked off after that suggestion didn't he? Haway man, Renton. I'll let you wear your Spock costume.
  4. The reason he doesn't get the credit is because he comes across as a basket case though. It's impossible to get any sense out of him.
  5. It's like a normal game only on unicycles. You'll love it!
  6. Must be the non-soopafans saying that. As a season ticket holder that's had to put up with some of the turd Shearer's dished up over the last two seasons, I demand priority for this one.
  7. He's not a WUM IMO. The mistakes in the English are too unintentional-looking to be deliberate.
  8. I used to live in Singapore Don, me old mucker. I was only 5 like, but I had frog's legs at Newton Circus and thought I was nails. Turns out I was right!
  9. Oi! Post about Star Trek, you twat!
  10. Renton's Vulcan senses have picked up on the Star Trek craic and he wants a piece of it! Here he comes! Roddenberry Star Trek Utopia-tastic!
  11. You'll all be laughing on the other side of your faces when I put ALL TEN POUNDS (that's right ALL TEN POUNDS) on tonight's draw. This will cut my odds of winning the jackpot to practically evens. Hawaii here I come!
  12. I changed things to win the match - but we lost and I was thinking "Oh f*** Claudio, why, why? Bad Tinkerman!" He would be quality entertainment like, and he would drive Alan Oliver up the wall by giving him total nonsense instead of exclusives.
  13. Not really the basis the decision should be made on though is it?
  14. That gibbering idiot is the last thing we need.
  15. You'll be getting customised nowts. It was only a tenner.
  16. HTT banished us all into internet oblivion. A bit like that bit on Superman where they all get stuck in that mirror and cast out into space - we were banging on it and screaming and EVERYTHING. And here we find ourselves now, the outcasts, like a small child from the wrong side of the tracks staring through the window of the cake shop that is Newcastle Online. Something like that anyway.
  17. sorry mate had to bring around all the girls to make that dramatic, would have to buy them dinner for another round 94974[/snapback] But the Toontastic obsession with N-O is pathetic, right? 94981[/snapback] well depends how you judge it...... Varies from humans to dogs you see..... everybody thinks differently so if i ask you the same question what would you answer? 94986[/snapback] I will post if its chatting but not arguements from two different species 94990[/snapback] Come back when you're human then.
  18. We should set up a Tony Horne wind-up phone call where he rings HTT live on Metro and pretends to be Hitzfeld, complete with crappy German accent. He could tell HTT that he wanted him to be the first to know that he WILL be Newcastle's next boss, and listen as HTT simultaneously filled his kegs and tried to start a thread on N-O. 94628[/snapback] You make me laugh....seriously Talking about backstabbing....look yourself in the mirror once in a while. 94925[/snapback] It was a joke, you silly tart. Although I have to confess, I would wet myself if it became a reality.
  19. Day before I go on holiday. Although I will miss the Cup Final should we get there - soopafan badge and gun to be turned in should this happen.
  20. Gemmil, I reckon you have a nerve taking the piss out of other forums, when you come out with such childish posts like this. To be honest, even my 11 year old daughter would offer a proper reply to a supposed discussion. Pathetic really. Dearie me... 94953[/snapback] She's learning from the master though so she has an unfair advantage. Most people ....etc.
  21. I'm not being scammed - it's one of their selling points on their own website, that you don't need to check your ticket because they'll let you know if it's a winner by emailing you. You then have to log in to check on their website what you've won. Anyway, I think you should all be a bit nicer to me, given my new-found (potentially massive) wealth.
  22. It does if you buy your ticket online. Wrong again, Robster.
  23. I've had an email from the National Lottery telling me they have "exciting news" about my ticket for last Wednesday's draw. But I can't check cos I'm at work and you can't get on the lottery site from here. I know it'll only be a tenner, but the anticipation is too much. I might have to tell my boss I've won the lottery so I'm off, and then just come in looking very sheepish tomorrow if it's not the jackpot. EDIT! Whaddya all want if I've won?
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