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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Like all ticket touts i hope she gets screwed out of them.. Anyways if shes that much of a friend to you be the same back, threaten to fucking shop her unless she gives you a couple of freeies....thieving cow 96478[/snapback] You really are in a huff about not getting a ticket.
  2. 130 tickets at 400 for a pair is 26 grand! She must be telling porkies. Fucking hell you wouldn't have to work again this year.
  3. Nice one! You should come to a pissup to celebrate - first round on you.
  4. No need for anyone else to search for a clip because that's proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt for me like. 96452[/snapback] Recorded saying his name, posing for photos with him looking happier than he does - what more proof do you need, man ? 96454[/snapback] So if you can get a lass to have her photo taken with you (with or without a security barrier ), and say your name, that means you're going steady? EDIT! I love the indignance in the "what more proof do you need, man?" by the way.
  5. No need for anyone else to search for a clip because that's proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt for me like.
  6. Did you get it on before he went down to 2/1? 96419[/snapback] No.
  7. I've just stuck £20 on the little Irish bloke with Paaaaaaddy Power.
  8. FA reckon they've approached nobody.
  9. errr if id seen it then maybe i'd know Only film i was really after was football factory...but for £20 i could have 4. Besides nothing wrong with some light hearted viewing to take my mind of things in the 'real world' 96322[/snapback] How much was Football Factory by itself? Is this famous female logic? "But it was 4 for £20!!!" "Yes, but the only one you actually wanted was £10, so you've spent a tenner for 3 DVDs you didn't want." "But it was 4 for £20!!!"
  10. You didn't think Garfield required a ???
  11. Gemmill


    Sorry, bit slow off the mark. Will add you later.
  12. Tweedy's the only one I know the name of tbh. 96051[/snapback] Nicola Cheryl Kimberley Nadine Sarah tbh (in that order) 96085[/snapback] How do you even learn their names though? Do you read Just 17 or something? 96094[/snapback] Well he doesn't remember their names because if he's naming the group from our left to right in that pic then he's got their names wrong! 96166[/snapback] I clearly need to spell it out for the Sum 41 fans out there... 96188[/snapback] Hey I'm just objecting to Nadine Coyle being branded as a geordie slapper (please note I'm not implying that geordie women are slappers, just that particular one.) 96197[/snapback] Everyone else on here clearly understood that I put them in shagability order 96201[/snapback] Then you still got the order wrong 96206[/snapback] just thought I'd add an extra "quote" and fill up everyones sscreen 96212[/snapback] WoooOOOOoooooooo!! Here, have a Werthers and chill out, grandad.
  13. Did you get owt? 96192[/snapback] Not even fingers or tops. 96196[/snapback] Urgh...frigid!
  14. The thing with O'Neill is that you could see it being an appointment for the medium to long term which has to be a good thing. You never really felt that with Souness, because all you meanies were on his back from the start and it was always going to end fairly quickly (and in my case, in tears).
  15. On N-O and Skunkers that it's O'Neill and an announcement is due on Monday. Thoughts? On the quality of the rumour as well as the appointment, if true. I'd be quite content and just glad it's all over without any disastrous appointments.
  16. Tweedy's the only one I know the name of tbh. 96051[/snapback] Nicola Cheryl Kimberley Nadine Sarah tbh (in that order) 96085[/snapback] How do you even learn their names though? Do you read Just 17 or something? 96094[/snapback] Well he doesn't remember their names because if he's naming the group from our left to right in that pic then he's got their names wrong! 96166[/snapback] Nah, I think that was a David Brent-esque "I'd do the singer, then the drummer..." moment.
  17. I had it in my head you had your own business for some reason. Good luck anyway. 96114[/snapback] Nah I am in charge of my region, but I work for a big nationwide company. I dont really want a new job but these "headhunter" types ring up every now and again so its always worth a free lunch and a bit of a nose about 96142[/snapback] Ahhh, righto then. Well good luck nosing about and I hope the lunch is nice.
  18. Too late; die regardless ???? 96134[/snapback] Too long; didn't read.
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