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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Quote from Alan Smith today describing his injury: "When I looked, the leg was lying one way and my ankle was pointing towards Hong Kong so I knew I was in serious trouble"
  2. I think he'll still be here at the start of next season as well. Although it'll no doubt be a loooong summer of speculation and wondering quite what his plans are.
  3. Aye I'll be there, but probably not til around 7ish or so.
  4. Looking suspiciously like San Francisco. Peasepud is a bit "frisco" like.
  5. On a similar note, these idiots we've got competing in the Winter Olympics that the BBC keep telling me "finished a very creditable 29th". Sorry, but if you're that fucking shit, don't bother, ok? Who paid for this useless twat to fly over, stay in Italy for a fortnight, and come 47th or whatever?? Seriously, I'll go and compete if all we're looking for is someone that finishes in the "nowhere" positions. And it won't cost a fortune to build facilities in this country beforehand or anything, cos I'll do no training and just turn up on the day. I'll represent us in every event - a one man team - and I'll finish a "very creditable" last in all of them. There's not much difference between last and 29th at the end of the day - and neither of them are creditable.
  6. The worst two in it for me are Keane on Haaland and Gerrard on whoever. Absolutely fucking appalling. I don't mind Gerrard but one thing I really can't stand about the bloke is the cowardly two-footed tackles. He seemed to go through a phase where he was doing that every other game a couple of year ago.
  7. Agreed. I want a home draw, and failing Liverpool and Chelsea getting drawn against one another, I'd want one of them at home. It's the only chance we'll have of putting them out IMO. Although SLP assures me that it doesn't matter WHO we get drawn against, or WHEN we get drawn against them, cos the cup is ours this season.
  8. Renton being an argumentative plum tbh.
  9. So did I mate, but he still suffers from a lack of concentration and is forever daydreaming in an offside position.
  10. Exactly. Catching Shola offside is a piece of piss tbh.
  11. Be interesting to see how LM excuses Shepherd for this one... 97241[/snapback] A multitude of missed opportunitites does not make him a bad chairman.
  12. Sorry, but I find that statement worrying tbh 97236[/snapback] Aye, the only possible explanation is that he meant there are no plans to approach him YET, which he obviously wouldn't say because it would get people jumping to conclusions, but it does sound to me like there will be no approach to Hitzfeld.
  13. It's amusing in a way. Some poor fucker spent ages writing that thing up and Shepherd takes one look at it and comes to this preposterous conclusion that someone's setting him up as part of a betting ring, when all they were trying to do is get him to consider this bloke as manager.
  14. Conspiracy Theory Alert: Maybe N-O has been closed down by the club for instigating this supposed betting ring that Shepherd thinks is out there.
  15. On a serious note though, pretty disappointing that he would dismiss out of hand the possibility of even approaching the bloke.
  16. Eh? Did someone collapse at the ground? I didn't hear about this.
  17. The point I was trying to make tbh. I'll just assume it's catmag's time of the month, in her absence. 97193[/snapback] You're gonna get spifflicated!
  18. That's from the Sunday Mirror, but it's in the Mail aswell. 97165[/snapback] I don't think articles like that help, why didn't they mention: 97170[/snapback] Well, at least they didn't add "they nicked his wallet and pissed on him" this time... A story about the majority of respectful Liverpoolfans wouldn't make as a good headline as one about the misbehaving minority. That's tabloids for you. 97188[/snapback] We applauded the Southampton keeper off yesterday. I wouldn't expect any newspaper to pat me on the back for it, because it's not a story - I kind of take stuff like that for granted. If I'd heard songs sung about his injuries I would have unfortunately expected to see that in the papers.
  19. Balls. And no ta to Paul Jewell.
  20. Regardless of whether they applauded him off or not, from the second he went down and the reaction of the players it was obvious that it was a really serious injury. I know I personally wouldn't take the opportunity to sing a song about him having a broken leg, and I think you'd have to be a bit of a wanker to do it tbh.
  21. Any new manager gossip then? I'm stuck in the house waiting for something to be delivered (between 8 and fecking 1!) so can't get out to get the papers. So I'm relying on YOU scabby lot to be my little information monkeys. Well?
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