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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. as long as you eat healthily and exercise, you can lose weight without having to feel hungry all the time. Eat little and often, drink lots of water, if you have to snack have fruit or yoghurt or something boring like that Best thing is not to eat a huge meal late in the evening then go to bed! 98375[/snapback] Yeah, that's good advice. For some reason the only place I feel really hungry is work - boredom I guess. Exercise is the other thing but it's a bit hard in this shitty weather. 98378[/snapback] im the other way round, i dont eat so much at work...its when im sat here on my chubby arse at the pc that i want to pig myself!! My mate has lost 3 stone, when she really fancies something to eat in between her meals she eats mixed fruit and nuts...a bag lasts for ages and stops you eating really fatty snacks like crisps and chocolate. And always eat a good breakfast if you can...porridge is great at keeping you feeling full up...(my god, i sound like a bloody member of weight-watchers here) Talking of WW....have any of you ever been? i absolutely refuse to spend my hard earned cash on being humiliated in front of loads of people and couldnt really give a shit what weight you've lost that week! How god awful is that? 98381[/snapback] I'm not so far down the line I need weight watchers, but even if I was, I wouldn't do it for the reasons you mention. OK I'm going to shut myself up on this thread now because I'm beginning to sound gay. 98384[/snapback] Beginning?? You sound like the fucking Woman's Own problem page!
  2. Aye, I'll be there. You going? 98618[/snapback] You're the queen tbh.
  3. Aye I was hoping he'd have a good game an'all. He must be fucking sick. Having said that, I'd swap what I do for being an injured millionaire no bother.
  4. I agree, a WUM of the highest order. 98804[/snapback] I don't think he's a WUM tbh. Just a fuckwit.
  5. Another Woody injury. Looks like another hamstring. No luck that lad. 98802[/snapback] I really can't see him ever having a career in this sport. Doubt he'll be back for a long time after this injury. 98806[/snapback] Shepherd's texting him as we speak tbh.
  6. What time does the Chelsea match kick off tomorrow? Is it 7:45? If so, what the fuck are Sky doing starting their build-up at 6?? Canny gutted to be missing that one actually.
  7. Woodgate injured. Poor bastard. Looks like his sticklebrix muscles have struck again.
  8. If Taylor27 starts peddling the same sort of shit that he comes out with on N-O, can we ban him please? Oh pleeeeeeease sir! It would be deliciously snobby and perpetual.
  9. Hope Arsenal win and Liverpool get beat. Hope Robert has a STINKER though.
  10. Filthy Spaniards don't even broadcast the match in widescreen. Sub-human scum tbh.
  11. I'm pretty sure you can get the refund there and then at the Post Office.
  12. Gemmill


    You've both been added. Takes a day or so for you to appear on there.
  13. Ah the American way > the right way. Hey look there's that funny country Iraq, they don't want to follow our ways, let's bomb the fuck out of them. The premier league better watch themselves 98294[/snapback] ?? Steve, you couldn't just apply it to the Premiership because we'd get no decent foreign players coming here, and all the decent English players would go abroad to earn big money. We'd end up with shit teams and we wouldn't be able to compete in Europe. Not gonna happen.
  14. Shift this into General for more replies, pudster. Do I have to hold your hand through this moderating thing or what?
  15. Followed by.... tbh you fucking geek!
  16. I won't. 98119[/snapback] Awww, go on!
  17. That would be like suspending a grand piano from an elastic band. Ouch! 98075[/snapback] Don't tell me you're an expert on the size of fat Geordie businessman's genitalia as well as Chinese and black men!?
  18. Gemmill

    Aaron Hughes

    Does being mediocre at right back and centre half really qualify you as a decent utility player? In hindsight a bad decision to sell him, but not one worth crying over.
  19. So true! The Scots are far outnumbered by the foreigners.. 97819[/snapback] That's why everyone vistits though. You get to go to Scotland without having to deal with miserable jocks.
  20. You would have thought their priority would have been to attend to his wounds. Sick!
  21. He's British today. He was Scottish at the Australian Open like.
  22. I've had that feeling before. Incidentally, when Ferguson said it was the worst injury he had ever seen, was he just talking about in his team, or has he forgotten about David Busst? 97766[/snapback] I've never broken a bone cos I'm pretty much invincible. Maybe Ferguson didn't have to have too much to do with Busst's with him not being on his team. It looked awful in the pics in the paper yesterday though.
  23. Hope so. Couldn't be chewed with another trek to Cardiff. Certainly not twice in a month.
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