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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. First one to get Mick Lowes to say "lunatic minge" gets a Soopafan cheque book and pen.
  2. We need a Martin O'Neill Campaign Forum to celebrate in when he's appointed, and I think you'll agree that it would look better on all of us if this forum was set up BEFORE the club actually announce it.
  3. Gemmill


    If Luque was a Scouser, Renton would be loving him. FACT.
  4. Sorry Alex, that's bitter manc bollocks actually. Obviously a lot of scousers have had to move from Liverpool, the same as have had to move from all northern cities including Newcastle and Manchester. 99699[/snapback] I believe of all English cities Liverpool has had the highest rates of people moving away from it since the 1960's. 99704[/snapback] Might be true although I doubt it is much worse than here. If so the reasons would be the same - unemployment and industrial decline forcing people out. Also iirc Liverpool was the only northern city with a growing population at the last census. Actually, while were on the subject of distasteful football chants, can I just say it pisses me off when we sing "you'll never get a job" etc. I wouldn't mind it once but it gets ridiculous when it's repeated 30 times at away matches. Newcastle has historically had near identical problems. Freedom of speech, banter, and all that but sometimes people should think more about what they are singing. More offensive than the alleged Alan Smith chant to me tbh. 99707[/snapback] Does the Mayor of Liverpool have pictures of you with a goat or something?
  5. Renton's looking for a long-haired lover from Liverpool tbh.
  6. Brazil was out of order this morning by the way, saying of Dyer that "sometimes when you're not the model pro, you deserve injuries" Didn't heavy drinker Brazil retire in his late 20s himself (I'm pretty sure he did, but not certain)? I wonder if he thought he deserved that.
  7. Aye, fingers crossed. I just want to know who the next manager is and to be able to breathe a sigh of relief that it's not someone crap.
  8. Ed Zachary! What goes around comes around.
  9. Aye, apparently the paramedics have confirmed it as well. Nice.
  10. Great listening to Mourinho complain about play acting on the radio: "...and he jump...and roll and roll and roll and roll." Aye Jose, I'm sure there's a few Celtic fans could tell you about "roll and roll and roll". Deco anyone? Tosser.
  11. Just wondering....am I allowed to mention today's reports that a gang of scouse idiots attacked with bottles and stones the ambulance carrying Alan Smith to hospital? Or will that offend certain people's sensibilities? Just to make it perfectly clear in advance, yes I DO know that they applauded him off the pitch, and I WOULD post this story if it had happened in Newcastle.
  12. Gemmill


    Be fair. He did take a nasty bang on the head.
  13. I agree, a WUM of the highest order. 98804[/snapback] I don't think he's a WUM tbh. Just a fuckwit. 98813[/snapback] A "give him time" Souness man 99068[/snapback] A "slip him a length" Bellamy man.
  14. We WERE going backwards. Now who's got the rose-tinters on?! 71 points, 69 points and 59 points in his last 3 seasons in charge IIRC. 98881[/snapback] WERE going backwards to the extent that YOU supported the manager who destroyed the team.....now YOU said that this was justified and we should "give him time" .. remember ? Going down from 3rd to 5th was hardly the disaster nor the reason to make the changes that YOU agreed with... Amazing. The point is that people implied that our fall down to 14th was more or less inevitable, due to the need to get rid of our best players, including you. 2 years ago NUFC needed ago a right back, a replacement for Shearer, a top quality central defender and a central midfield player to replace Gary Speed to get back into the CL slots......now we need a replacement for Craig Bellamy, a central defender and a right back thanks to fuckwit, despite spending 50m quid. We are also extemely fortunate that Bobby Robson found us N'Zogbia otherwise we would be needing a replacement for Robert too. We also need a left back, for which he can't be blamed. 98893[/snapback] Fucking hell, none of the above is relevant to the fact that we WERE going backwards under Robson. Can you try, for once, to not witter on about "some of you said give Souness time, and now look where we are". We're talking about Bobby Robson, not Graeme Souness - do you think it's possible that you can look at the time Robson was here....you know, before Souness arrived...and just focus on that and not what happened after? Or does every discussion you have on here have to come back to "Ahhh, but some of you said to give fuckwit time"? Saying you're like a broken record doesn't even begin to do you justice mate.
  15. Keep the rumours coming Flintoff.
  16. We WERE going backwards. Now who's got the rose-tinters on?! 71 points, 69 points and 59 points in his last 3 seasons in charge IIRC.
  17. Has anyone been watching the Liverpool game? How's the useless French tart doing?
  18. Beckham's crossing is still ridiculously good. Had forgotten having not seen him play for a while.
  19. It's already fallen out of my pocket on numerous times this season... if it happens again and all tickets are in and I don't know... 98839[/snapback] Get your mam to tie it to a piece of string and thread it through the sleeves of your coat.
  20. Dunno mate. Just take the book.
  21. Big Time Boxing has truly returned to ITV - Matt Skelton vs. Danny Williams. Woo!
  22. tbh, i don't think Reading could! 98754[/snapback] Cor imagine the commentary! Shorey passes to Convey down the left, he crosses it to Ronaldo, who takes it round the defender and passes to Kitson - GOAL 98830[/snapback] Cor??!! Are you Dennis the Menace?!
  23. And now she's watching Holby City in comfort downstairs. Mission accomplished tbh.
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