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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Shame Messi's injured. Wanted to see what he's like. All Barcelona so far though....
  2. Gemmill


    Probably jealousy, as he hasn't got a neck of his own. 104214[/snapback] Attempted neck theft.
  3. Gemmill


    Leazes, you won't even touch the sides by the time he gets out of jail.
  4. Blatantly a wind-up from the overly earnest responses.
  5. What's your username on NO? By the way, if you're expecting a lack of cliqueyness, this is probably not the best place to be. They're a canny bunch though. Except for that Gemmill. He's a cernt. 103823[/snapback] 1 WEEK BAN Abuse: DO NOT ABUSE YOUR FELLOW FORUM USERS. Threats of violence and extreme insults will be an immediate 1 week ban. The internet is a place of free expression, and it’s difficult to put absolute parameters in place, so we ask you to use your best judgment. Be forewarned that the moderators will also be using their best judgment when reading posts that could be considered abusive. Our decisions are final, so play it safe.
  6. Don't encourage them! They'll just show off more!
  7. You can hardly blame him. You're dreamy!
  8. Sound like they might be worth something to some geek or other. There's a specialist book shop on Grey Street in the town, isn't there (sure I've seen one)? You could take it in there and get them to have a look. Failing that, go on the Antiques Roadshow and give us all a laugh.
  9. That's why I didn't offer to meet up with you mate, I know you're deed hard, like. 104084[/snapback] Aye, you had a lucky escape there like. In Spain I'm known as El Solido.
  10. Hope you've got kids, mate. And bad teeth. I'm ok like. 104074[/snapback] You're lucky I didn't meet up with you and knock them all out though.
  11. To be fair, I used to post on the SMB a canny bit a few years back, and occasionally it was canny embarrassing when you'd get an illiterate mong toon fan on there trying to wind them up, when all he was doing was make himself look an idiot.
  12. Where's that "we're not worthy" smilie when you need it?
  13. Absolutely true. 104039[/snapback] |Not that I don't believe you, but have you got a link? Just the implications are absolutely massive, you could have families paying huge amounts of money. Surprised there's not uproar really. 104044[/snapback] No link. On 1st April the Department of Health is changing the procedure for contracts for NHS dentists. I'm predicting the result of this will be massive numbers of dentists pulling out of the NHS altogether. Just stand back and watch it happen, mate. The Government of course will blame dentists, and the general public will swallow it. But the fact is the new system will make it nigh on impossible for a dentist to treat people under the NHS. Private treatment for all is coming through the back door. 104058[/snapback] My mate's a dentist and is going 100% private from the 1st of April, which does support what HTL is saying.
  14. Don't know about the rest of the UK, but our country, England, have dentists. 103850[/snapback] Oh I get it, you just lack orthodontists. 103858[/snapback] American humour at its best. 103887[/snapback] That was an episode of Frasier when the lovely Daphne stormed in and shouted that she was ditchiung her dentist Frasier - "Ooooh - losing a set of British national health teeth - that woman knows how to hurt the medical profession" went right over the heads of 99.999% of the US viewers I'm sure but went down a a storm with the dentists 104048[/snapback] I know a researcher on Frasier......
  15. Aye, same bloke. He's alreet though. He's just young and confused - it's a phase he's going through etc.
  16. Cue posts from the usual suspects who'll claim Owen has replaced Shearer, not Bellamy! 103491[/snapback] Owen - Out and out goalscorer/striker Shearer - Out and out goalscorer/striker Bellamy - Support striker to an out and out goalscorer type You can tell me where I'm wrong and we can have a debate about it, or is it going to be a silly one-liner? I'm open to alternative opinions Craig, I know I may not be right but this is what I believe as I sit here right now. Convince me I'm wrong. 103714[/snapback] Shearer is still here, Bellamy is not. I think it's fairly self explanatory who he was bought to replace! So if we buy a striker of the Shearer mould this summer, are you going to claim he's a replacement for Bellamy?? 103862[/snapback] Hope in your job you have nowt to do with forward planning. 104038[/snapback] I believe IT Monkey is his official title.
  17. He's been in this thread ages now and posted nothing. Clearly the traffic cone is obscuring his vision.
  18. Here's the uber-student, Renton. He'll be a good judge of authenticity.
  19. Make mine a brie and grape sandwich, Farqhar!
  20. Lindt is the bollocks I grant you but dark chocolate is gash in anyones money. 104007[/snapback] Green and Black's Organic Dark Chocolate is quality. 104011[/snapback] Mmm...nice. 104013[/snapback] Washed down with a nice White Zinfandel.
  21. Lindt is the bollocks I grant you but dark chocolate is gash in anyones money. 104007[/snapback] Green and Black's Organic Dark Chocolate is quality.
  22. You're easily caught with chocolate though, aren't you pet? 103963[/snapback] Not dark chocolate I hope, the racialist. 103966[/snapback] I'm an equal opportunities chocolate-eater. 103991[/snapback] Dunking dark chocolate digestive biscuits= incitement to racial hatred. Taste like a fucking lepers underpants an all. 103995[/snapback] You can always spot a bloke with no class when he admits to not liking plain chocolate. Milk chocolate is the Sun newspaper of the chocolate world.
  23. You're easily caught with chocolate though, aren't you pet? 103963[/snapback] Not dark chocolate I hope, the racialist. 103966[/snapback] I'm an equal opportunities chocolate-eater.
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