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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Thieving gypo! 106032[/snapback] Balls! Doing it with TV series isn't thieving as I'm already paying for whatever channel it's shown on over here. So there.
  2. One of the best TV series ever. Will be downloading this one.
  3. The Descent. Thought it was pretty good - not many horror movies are really that scary, but this one had its moments.
  4. Anyone else got the awful feeling that we might just be the antidote to their inability to score? Hope I'm wrong like, but you can see it coming a mile off.
  5. The only thing crapper than Formula 1 is Lou's long posts about Formula 1.
  6. The smell of her turds would have been unbearable in a confined area.
  7. Not Shepherd's fault though. Leazes tells me he was off sick that day, so Souness handled the contract negotiation.
  8. Wait a minute Leazes. Are you telling us IN ADVANCE that you think O'Neill is a bad appointment? Just so we can be sure if he does get the job that you think Shepherd has made two mistakes in a row.
  9. Sit-ups with medicine balls? Boyo's been watching Rocky again.
  10. To be fair though Wellsy, NO ONE could have anticipated South Africa coming back and winning the game. Unbelievable.
  11. Ridiculous tbh. One fucking insult and someone gets banned - this isn't Toontastic vs. N-O or anything, but that is pathetic.
  12. Formula 1 is fucking unwatchable shite. NEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWWWW. Fuck off.
  13. tbh 105454[/snapback] I was rather thinking of tbh. 105455[/snapback] When are you not thinking of that though?
  14. Wow! Right in the balls! 105361[/snapback] You're in a canny mood the neet, whats up? 105372[/snapback] A new day, I'm in a bastard mood today. See yesterday as just a 'blip'. Bit like when we beat those pub teams when shithead was here, like. Seriously, I was having a laugh yesterday but got booted off by the kids. I definitely need another PC.......... I'm toying with the idea of scrapping this machine ( it's awld ) and buying 2 cheap laptops, the idea being to set up a broadband wireless connection with a single printer stuck in a corner somewhere out of the way, connected to the other gubbins whatever it is. Could 'log' on when I'm on the bog! This would free up a bedromm that I can use for something else, bring some exercise stuff in for the SO to help thin her down a bit. 105435[/snapback] Cheeky twat! I've got a laptop with wireless and am in bed with the cricket on, pissing about on here. Definitely recommend the wireless thang.
  15. Gemmill


    That's because you didn't really want to touch me, innit!!!! Meenzer's more your type, so I've heard, like. 105436[/snapback] So you admit it! On a public forum! You met up with me not for fisticuffs, but in the hope that I would touch you in your special place?? SICK!
  16. "I'm always the warrior. Why can't you be the warrior?" Seriously though, that psycho bitch wants committing. "THE CHILDREN DON'T GO TO CHURCH AND THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN JESUS!!!". So what you fucking mental case!?
  17. Gemmill


    The kid who ran home crying cos he got punched in the hand sounds like a REET hom. That's what happened when I met up with HTL in the town - I barely even touched him tbh.
  18. fnar fnar 105430[/snapback] Include the A55 in that and you're onto something. Brock and his Seaman's ASS?
  19. Dear me. Somebody widen the door for his ginga heed to get out of... 105389[/snapback] That's right, get it out of your system. Pretty soon you won't be able to get away with this sort of thing. 105390[/snapback] but fat twats still ok innit? 105392[/snapback] I don't know how you dare tbh, preggers boy.
  20. We save on the remainder of wages on his contract, and we got some cash in for him. The alternative was to pay him a canny whack per week while he played in the reserves, and got no cash in for him. People mightn't like it, but it's a good business decision based on the fact that he was probably never going to be a Premiership player. From an accounting point of view, it's also NOT a 7million pound loss, because he'll have nothing like an 8.5m carrying value on the books.
  21. Dear me. Somebody widen the door for his ginga heed to get out of... 105389[/snapback] That's right, get it out of your system. Pretty soon you won't be able to get away with this sort of thing.
  22. When I become FORUM KING the ginger thing STOPS. Two week ban for anyone calling me ginger.
  23. His wife lets him break out the Top Deck on a Friday night. He's fucking mullered!
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