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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Nobody could save Alex from that fate tbh. Leazes though, seriously you are obsessed. Every way you choose to weight an argument as to what determines 'signs of success or progress' (and you've maneouevred considerably) has been addressed with examples of where we've been found wanting. Most recently this has gone from 'how much more money etc etc' has Freddy pumped into the club than previous chairmen- because this has been addressed by compelling remarks that, by and large Freddy hasnt been the generator of the sort of cash that other chairmen havent had the luxury of, to remarks about how much further we've come than other comparable clubs-which has now been answered on several ocasions by compelling examples of how comparable and much 'smaller' clubs have actually won trophies where we've won nowt! It's getting daft. And as for people not answering your points, dare I suggest it's become something to do with fatigue at the fact that you simply abandon an argument once its been defeated and start all over again with a completely new premise. 106575[/snapback] I haven't maneouevred at all. My point is the same as its always been. Shepherd is a good chairman, he is running the club well and enabling the club to compete for international players and is appointing managers with winning pedigrees and giving them the backing to succeed. This is what makes him good, because he is doing better than the vast majority of all the other big city clubs, and tapping the clubs resources better than all of our other chairman bar SJH in the last 50 years at least. You, and NO ONE, can put forward any FACTS to prove anything in the above paragraph is anything but a true factual statement. Anyone with any sense will basically see how he has pushed out the boat financially to strive for success, and no one can come up with any other criteria to guarantee the successful manager to win one of only 2 trophies than what is already being applied. 106616[/snapback] LM's posts can be categorised in the same way that they name episodes of Friends. This is "The one where Leazes tells us all how good Shepherd is." He's also got "The one where Leazes tells us how good Bellamy is", "The one where Leazes tells us how crap Souness is" and "The one where Leazes makes something up and attributes it to whoever he's arguing with." On General Chat he has "The one where everyone should get the death penalty." I think that pretty much covers all of his posts tbh.
  2. Doesn't surprise me from someone stupid enough to be a scientologist.
  3. According to you, it's what happens on the pitch that matters, no? So I'll name a few shall I? Villa, Leicester, Spurs, Blackburn, Middlesbrough, Man Utd, Arsenal, Chelsea. They've all won stuff, we haven't. 106547[/snapback] It was Souness that led Blackburn to their latest trophy btw - the man's a GENIUS.
  4. I agree, McCarthy takes some of the blame, but nowt will change at Sunderland, no matter who they bring in as manager, until Murray goes. By the way it's now mathematically impossible for them to catch us.
  5. To be fair they didn't spend that much less than Wigan or West Ham in preseason but look at how they've performed, obviously Murray is part of the problem but the fact is that Mick of the mackems is a shite manager. 106519[/snapback] They bought in far more players than Wigan or West Ham though. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys. 106523[/snapback] They only paid a fee for three of them, £1.8m for Stead? £1.25m for Kelvin Davis? Compare that with Chimbonda on a free or Benayoun for £2.5m. If you've only got peanuts to spend then its vital to spend it wisely, something Pardew and Jewell did but Mc Carthy obviously didn't. 106530[/snapback] The key isn't how much they spend, it's their wage bill. They only attract crap because Murray won't pay decent wages. 106533[/snapback] I very much doubt than any of West Ham's or Wigan's signings are on huge wages. Comparing the three clubs just shows that Mc Carthy is a shite manager, yes he didn't get much help from Murray but a lot of people have the misconception that the other two promoted teams showed much more ambition when in reality they didn't until they knew they were safe, they were just lucky to have the right men in place. 106534[/snapback] Wigan outbid us for Scott Parker and also tried to sign Owen. I don't think it's all that safe to assume that Wigan aren't offering pretty good wages - they have to to get people to go and play there. Something that hasn't dawned on Murray. West Ham less so because they're in London. It sounds to me like you've got a bit of an agenda when it comes to McCarthy tbh. I don't think he's a brilliant manager or anything, but the big problem at Sunderland is Bob Murray.
  6. To be fair they didn't spend that much less than Wigan or West Ham in preseason but look at how they've performed, obviously Murray is part of the problem but the fact is that Mick of the mackems is a shite manager. 106519[/snapback] They bought in far more players than Wigan or West Ham though. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys. 106523[/snapback] They only paid a fee for three of them, £1.8m for Stead? £1.25m for Kelvin Davis? Compare that with Chimbonda on a free or Benayoun for £2.5m. If you've only got peanuts to spend then its vital to spend it wisely, something Pardew and Jewell did but Mc Carthy obviously didn't. 106530[/snapback] The key isn't how much they spend, it's their wage bill. They only attract crap because Murray won't pay decent wages.
  7. You three would be in the slammer by now if admin saw sense and introduced the N-O rules over here!
  8. Scott Mills is fucking quality, he's the only reason I can stomach to listen to Radio 1 nowadays. 106401[/snapback] Seriously, you would have to be a total moron to find Scott Mills entertaining. No offence like.
  9. Any manager that wants to achieve anything is wasting their time going there as long as Murray is Chairman. Zero ambition = Zero cash.
  10. "I have heard a little rumour that Michael has a clause in his contract which states he can leave Newcastle United in one year's time. "I can tell you now that he hasn't. Of course Michael has clauses in his contract. In this day and age, all top players do. Alan Shearer does. But that is not one of them." 106477[/snapback] So he doesn't actually say he hasn't got a clause allowing him to leave if a £12million bid is received does he? He doesn't say he hasn't got a clause in his contract that would let him leave for less than we paid for him either. 106478[/snapback] He told his wife he loved her this morning as well.
  11. One of my mates got hit on the head when we were in juniors and went cross-eyed in one eye. He stayed like that for about 6 months - it was hilarious.
  12. Only a bean counting desk monkey such as you could glean so much enjoyment from punctation. 106426[/snapback] Two man attacks tbh.
  13. Wow, the man that never gets abusive....errrr.....gets abusive.
  14. Aye, he was good craic. A fellow "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" Peter Andre/Jordan edition thread poster. Happy days.
  15. It was the way he put it in quotation marks that did it for me. Not just a room, a room
  16. He fucked off the second I submitted it.
  17. You're lurking every now and again, but no posts. What's the craic?
  18. That's a fair point, and one I over-looked. I must remember to edit other people's posts before making my own 106338[/snapback]
  19. To be fair, this thread was started with the words "fucking boring rubbish". I think it's you that's in the wrong thread.
  20. In Leeds (where I live). It wasn't the hardest grading I've done (I didn't get any 2 man attacks, or sharps ), but the 'room' (one of those permanent massive tent structures) we did it in was fucking freezing (about 7 degrees). I'm surprised I didn't do more damage to myself. 106328[/snapback] Fuck's sake, man, stop it, I'm crying here. 106330[/snapback] They're not even trying to hide it anymore. Finbar Saunders-tastic.
  21. This thread is PACKED with euphemisms. "Ju jitsu grading". "Black bruise with a purple ring round it." "Where do you do the ju jitsu?!" Thinly veiled nancy boy talk if you ask me!
  22. Shame, should be supporting the Republic anyway. 106293[/snapback] But I live in Northern Ireland why would I support a different country? Makes no sense. 106302[/snapback] A lot of people in England support whoever England are playing though. 106307[/snapback] Aye, we call them Scotsmen.
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