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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. That's because it kicks the legs out from under your whole argument.
  2. Dave Pearce is terrible mate IMO of course. That bit where he reads out recorded messages of KERAZY people heading out clubbing "Alright Dave, can you play some dancey cack for me and my mates who are off out to so and so a place. ROLL ANOTHER FAT ONE DAVE!"
  3. You can't ban him. He'd be such a martyr about it on N-O, it would be painful. "I've seen people get banned standing up for what we believe in in the West" etc..
  4. Just got up to here reading this thread and my irony meter has gone off the scale. Half the things that HTL advocates (and iirc this includes executing children and publically beating criminals) would fit quite nicely into an extremist state like Iraq that we are "fighting" against. He just can't see it though. 106921[/snapback] I reckon he is just looking after what he percieves as the best interests of his own country, like most of us. However, unlike a lot of people on here, I don't see how allowing potential terrorists on the streets is a good thing...like it or not we are at war, like we were twice in the last century, just of a different type, against people who want to change the world to one of their liking and take away our freedom, and going by boy scout rules against such bastards and cowards is out of the question 107010[/snapback] I think it goes without saying we all want what is best for the country we live in, I know that I do. It's just some of us believe it is worth protecting what makes our society what it is and don't want us to revert back to medieval "justice" or want a return to "guilty until proven innocent". If we incarcerate people at the will of the state, lock people up for years with no evidence against them, what makes us different to Iraq? The same goes with executing children or beating people in public imo. There seems to be little point in arguing on these points anyway, I have posted on the internet long enough to know the more stubborn among us (and that includes me probably) will never be persuaded we are wrong. However, HTL seems to me to be an extreme case with very black and white viewpoints. These people always worry me, this might sound daft but I believe that the taliban were comprised of similar minded people to some of the more right-wing dogooder bashers you get on these message boards. It's the way some people see the world in black and white, the underlying certainty and fundamentalism of their beliefs. The world is not a simple place and neither are issues, it's right we should debate them in a free society if we want without claims we are loony lefty sandalistas, do-gooders, unpatriotic, or indeed wankers if we do. Anyway, rant over. Like I say I'm not sure I want to get caught up in another of these threads - its got the potential to get ugly. 107030[/snapback] Aye, it certainly has when you portray such total rubbish about me without knowing me. I reckon from your posts you're a paedophile, mate. 107117[/snapback] Was it the roast puffin?
  5. Abuse you say 107090[/snapback] He said DON'T BOTHER giving stupid little mincey smarmy 3 word answers like a tart, and what do you do? Naughty boy! 107093[/snapback] Working late Gem....or still thinking of answers 107096[/snapback] Answers to what? You're like an inquisitive child. What do you want to know now? 107101[/snapback] dearie dearie me....just admit it you've lost the gist of the thread 107114[/snapback] Coming from you? There is no gist to an argument with you man. As soon as you get shown up on one thing you hammer on about something else.
  6. For fuck's sake, IQ tbh. 107016[/snapback] is that meant to be an intelligent answer 107019[/snapback] No, it was a stupid reply actually. It was also the same as calling you a wanker, but nobody will get jumpy about it and bookmark it because it's acceptable when put across without the disgraceful behaviour of actually 'calling somebody a name'. 107108[/snapback] Wanker is your stock in trade response tbh HTL. 107111[/snapback] HTL never starts the abuse. He told me so.
  7. Gemmill

    Gol and Craig

    Isn't pud one? 107072[/snapback] Aye, but he could be in on it. In fact, he is in on it. So is Jimbo. Blackmail you see. 107075[/snapback] Pud's in on it. In fact I think they're Siamese triplets, put together lengthways, the fecking size of him.
  8. Abuse you say 107090[/snapback] He said DON'T BOTHER giving stupid little mincey smarmy 3 word answers like a tart, and what do you do? Naughty boy! 107093[/snapback] Working late Gem....or still thinking of answers 107096[/snapback] Answers to what? You're like an inquisitive child. What do you want to know now?
  9. Shepherd probably had him in a sweaty-pitted headlock tbh.
  10. Abuse you say 107090[/snapback] He said DON'T BOTHER giving stupid little mincey smarmy 3 word answers like a tart, and what do you do? Naughty boy!
  11. How rude 107068[/snapback]
  12. On the contrary Gem while I know I'm right it is easy to have the answers... I'm still waiting for you and the others to give factual answers to my questions BTW, especially Alex and the ones I linked him to.. 106977[/snapback] Ask me a question and I'll answer it, as I already have done for the ones you asked 106982[/snapback] Why haven't the vast majority of other big city clubs matched our ambition, and performance, over the last decade, who have the capability to do so having proved it in the past ? Namely Leeds, Everton, Man City, Spurs, Villa, Wolves, Birmingham, mackems, Southampton, Portsmouth ... Why didn't our old directors fill the ground every week, qualify for europe, buy England players including a captain, appoint top trophy winning managers to the club, qualify for europe on a regular basis, and reach 2 Cup Finals, instead of selling our best players, scouting around the lower divisions for replacements, and managers ? Why didn't they also build on the Fairs Cup win, as the ideal platform [equivalent to the more recent Keegan years] to move onwards and retain ambition to be successful ? Take your time now, I'm sure you'll find it very taxing 106991[/snapback] Ahem.
  13. What were you doing in the reception of Malmaison at lunchtime? Are yer a hooer?
  14. Gemmill


    You can buy a box to connect your own phone to it, or a special netphone, you could even get one of those wireless headsets, hands-free gimp. 106959[/snapback] Like Madonna? I could combine chatting with voguing? 106960[/snapback] I thought you didn't dance 106961[/snapback] Voguing is art. Especially when I do it. 106962[/snapback] Probably more Geri Halliwell though 106967[/snapback] Don't be taken in by the ginger talk. I'm a (strawberry) blond bombshell tbh.
  15. Dotbum's eyes are gay. That's the real problem.
  16. Now you might think you've got him cornered here lads, but expect a flurry of questions about completely different things in response. It's the message board equivalent of looking over your shoulder and shouting "LOOK OUT!" to distract your attention as he escapes.
  17. Gemmill


    You can buy a box to connect your own phone to it, or a special netphone, you could even get one of those wireless headsets, hands-free gimp. 106959[/snapback] Like Madonna? I could combine chatting with voguing? 106960[/snapback] I thought you didn't dance 106961[/snapback] Voguing is art. Especially when I do it.
  18. Gemmill


    You can buy a box to connect your own phone to it, or a special netphone, you could even get one of those wireless headsets, hands-free gimp. 106959[/snapback] Like Madonna? I could combine chatting with voguing?
  19. Gemmill


    a look i reckon you could pull off 106955[/snapback] DOCTOR DOCTOR!!!! FOX!
  20. Meths - on a drip DEBATE OVER 106953[/snapback] ...in one arm. Glucose in the other. NO HANGOVER DEBATE OVER.
  21. Gemmill


    Are you sure they're not just changing it to a supplier that hasn't raised it's tariffs quite yet? 106941[/snapback] Don't think so - assume you're referring to gas and electric? Only £100 of the savings is from gas and electric - another £100 on the phone and same on the broadband. I know I'm getting ripped off on broadband cos I'm with BT. It recommends I go with Toucan, although I'm sure these are the Indian muppets that ring me up constantly. 106944[/snapback] I was refering to the gas and leccy. I was going off something I heard from Martin Lewis on Radio 2 the other day, saying that it's probably better to stick with your current supplier until they've all raised their tariffs. Also said to definitely move away from local suppliers and British Gas for gas. For more info, check Lewis' website 106951[/snapback] I'm signed up to his email mate. His advice as of today is it's now time to switch. I've been meaning to look for a while and that's what got me looking into it.
  22. Gemmill


    Aye true, I've used Skype in the past and it's always worked fine. Do you have to sit like a gimp next to the computer though?
  23. Dan mate, I think any hopes you had of serious advice have gone. From now on it'll just be idiots speculating on what alcohol you can get away with. One last attempt: www.menshealth.com
  24. That yellow tinge to your skin makes you look exotic, as well. 106946[/snapback] All the better for muscle definition too.
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