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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I reckon he'll still be here next season like, but if anyone was in any doubt as to what's most important to him (club or country), he's confirmed it for us all this season.
  2. Don't think so mate. Re treating the paying public like kids - you can understand the policy, because unfortunately if you allow people to drink, a lot of them behave like kids.
  3. I cannot fucking stand that whispering Irish arsehole. Let us hear from Milner about how much he wants to sign for Villa, otherwise keep your whispering hole shut, twatboy.
  4. Gemmill


    You're all so mean and horrid!
  5. Gemmill


    I tried my best at the start of the thread but you saw fit only to mock.
  6. Gemmill


    Shares in Slaters Menswear take a nosedive! 107428[/snapback] It's not a PLC. 107432[/snapback] Do you not shop in PLC's then? I heard you literally march in their and squeak 'make me look like Beckham' tbh. 107434[/snapback] tbh. 107436[/snapback] My sideburns are nothing like that tbh. 107438[/snapback] I would have LOVED to have walked into whatever fruity salon you were in and spotted you with all the foils in your hair - mortified but trapped. 107441[/snapback] Presumably in that freak-like scenario you'd be coming in to have your nails done or summat. 107444[/snapback] Did they do nails in there too like? You should have said - in that case I now picture you with the foils in your hair, and your feet up on some little stool with those toe separator things in them.
  7. Gemmill


    Shares in Slaters Menswear take a nosedive! 107428[/snapback] It's not a PLC. 107432[/snapback] Do you not shop in PLC's then? I heard you literally march in their and squeak 'make me look like Beckham' tbh. 107434[/snapback] tbh. 107436[/snapback] My sideburns are nothing like that tbh. 107438[/snapback] I would have LOVED to have walked into whatever fruity salon you were in and spotted you with all the foils in your hair - mortified but trapped.
  8. I think Taylor is definitely overrated, but I don't think it necessarily follows that Ramage is underrated.
  9. Gemmill


    Shares in Slaters Menswear take a nosedive! 107428[/snapback] It's not a PLC. 107432[/snapback] Do you not shop in PLC's then? I heard you literally march in their and squeak 'make me look like Beckham' tbh. 107434[/snapback] tbh.
  10. Gemmill


    Shares in Slaters Menswear take a nosedive! 107428[/snapback] It's not a PLC.
  11. Aye, so the failures say. Passed first time myself but then I'm an ACE driver. I would rebook the test asap if I were you though, sounds like you're good enough to pass no problems and leaving it won't help your confidence. Get straight back in the saddle as they say. 107403[/snapback] I was trying to big up his confidence. To be honest, you do more learning of actual roadcraft after you've passed your test. My brother took about 8 or 9 tests and he does about 60000 miles a year now, no accidents, clean licence. 107411[/snapback] No, I agree. Passing first time or not means little. I passed mine first time but never had the confidence to drive on my own until I absolutely had to (there was a period of maybe 4 years when I hardly drove at all). Now I drive fairly frequently, sometimes quite long distances, never had a scratch. It's all about practice/experience. Mind I still hate driving in rush hour. 107415[/snapback] Me too. I get wound up by the number of RETARDS on the roads. Something tells me you're probably the same yourself. 107421[/snapback] Correct. If I ever do have a crash it will be because of some moron, probably one from Sunderland driving an Echo van. I will be completely innocent, that's for sure. 107427[/snapback] Aye that little shite is still denying liability as well. I have had one crash which was my own fault like, where I drove into the back of some woman. She was partly to blame though because she'd stopped to let some people cross a zebra crossing - I mean WHAT WAS SHE PLAYING AT???
  12. Gemmill


    Go to Slaters mate. They've got some shit in there, but they've also got decent stuff. I've bought designer stuff in the past, but if you're wearing it for work they're not designed for that sort of frequent wear - and they don't last. I got a couple of suits from Slaters earlier on in the year and they're pretty nice.
  13. Aye, so the failures say. Passed first time myself but then I'm an ACE driver. I would rebook the test asap if I were you though, sounds like you're good enough to pass no problems and leaving it won't help your confidence. Get straight back in the saddle as they say. 107403[/snapback] I was trying to big up his confidence. To be honest, you do more learning of actual roadcraft after you've passed your test. My brother took about 8 or 9 tests and he does about 60000 miles a year now, no accidents, clean licence. 107411[/snapback] No, I agree. Passing first time or not means little. I passed mine first time but never had the confidence to drive on my own until I absolutely had to (there was a period of maybe 4 years when I hardly drove at all). Now I drive fairly frequently, sometimes quite long distances, never had a scratch. It's all about practice/experience. Mind I still hate driving in rush hour. 107415[/snapback] Me too. I get wound up by the number of RETARDS on the roads. Something tells me you're probably the same yourself.
  14. Aye the bowls was on telly first thing this morning. Wales v Northern Ireland. Edge of the seat stuff.
  15. Aye, I was wondering the same thing about the Boro fans tbh. Don't know what happened with this incident obviously and they may well be completely innocent, but they do have a reputation for having some proper idiots that follow them.
  16. You can tell the competition is a bit thin on the ground when the Scottish start picking up medals for swimming tbh.
  17. Good luck with the job. Is that the first time you've done your test? I failed first time like - it's the done thing.
  18. Well if it's true, I would hope that this means that there is a new manager behind the scenes telling them who he wants, and that this isn't the result of another of Shepherd's own personal scouting trips.
  19. He doesn't have time for your fancy dan lecturing tbh. What does this fancy dan lecture in, anyway; Cowboy Studies? 107263[/snapback] He "just thinks it's stupid." Is that the whole concept of averages Leazes, or just the ones that fuck your arguments RIGHT up? 107265[/snapback] Oh God gemma stop being such a prat FWIW..I stand by my "arguments" which will in time be proved right. We will be very very fortunate if someone comes along and does better for this club than Shepherd and the Halls. I notice you still don't say who you have in mind 107268[/snapback] I just think suggesting replacements is stupid.
  20. He doesn't have time for your fancy dan lecturing tbh. What does this fancy dan lecture in, anyway; Cowboy Studies? 107263[/snapback] He "just thinks it's stupid." Is that the whole concept of averages Leazes, or just the ones that fuck your arguments RIGHT up?
  21. I do. 107210[/snapback] bollox that gol....in 1997 we were 2nd, in 1998 we were 13th.....so we were 7th or 8th... right ? 107214[/snapback] Ahh, so you can pick and choose which years you look at then? 107238[/snapback] No. You get highs and lows, so I can't see the relevance of an average. Its negating a success and boosting a sub standard or failure season. Precisely whats being done in fact .... 107251[/snapback] Errr, no it's an average. Now who's having problems with his maths??
  22. Oh aye, "welcome pack", prepare for some ginger bum love, Renton. 107254[/snapback] Renton is never anything but FULLY prepared for ginger bum love.
  23. Well I've taken the piss out of Renton as much as HTL in this one, so NER! 107245[/snapback] Am I part of the clique now then? 107250[/snapback] Sounds like it! I'll send out a welcome pack.
  24. Well I've taken the piss out of Renton as much as HTL in this one, so NER!
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